A bus shelter on Askham Lane has been engulfed by weeds. Branches from a “self seeded” bush totally obscure the view from the shelter which is well used in inclement weather. Ponding on the adjacent highway has been a problem for some years.
Nettles also pose a risk for young children.
It is a repeat of a problem which happened in 2014. Residents complained that they could not see approaching buses while those waiting at the stop could not be seen by bus drivers.
Local Councillor Andrew Waller is following up the issue with the Council. He has also asked for weeds on Waterman Court to be treated.
Nearby the bus shelter at the top of Foxwood Lane is also gradually being overwhelmed. Here the problem is aggravated by weeds growing on the roof of the shelter.
The Westfield Ward committee meeting taking place on 22nd June is likely to consider allocating part of its budget to manage overgrown trees and bushes in the area.