Bus shelter engulfed by nettles and branches

Overgrown bus shelter smallA bus shelter on Askham Lane has been engulfed by weeds. Branches from a “self seeded” bush totally obscure the view from the shelter which is well used in inclement weather. Ponding on the adjacent highway has been a problem for some years.

Nettles also pose a risk for young children.

It is a repeat of a problem which happened in 2014. Residents complained that they could not see approaching buses while those waiting at the stop could not be seen by bus drivers.

Local Councillor Andrew Waller is following up the issue with the Council. He has also asked for weeds on Waterman Court to be treated.

Nearby the bus shelter at the top of Foxwood Lane is also gradually being overwhelmed. Here the problem is aggravated by weeds growing on the roof of the shelter.

The Westfield Ward committee meeting taking place on 22nd June is likely to consider allocating part of its budget to manage overgrown trees and bushes in the area.

Action Taken

Good to report that the graffiti has been removed from the North Street flood gates
Graffiti now removed from second set of flood gates on North Street

Graffiti now removed from second set of flood gates on North Street

All the flood gates have been closed as a precaution today
Flood barriers closed 1130 Tanners moat 1130 10th Nov 2015 Ouse breaks banks 1130 10th Nov 2015
Unfortunately weed growth on Ouse Bridge is still there as is a similar problem on the Riverside Walk
Pose Bridge

Pose Bridge

Riverside Walk

Riverside Walk

Riverside walk

Riverside walk

and some graffiti blights also blights the Riverside Walk

Graffiti Riverside walk 1130 10th Nov 2015

and a final bit of good news, the Council has agreed to repaint the cycle barriers on the Teal Drive to Carrfield snicket
Cycle barriers Teal Drive Carrfield snicket

Cycle barriers Teal Drive Carrfield snicket

Litter, footpaths, dog fouling, dumping & weeds top residents concerns

Thanks to those living in the Front Street and Hob Moor areas who have been returning the LibDem Focus “grumble” sheets.

So far the most complaints have been about:

  1. Litter
  2. Uneven footpaths
  3. Dog fouling
  4. Dumping
  5. Weeds/bushes obstructing paths

So pretty much basic public service standard issues.

This weekend we’ve moving on to look at services in the Cornlands Road and Askham Lane areas.

We’ve already been out and about this week checking on public service standards in the west of the City. Around 255 issues have been reported via “Fix My Street” including
Dogs have badly fouled the tithe Close snicket

Dogs have badly fouled the Tithe Close snicket

Weeds are still a problem on some footpaths

Weeds are still a problem on some footpaths

Grange Lane park play equipment still needs strimming

Grange Lane park play equipment still needs strimming

Swings damaged on Grange Lane aprk

Swings damaged on Grange Lane park

Full litter bin on Askham Lane reported by Cllr Sheena Jackson

Full litter bin on Askham Lane reported by Cllr Sheena Jackson

Carrfield – Teal Drive snicket improvement requested

We’ve asked the Council to tidy up the Carrfield – Teal Drive snicket.

Using the Fix My Street “app” we’ve asked that litter and weeds be removed, grass cut and that the cycle barriers are repainted

Barriers need paintng

Barriers need paintng

Grass need cutting

Grass needs cutting

Weeds and litter need removing

Weeds and litter need removing

Post bank holiday clean up needed in York

The school holidays seems to have increased pressure on some public services.

The Fix My Street web site (click) has a map showing all the reports made through their site concerning issues in the York area.

The map does not,of course, show issues which have been reported direct to the Council. However the only way that we will see a sustained improvement in public services in the city is for ordinary citizens to report every issue that they see.

Fix my street 2nd Sept 2015

Below are a selection of the issues that we have reported over the last few days.

Dumping on Chesneys Field

Dumping on Chesneys Field

Full litter bin

Full litter bin

Full poop scoop bin

Full poop scoop bin

Weeds riverside walk 2nd Sept 2015

Weeds on riverside walk

Ouse Bridge annual weed growing contest gathering pace

Ouse bridge parapet weeds small 27th Aug 2015

Ouse Bridge weeds 27th Aug 2015

This year the weeds growing on the parapets of the Ouse bridge are about 3 inches shorter than they were last year.

