Although surface water flooding is usually associated with winter conditions, issues can arise at this time of year.
We are likely to experience intense rainfall over the next few days.
This means that any blocked drainage channels and gullies will be tested. Residents would be wise to check any public gutters near their properties and report any blockages.
Lots of people out and about today tidying up their gardens. Hopefully some of the overgrown trees, hedges and weeds obstructing footpaths will be getting attention.
NB. Local residents asked for this kiosk to be removed a few months ago. At that time BT declined to act but they now seem to have had a change of heart.
Telephone Box At Junction With Hamilton
Drive West Green Lane Acomb York
Removal of public payphone (outside 58
Green Lane near the roundabout)
Erection of single storey extension
extending 4.05 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height
to the eaves of 2.54 metres and a total height of 2.77 metres.