Another Council garage forecourt area resurfaced.

Following on from last weeks news that the forecourt of the Council garage area in little Green Lane had been resurfaced, we were pleased to see that the block in Marston Avenue has also been refurbished. Both forecourts were reported as being in need of attention at a meeting which took place last September.

As well as resurfacing, the Council were asked to repair boundary fences and cut back overgrown vegetation.

Both areas now look much Improved.

NB The notices on the garage doors are from someone who has lost a cat (left)

Modern bus on number 4 route today

Most modern looking bus in York since underrated ftr scraped.

A modern double deck bus is being used in the City at the moment. It replaces some hybrid models which have been sent to Ireland for modification.

It was operating on the number 4 route earlier today.

The new bus is understood to be a Wright Streetdeck. It has stop/start technology to reduce carbon emissions.

It achieves Euro 6 emissions standards.

All aboard the new Routemaster - it's big, red and made in Britain

Controversial New Routemaster bus in London. Hybrid technology but now overtaken by “all electric” vehicles. Problems with high temperatures on the top deck and now doors stay closed on “jump on fall off” rear platform

The latest Streetdeck model uses some of the technology which was deployed on the London Transport “New Routemaster” a couple of years ago.

Wrights says that  “The ride characteristics of the new StreetDeck are excellent thanks to advanced axle and suspension systems.”

“An improved airflow throughout both salons has been achieved, along with reduced solar gain in the upper saloon. Whilst improvements in areas such as cab door lock design, wireless bell pushes and revised hand pole fixings illustrate the attention to detail that has characterised the whole product development programme”.


Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below is the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


                24 Burgess Walk York YO24 3LP

Erection of single storey extension extending 4 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house and a total height of 2.6 metres

Ref. No: 18/00185/LHE 


8 Maplewood Paddock York YO24 3LB

Two storey side and single storey rear extensions

Ref. No: 18/00162/FUL 


51 Askham Lane York YO24 3HB

Two storey side extension

Ref. No: 18/00157/FUL 


7 Cranfield Place York YO24 3HY

Erection of detached log cabin to rear to be used for photography business.

Ref. No: 17/02667/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

The axe man cometh

The Council has now appointed a contractor who will lop trees in the Council owned section of Acomb Wood (to the rear of Osprey Close/Hawkshead Close/Pheasant Way).
Residents met with Councillors and officials late last year and tagged the (mainly self seeded) saplings which needed to be removed.
The work should benefit the remaining trees and reduce problems with overhanging branches.
The contractor hopes to start work during the fortnight commencing 8th March. The work should take about 6 days to complete, subject to weather conditions. The timetable avoids the bird nesting season.

Elsewhere, on little Green Lane, the same contractor will lop dead branches from trees. Residents met with Councillors at a site meeting in September and discussed what work needed to be done to the trees.

The work should benefit the trees and should also reduce problems with overhanging branches. The work should take about a week to complete, subject to weather conditions.



Lincoln Court modernisation – decision on 15th March

Lincoln Court

We have reported previously that the decision to demolish Windsor House in Ascot Way would have a knock on effect on the adjacent Lincoln Court sheltered accommodation.  The heating boiler for both buildings is located within Windsor House.

It became clear last week that the council had allocated £60,000 in its budget to replace all the windows at Lincoln Court. A much needed improvement.

Now we understand that another report is to be presented to the Councils Executive committee on 15th March. The report will talk about remodelling the communal areas in the building and modernising/remodeling the apartments.

If approved, the new building would be dubbed “Sheltered Housing Plus”.

The Council says that  the users of the current community facilities will also be engaged in shaping the re-design and the development of the new facilities and services. The work would be undertaken as part of the Council’s “Older peoples programme”. This project has a poor reputation in the Westfield area officials having run roughshod over the views of those local residents who wanted to conserve the Lowfields playing fields.

The programme officials also threatening to fence off the open space on Chesney’s Field, causing more anger from locals.

The older persons programme is massively in delay with new elderly care facilities, promised for 2014, still not off the ground.

Hopefully any consultation will be more meaningful on this occasion.