Lack of rain in June is blamed for the change

Last year the Council failed to address the issue prompting fears that the integrity of the structure might be compromised.

The problem has been reported and hopefully the new Council will act promptly

Ouse Bridge 7th August 2014 Weeds take over parapit

Ouse Bridge 7th August 2014 Weeds take over parapet


Rain plus warm weather good news for weeds

Excellent growing conditions may be good news for gardeners but they present some problems in keeping streets and public spaces tidy.

We encourage residents to report issues particularly those resultng from weeds and bushes overgrowing public footpaths

Click to access

Click to access “Fix My Street”

One “on line” issue reporting system – which also incorporates a phone “app” – is “Fix My Street”. You can visit their web site and see what reports have been made in your area.

Sadly the promised York Council internet based issue reporting system has still not materialised.

Even the ancient “do it on line” problem reporting module has been unavailable for over a year, meaning that facilities (aimed at reducing expensive to manage telephone contact with the Council) have reverted back to pre 2005 levels of service.

Not a good advert for a City claiming to be taking a lead in the use of technology

We have used “Fix My Street” to report the following two issues

Bushes blocking the public footpath also on Foxwood Lane

Bushes blocking the public footpath also on Foxwood Lane

Weeds overgrowing a bus shelter in Foxwood Lane

Weeds overgrowing a bus shelter and its gutters in Foxwood Lane

Weeds gaining ground in York

Each year we seem to have problems with weed growth in one part of the City or another.

Ouse Bridge 7th August 2014 Weeds take over parapit

Ouse Bridge 7th August 2014 Weeds take over parapet

As well as being unsightly, if untreated the weeds can cause damage to footpaths, roads and bridges.

Last year weeds seemed to win the war so, when the York Council said that they had completed the first of three planned applications of weed killer in May, we hoped for the best.

But today, 4 weeks later, when the weed killer should have taken effect, there are still areas which seem to have been missed.

We are not sure whether this is down to the contractors who were  employed to do the work, the type of weed killer which was used or just unfavourable weather conditions.

Whatever the reason, some action needs to be taken quickly to free our streets from this problem.

Weeds Milner Street back lane

Weeds Milner Street back lane

Weeds and dumped trolly on Dijon Avenue

Weeds and dumped trolly on Dijon Avenue

Weeds growing in Queenswood Grove gutters

Weeds growing in Queenswood Grove gutters

Rear entrance to Lowfields school site

Rear entrance to Lowfields school site

rubbish and weeds Front Street back lane

rubbish and weeds Front Street back lane




Call for utilities to repair damaged verges in Westfield

unseeded verge Askham Lane

Unseeded verge Askham Lane

Utilities have been blamed for the deteriorating condition of some grassed areas in the Westfield ward. Problem area include the verge at the junction of The Green and Askham Lane.

Andrew Waller is chasing up action on the problem

Phone box weeds Foxwood

Phone box weeds Foxwood

Yorkshire Water contractors also recently dug up an area to the rear of properties on Foxwood Lane. Unfortunately, although the site was leveled when the drainage project was finished, it was not reseeded and looks set to become a weed ridden mess.

unseeded verge Foxwood lane

Unseeded amenity area near Foxwood Lane

Pillar box weeds at Foxwood

Pillar box weeds at Foxwood

Meanwhile weeds are taking over utility equipment at the Foxwood shops.

Both the telephone kiosk and the pillar box and gradually being engulfed.

Sheena Jackson has reported these issues for attention by the Council.

“Well, what did you expect, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?”

2 foot high weeds are now growing out of a bus shelter at the top of Foxwood Lane.


Nearby an overgrowing tree is blocking the public footpath while nettles from a neighbouring field are steadily reducing the width of the path over a distance of about 100 metres.

The issues have already been reported but it is disappointing that the York council has so far not indicated when weed treatment will start in the area.

The timeliness of any response will be one of the first tests for the new  “basic service standards first” approach of the new Council leadership