Resurfacing and white lining work on part of Gale Lane has now been completed
Building work at the disabled centre on Ascot Way has now been completed. Staff have occupied the building and adjacent facilities like the bus shelter and the public notice board (although damaged) are now accessible again
Local Councillors are claiming credit for a programme which has seen some of the pieces of play equipment in the Foxwood Lane playground painted. Some new “busy bee” rides have also been installed.
This is welcome news.
However there is still work needed on the surface of the park.
The entrance to the kiddies area is subject to ponding and is virtually inaccessible after rain. All that is needed is some hard core putting down.
Nearby the safety surface under one of the swings, aimed at older children, is badly worn and is also subject to flooding.
We hope that both of these issues can be remedied quickly
Work on resurfacing part of Cornlands Road was delayed yesterday because of weather conditions. More rain is forecast for tomorrow (Thursday)
Cornlands Road
The resurfacing contractors are expected to move on to Gale Lane next week
Gale Lane
It is disappointing to see that repairs to the verge at the junction of Kingsway West and Newbury Avenue have not been completed. The damage was caused by large delivery lorries trying to access the (now completed) bungalow building site. We expected the reinstatement to be completed before the bungalows were occupied.
Kingsway West damaged verge
Elsewhere, electrical cable works on Dijon Avenue are taking a long time to complete. This means more nuisance and inconvenience for residents living in the area who also have to put up with the mud generated by vehicles accessing the Lowfield development site.
Work on two house building sites in the Westfield area is continuing despite the problems with COVID and, more recently, wet weather.
On Gale Lane the much delayed redevelopment of a site opposite the end of Cornlands Road is now underway. The site had been the subject of several different planning applicationsover the years.
61A Gale Lane
Elsewhere a further infill development is underway on Green Lane
Green Lane
The Green Lane site is close to the location of the bungalows which are due to be built on the Lowfields Site
Work on building bungalows on the Lowfields site has started.The site reserved for “Yorspace” communal housing remains unoccupied.
Contractors working on the refurbished Lincoln Court development on Ascot Way, have dumped a public noticeboard on the nearby verge. It is now unusable.
The board had been upended last year when building work started and, for a while, it was fastened to the perimeter security fencing.
There was adequate room available to position the noticeboard well away from the work area, but this never happened
It’s very disappointing to see this example of poor contract management and civic vandalism.
Meanwhile work on the Lincoln Court building itself is complete and furniture has been delivered.
Lincoln Court work complete and awaiting tenants
Work on the adjacent centre for the disabled is still underway. It now seems unlikely that the target completion date of October will be achieved.
An article in The Guardian has highlighted some of the new housing schemes being progressed by the York Council. It praises new Passivhaus low-energy standard designs. Plans for low energy estates on the Duncombe Barracks and Burnholme sites are being discussed today by the Councils executive.
Unfortunately both the article, and today’s Council report, fail to recognise the downsides of this type of building programme.
Two years into the controversial development of the Lowfields site, fewer than half the homes being built in the first phase have been reserved. Not entirely surprising you might say, with an average size 3 bed semi priced at nearly £300,000. Sure, you can expect lower energy consumption bills but what good is that if you can’t afford a mortgage?
Being told that a communal “cargo bike” is available for hire is unlikely to provide much solace
Communications by the Council’s own “Shape” development company with neighbours are poor and promised regular bulletins have not materialised.
Lowfield building site slow progress
All six of the “self build” plots on the site have been allocated but we seem to be no closer to seeing the “Yorspace” communal housing group complete the purchase their allocated site. That process has dragged on for nearly 2 years now. Surely the time has come to use this plot for other purposes – most obviously to extend the space available for self-build units?
There is an element of urgency.
Neighbours were promised that the site would be fully developed within 3 years. The inevitable disruption, noise, dust and mud associated with building works would then come to an end and community cohesion could begin to re-establish itself.
The Council claimed that the neighbourhood in general would benefit from a new “health centre”. A police station was mentioned. A new playground would form part of a new “village green”. A care home would provide a boost for older people.
None of these seem likely to happen in the foreseeable future. None are mentioned in the Councils progress report, which limits itself to reporting on progress on Bishopthorpe FC’s expensive pavilion which is in part funded from sales at Lowfields. (The pavilion and football pitches are almost complete but the promised improvement work on the adjacent cycle track has not started)
Football club pavillion
The Council’s housing department is leaderless and lacking in direction. Like much of the rest of the authority, responsible Councillors seem to be focussed on the next “photo op”.
The hard work involved in forcing up public service standards seems to be of no interest to them.
If it was, then they would ensure that unused council houses – some of which have been empty for months and, in some cases, years – are brought back into use quickly.
But then “Council House Let” is unlikely to be a headline that you will see in The Guardian.
Recycling collections have become less reliable recently. The drop in public service quality reflects a similar drop in reliability seen last year.
Part of the problem can be traced to a lack of urgency shown by the Council in ordering replacements for an aging, worn out, fleet. Although new trucks have now been ordered there is an inevitable delay before they actually arrive in the City.
Recycling collections have been delayed on each of the last 5 days. Today Foxwood, Woodthorpe, Copmanthorpe and parts of Askham Bryan were affected.