Cycle path still blocked/Future of MUGA

Despite promises by Highways Yorkshire, the cycle path on the A64 slip road next to Pike Hills golf course remains obstructed, The overgrowth problem was reported in June. Shortly afterwards Highways Yorkshire (who are responsible for the path up to the junction with the A1036) tweeted to say that the whole path would be routinely freed of obstructions during July.

That has proved not to be the case.

Now the issue is set to be escalated to the local MP but this really shouldn’t be necessary. A team could clear the hazardous overgrowth (thorn branches) in just a couple of hours.

We hope that the issue is not left to volunteers to tackle. If the government is serious about encouraging sustainable transport – the the very least they should do is maintain existing paths in a useable condition.

UPDATE: Highways Yorkshire have tweeted to say that the path “is due to be cleared in the very near future”

We’ve also reported overgrowth near the cemetery and at the Tesco roundabout (York Council responsibility)

MUGA Mugged

Separately we have queried with Councillors representing the Westfield ward what the future of the former Multi User Games Area (MUGA) site off Kingsway West is. It was used as a building compound for a couple of years but was subsequently abandoned.

The expectation was the the area would be leveled and grassed over. At present it is a weed infested eyesore.

The Council mowers studiously avoid cutting the area. They stick religiously to a route outside the line of the MUGA fence (which was removed last year).

If the area isn’t to be maintained as grassland then there is scope for more tree and wildflower planting. Neglect shouldn’t be an option.

Sadly there is still no news of the promised replacement games area. An all-weather surface, to replace what was lost, was due to be provided at the Thanet Road Sports Area, but progress has been glacial.

Former MUGA site off Kingsway West

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


70 Huntsmans Walk York YO24 3LA

Single storey side and rear extension following demolition of garage – retrospective

Reference   21/01681/FUL

Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Green bin hokey cokey

The Council is now advising residents in the Foxwood area to take back in green bins that weren’t emptied on 13th July.

Previously their web site had said leave them out so that the gangs could do a “catch up”.

We would expect that residents will understand the double pressures faced by the Council as a result of staff vacancies and the “coronavirus pindemic” which must make maintaining public service standards difficult.

However the Council needs to improve its communications. Few customers are likely to browse its bin collection web site on a regular basis (Click below for link)

Waste collection updates – City of York Council

The next scheduled collections, from affected streets, are next Tuesday (27th)

May be an image of text
New Council advice

Music-making kit seized to silence noise nuisance in Thoresby Road area

Equipment used to play overly loud music day and night has been seized following complaints, repeated warnings and formal notices to the owners.

Complaints about two separate households in two blocks of apartments in the Westfield Ward included the volume and frequency of music. People found their sleep was being affected by the noise, and working from home was made more difficult.

Officers remove seized equipment
Officers remove seized equipment

Following advice, warnings and formal notices being issued to the people playing the music, City of York Council applied for warrants from York Magistrates Court. Visiting the flats last week, officers from City of York Council and North Yorkshire Police seized stereos, speakers, TVs and other items ahead of ASB Awareness Week (19-23July).

Working with the victims, council officers gathered evidence of the nuisance they suffered. Officers were told that the noise was so loud they were disturbed night and day unable to work from home during the pandemic, or watch TV in the evening or even sleep in their beds at night.

Noise recording equipment installed over five days provided evidence of nine incidents of serious noise nuisance going on for hours at a time, with the perpetrator listening to TV music channels at full blast.    

Action taken

We’ve reported several issues in the Westfield area.

These include;

  • A black bag dumped at the entrance to Chesneys Field (which is insecure and being user by Travellers to access their camp site)
  • Broken glass on the Gale Lane footpath
  • Litter under the Chesneys Field play equipment
  • The council bus shelters on Foxwood Lane (which are filthy)
  • A full litter bin on Cornlands Road
  • Weed growth on the public footpath at the junction of Cornlands Road and Askham Lane

Really about time the York Council told residents more about its bin emptying problems.

Below is the latest update on waste collection taken from the Councils web site. Waste collection updates – City of York Council

Some green bins have been out on the streets for emptying for a full week in the Foxwood area. They were supposed to be emptied during a “catch up” last Thursday but nothing happened.

It seems that even local Councillors don’t know what is going to happen and when.

While residents will understand if an absence of HGV drivers, or crews being “pinged” by the NHS app, is to blame, they deserve to be told what to do with their bins.

Currently it is the equivalent of a green bin “hokey cokey”.

The Council spends a lot of money on its communications team.

In this case communication systems simply aren’t working.