Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


70 Huntsmans Walk York YO24 3LA

Single storey side and rear extension following demolition of garage – retrospective

Reference   21/01681/FUL

Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Road repairs backlog building in York

Residents will have a lot of sympathy with local highways inspectors who have the unenviable task of allocation very limited resources to road repairs. Poor weather has increased the number of potholes appearing over recent weeks. The poor state of highway surfaces is a reflection of inadequate investment in maintenance by the York Council for nearly a decade.

An additional pothole filling team is promised to be in place from April. Their arrival can’t come soon enough, at least in west York.

The Councils on line “report it” system now monitors highway defect reports. It is possible to see which reports have been read by officials. Several, reported over the last month, are recorded as “solved”. In reality the problems remain. The potholes have simply been judged not to be deep enough to warrant filling.

That is potentially bad news for cyclists.

Councillors receive very little in the way of monthly performance reports on highways activities, so its impossible to know whether the condition of roads and footpaths is getting worse or improving. The number of reports and complaints received is not routinely published.

Complaints about damage to verges, like parking on footpaths, go largely unmonitored. In summer it is a similar situation with highway obstructions like over grown hedges and weeds.

We hope for better in the future.

Askham Lane carriageway, near A1237 roundabout, will not be repaired
We’ve asked for detritus to be swept from the gutters in Otterwood Lane
The thorn hedge on the snicket to the rear on St Josephs Court (Cornlands Road) needs to be cut back before it becomes a hazard for pedestrians
The Acomb car park recycling area is tidier than it has been on some occasions in the past. Someone is still fly tipping in the area though.

Appeal following burglary in Huntsmans Walk

North Yorkshire Police is appealing for witnesses and information about a burglary that occurred in Acomb, York.

It happened at Huntsmans Walk between 1pm and 3.30pm on Thursday 2 January 2020. Items of jewellery were stolen.

We are requesting the public’s assistance to help establish the full circumstances surrounding the incident.

In particular, we are appealing for information about any witnesses that were in the area or anyone who has CCTV in the local area.

Anyone with information that could assist the investigation should contact North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2, and ask for PC 41 David Ellison You can also email

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12200001011.Contact details:Dave Ellison – #0041 | 30041Incident reference:12200001011

York potholes being filled in

DSCF3194 York-20131223-01260

The Councils pothole team are currently operating in the Westfield area.

We hope that they will fill in the many potholes that have developed over the last couple of years.

It is important that residents continue to report issues as they arise.

A damaged road surface is more vulnerable to frost damage and would cost much more to resurface in the long term

The work forms part of a £300,000 pothole programme funded by the Coalition government.

It is separate from the resurfacing programme which takes longer to complete each year. This is the programme which was drastically cut by Labour when  they took office.

The resurfacing programme has so far reached Huntsman’s Walk where the footpaths have now been repaired.

Huntsman’s Walk resurfacing starts on 4th August

Petition prompts Council action

Work on resurfacing the footpaths at the low numbered end of Huntsmans Walk commences on  4th August.

Petition collected last year

Petition collected last year

The work is expected to last for about 5 weeks

The work consists of excavating the current tarmac surfacing, re-grading the stone foundation and relaying a new layer of tarmac.  Selected road kerbs are to be replaced.

The Council are offering a discounted cost for the extension, or provision, of a new vehicle crossing if it can be constructed as part of the scheme.  Anyone wishing to take advantage of this offer should contact 01904 553130

The resurfacing priority for this street was increased following the collection of a petition,  on behalf of residents, by Andrew Waller.

Details of the area to eb resurfaced can be viewed here.