Appeal following robbery in Front Street
The incident happened in Farm Foods on Front Street when a man entered the store, stood in line at the till before producing a knife and grabbing an amount of cash from the till.
As he tried to leave the store he was tackled to the ground by a customer before running out of the store. He climbed on his bike and cycled at speed past Domino’s Pizza.
The customer received a hand injury in the tackle.
The offender is described as a White man, aged 30 to 35 years-old amd stocky build. He was wearing a knee length jacket covering over his face.
Anyone who witnessed the incident or has any information that could assist the investigation is asked to contact North Yorkshire Police on 101. Press option 1 and pass information to the Force Control Room.
Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Please quote reference number 12180014807 when passing on information about the incident.
Police message – Theft from vehicle on Vesper Drive
There have been items stolen from an unattended vehicle on Vesper Drive between 17:30 on the 22nd of December 2018 and 10:00 on the 23rd of December 2018.
If you have any information in relation to this incident please phone 101 and quote NYP-23122018-0142.
When leaving your vehicle we urge residents to remove any valuables from your vehicle and ensure that all doors are locked and windows are closed.
Foxwood Residents announce Christmas house lights winners
Give them a break!
Many public service workers will be on duty over the festive period. Inevitably the services of the Police, Council workers and health professionals will be required by some members of society.
However we can all help to reduce the pressures on public services with a little forethought and consideration
Work starts on edging park footpaths – more on Lincoln Court
How is your neighbourhood?
Council releases updated “ward profile” information
The York Council has updated the “Ward Profile” pages on its open data web site. Residents can view a range of statistics about the area in which they live. Click here
A summary of the information is also provided at City level.
The figures compare local public service standards and residents’ views with the City averages (Westfield figures are shown in brackets in the summary below.
- York has 208,163 residents (14,171) with 5.7% (3.1%) from a black and minority ethnic community group. 83.9% (78.9%) are in good health, with 15.3% (18.8%) stating that they have some limitation in day to day activities.
- £637.58 (£594.62) was the Average Weekly Household Income in 2015/2016 (£629.00 [£580.00] in 2013/2014).
- 66% (57%) own their own home, either outright or with a mortgage, 18% (9%) are private renters and 14% (32%) are social tenants. There are 7,614 Council Houses in York.
Westfield continues to be the “poorest” ward in the City although average incomes are now steadily rising. It is consistently in the “worst” 5 wards when judged on a range of indicators including the economy, poverty, health & Wellbeing, crime, schools, transport and residents engagement.
However more people living in the ward agree that they can influence decisions in their local area than the city average.
The area also scores well on the availability of “superfast broadband”, travel times to secondary schools and business starts ups while most social care stats are positive.
The numbers unemployed have also fallen dramatically over the last 2 years.
Perhaps the biggest underlying problem is health, with 35% of children judged to be overweight. The area also has the largest proportion of overweight adults. Life expectancy is below average for both male and females. These figures will add to criticism of the York Councils decision to reduce the amount of open and sports space available in the ward.
Satisfaction with the Council as land lord is declining according to tenants’ views. Lack of car parking dog fouling and drug use are cited as significant issues in some areas.
All in all, the figures make interesting reading although the major impression is that things have improved over the last year or two.
Front Street planning application turned down
The Council have turned down a planning application which would have seen a disused garage replaced with a small home on an alley off Front Street in Acomb.
The site was located behind 43A Front Street.
The application was criticised because of poor access arrangements.
The decision notice quotes conservation reasons for the refusal.
The report can be viewed by clicking here
Report those potholes
Residents are urged to report any dangerous potholes on their local road or footpath before the bad weather sets in.
Potholes invariably get bigger in icy conditions.
Reports can be made “on line” 24/7 using the “report it” web site click
Newbury Avenue
The Council have appointed Transcore Ltd to build the 5 new bungalows scheduled to be constructed on the site of the Newbury Avenue garages.
The value of the contract is £731,505.90. It is understood that separate contracts are being awarded for other work such as the demolition of the existing garages.
The works are currently held up following an administrative mistake which meant that movement of telecoms equipment, which needed to be moved before alternative parking provision could be made, wasn’t ordered soon enough.
The Council contract for the bungalows gives a target completion date of 3rd September 2019.
We understand that when demolition contractors removed the garage doors at Newbury Avenue they found a stolen car in one unit.
Separately, the Council have been served with a Freedom of Information request which seeks to explore why some Council garages have been left unused despite there being a waiting list of potential renters.