Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.
Full details can be found by clicking the application reference
Newbury Avenue garage block which could be demolished before alternative car parking spaces are provided.
Garage Court Site At Newbury Avenue York
Variation of condition 16 of permitted application 18/00410/GRG3 to alter date of providing 4 public parking spaces to prior to commencement of the superstructure of the bungalows. (NB. This involves demolishing the garages before alternative off street parking spaces are provided)
Ref. No: 18/02441/GRG3
Although this application has only just been submitted it is being “fast tracked” and will be determined at a planning sub committee meeting taking place on Thursday 6th December. The officer recommendation is that authority be delegated to approve the application. To ensure that their representations are considered by Councillors, residents should email any comments to asap (Quote ref: 18/02441/GRG3 ).
The planning committee meeting will start at 4.30 pm at West Offices, Station Rise, York.
Residents may attend the meeting and make representations on the officer recommendations (which are to approve the application). Residents may suggest additional conditions which should be attached to any approval. Alternatively, concerns can be emailed to the meeting clerk marked for the attention of the Councillors who will be making the decisions.
You have the right to speak at the meeting on 6th December. If you wish to speak, you must register this by telephoning (01904) 551088, and asking for or a Democracy Officer before 5:00pm on Wednesday 5th December.
Please let him/her know if you would like a copy of the Committee report.
Further details are available of the Councils web site
71 Green Lane Acomb York YO24 3DJ
Display of 1no. externally illuminated business signboard
Ref. No: 18/02637/ADV
3 Otterwood Bank York YO24 3JS
Single storey side and rear extension
Ref. No: 18/02339/FUL
71 Bellhouse Way York YO24 3LL
Conservatory to rear
Ref. No: 18/02337/FUL
Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.
The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received