Check those drains!

Although surface water flooding is usually associated with winter conditions, issues can arise at this time of year.

We are likely to experience intense rainfall over the next few days.

This means that any blocked drainage channels and gullies will be tested. Residents would be wise to check any public gutters near their properties and report any blockages.

The gully near the Foxwood shops has been blocked for several months. It has got gradually worse as weeds have gone untreated and detritus has accumulated. We have asked for prompt attention.

Blocked gulley – Report it

Ponding on Foxwood Hill reported thsi wekend by Cllr Sheena Jackson

Ponding on Foxwood Hill reported this weekend by Cllr Sheena Jackson

There have been some complaints about blocked drainage gullies over the last few days. Heavy rain has highlighted several issues.

While some blocked drains are historical and will need a lot of time and money to remedy (some have had concrete or heavy oil poured into them), others simply need a visit from the cleaner.

York Council cleansing performance

York Council cleansing performance

In many wards Councillors routinely inspect gullies for evidence of blockages but it really needs all residents to keep an eye on those nearest their homes.

Blocked drains can be reported for attention using

The then Labour controlled Council in 2013 decided to reduce the frequency of  gulley cleaning. Click here for details

Time to report blocked gullies in York – new salt bins arrive just as snow is forecast

As well as the flooding the ongoing rainfall has revealed a number of drainage issues on local highways.  With the first snow of winter now forecast, it is important to get local drainage systems working efficiently as quickly as possible.

As well as arranging special gully cleans, the York Council does have a small budget available to “dig out” drains which are permanently blocked.

It is important to record issues with the York Council using “on line” services such as “Fix My Street“. Dozens of issues have been reported using this service over the last 6 months. Their web site shows which issues have been dealt with and which are outstanding

Blocked gulley on Bellhouse Way reported to Council
Blocked gulley on Bellhouse Way reported to Council
A replacement for the salt bin (removed by the Labour Council 3 years ago) has now been installed in St Stephens Mews courtesy of the Westfield Ward committee
A replacement for the salt bin (removed by the Labour Council 3 years ago) has now been installed in St Stephens Mews courtesy of the Westfield Ward committee

Gulley cleaning halved by York Council

Grange Lane - layby close to School Entrance gulley almost blocked with leavesThe Council has confirmed that it has reduced by nearly half the number of times that drainage gulleys are cleaned in the City.

There were approximately 20664 cleans last year compared to 38000 when the LibDems were in control of the Council.

The cuts are blamed by residents for increasing problems with ponding and flooding in some local streets.