Footpath repairs start on Foxwood Lane on 26th February

Some parking restrictions  expected

The City of York Council will start work week commencing 26th February 2018 to reconstruct the footway shown on the plan below.  This scheme is programmed to take 2 weeks, weather permitting.

The work consists of excavating the current tarmac surfacing, laying two new layers of tarmac and reconstructing tactile crossing points where required.  Parking will be suspended during working hours.

Good progress as hedges cut and potholes filled

The Council has finally got round to removing the self seeded bushes which blocked sight lines from the bus shelter on Askham Lane. The bushes had grown to the point where the footpath was being impeded in summer. Now the original hedge around the field should be able to reassert itself.



Following work by Cllrs Sheena Jackson (pictured) and Andrew Waller several potholes on Foxwood Lane were filled in by workmen this morning.

Sheena with the potholes that she reported

Workmen filling in potholes today

Latest planning application for the Westfield Ward

Below is the latest planning application received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


                Acomb Working Mens Club 12 Front Street York YO24 3BZ

Proposal              Prune Horse Chestnut tree back from roof protected by Tree Preservation Order.:6

Reference           18/00063/TPO


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Bus route diversions in York

Many services affected including number 4

Disruption to all traffic, including bus services, is expected during various works in January-March 2018.

Temporary lights will be in place at the Piccadilly/Pavement junction for 4 weeks from Mon 8th Jan during utility works.Monks Cross Park & Ride will move from its temporary stop at Pavement to another temporary stop on Stonebow (beyond the mini-roundbout) during this time.

Work to upgrade all traffic signals and pedestrian crossings at Lendal Arch Gyratory is likely to cause delays to all services from Mon 22nd January for up to 9 weeks. During this time, the following bus diversions will be in place:

  • Services 3 (Askham Bar P&R), 4 and 59 (Poppleton Bar P&R) heading towards York will divert via Nunnery Lane. Passengers for York Rail Station should alight at Blossom Street. All usual pick-up stops in the city centre will be served.
  • Services 45, 46, 196 and 747 will terminate and start at Piccadilly (45/46) or Merchantgate (196/747). Station Rd, Rougier St, Micklegate and Low Ousegate will not be served – please also see diversions for 29th Jan-9th Feb below.
  • Service 9 (Monks Cross P&R) will terminate and start at Clifford Street TG. Rougier Street and Micklegate will not be served.
  • Service 66 heading towards the University will pick up at Rougier Street CA and Rail Station RG (opposite side of the road from usual) then divert via Nunnery Lane and Skeldergate Bridge. Buses will pick up from Merchantgate PC as usual.
  • Service 181 will terminate and start at Stonebow. Station Ave, Rougier St, Micklegate and Low Ousegate will not be served.
  • Cityzap will terminate and start at York Rail Station. Rougier St, Micklegate, Low Ousegate and Stonebow will not be served.

Piccadilly will be closed to all southbound traffic from Monday 29 Jan for 2 weeks during utility works. During this time, the following bus diversions will be in place:

  • Service 8 (Grimston Bar P&R) will divert via Lawrence St, Walmgate and St Denys’ Rd, terminating at Piccadilly PD (outside former Banana Warehouse). Buses to Grimston Bar will depart from Piccadilly PD instead of PB. James Street and Morrison’s will not be served.
  • Services 10, X46 and X47 towards Stamford Bridge/Hull will divert via Clifford Street TG. Piccadilly PA and Walmgate will not be served. Buses towards Poppleton and York Station will follow their normal route.
  • Service 16 and X36 will take a different route between Micklegate and Piccadilly, but will continue to pick up passengers from all the usual stops.
  • Service 24, 25, 26 will stop at Clifford Street TG instead of Piccadilly PA. Buses towards Derwenthorpe, Acomb and South Bank will use their usual stops at Piccadilly PE/PF.
  • Services 45 and 46 will terminate at Piccadilly PF and start at Clifford St TG. Station Road, Rougier Street, Micklegate, Low Ousegate, Piccadilly PA and Walmgate (outbound) will not be served.

Highway improvement works on the A19 at Germany Beck and Crockey Hill will also take place between January and March. The exit of Wheldrake Lane onto the A19 will be closed until Sunday 28th January. Services 18 and 36 heading towards York will divert via Escrick. School buses will not need to divert.

Please allow extra time for your journeys during this period.

Stonebow stops SA, SB and SC are closed until early 2018 due to major refurbishment works at Stonebow House.

  • All services will use the temporary stops at the Peasholme Green end of Stonebow, between the junctions with Garden Place and Hungate.

For more information on bus route diversions and cancellations, please see:

  • Our York Travel twitter feed, which appears on this page;
  •, which shows a map of current roadworks;
  • Real-time bus information screens at city centre stops (and other key locations);
  • Posters at bus stops and on buses;
  • Bus company websites and Twitter feeds (see below);
Bus company Web Twitter
Arriva Service Updates @arrivayorkshire
ConnexionsBuses News @connexionsbuses
East Yorkshire Motor Services Service Information @EYBuses
First News and service updates @FirstYork
Reliance Reliance Live @reliancebus
Transdev Latest News @yorkbus
Stephenson’s of Easingwold Latest News @stephensonbus

Plans for Centre of Excellence for Disabled Children revealed.

Ascot Way proposals generally welcomed

The plans to establish a new centre for disabled children on the former Windsor House site on Ascot Way were generally welcomed at a public meeting held on Monday. The plans will now be discussed at a Council Executive meeting next week

The Council says that the new building will be the setting for a range of support services which will enable disabled children to remain in their families and in their community, delivered from a safe, accessible space

  • Flexible short break provision to meet the needs of children and young people with Autism, Learning Disabilities and/or additional health needs.
  • Family Intervention Rapid Support Team (FIRST) and Therapeutic Short Breaks a specialist Clinical Psychology led intensive assessment and intervention service for families with children and young people who have Autism and Learning Disability and challenging behaviour which affects their ability to live in the local community

The facility will be linked to Hob Moor Oaks special school. Disabled children will be able to walk to the new provision after school, instead of being transported across the city on minibuses. Part of the playing field of the school will be used for the project.

The buildig will replace the facilities currently provided at The Glen.

The scheme is imaginative and worthy of support. However, the proposal to retain the front entrance (and therefore vehicular access) via Ascot Way is controversial. There are already congestion and parking problems in the area. An access, with car parking,  via Hob Moor school would address this issue, while offering the opportunity to provide better accessibility for Lincoln Court.

The detailed plans also suggest that an outdoor play area be provided adjacent to Lincoln Court. While many older people like to feel involved in the local community, inevitably playgrounds can be noisy places. We think that the location of this part of the facility should be reconsidered.

Residents will hope that any building work on the project will not take place at the same time as the threatened development of the Newbury Avenue garage site.

Illustrations of what is proposed are reproduced below

Good work by York Council as Hob Moor access restored

Anyone for a shower?

There are still too many blocked drainage gullies in parts of York. This mornings rain demonstrated the scale of the problem with flooding at the bottom of Hamilton Drive East a particular hazard. There were similar if less spectacular problems on Nigel Grove and Foxwood Lane. All have been reported for attention