York Council tackles nettle threat

The Council has acted promoted to remove nettles which were impeding Foxwood Lane. Reported on 2nd October the nettles were removed today.

Nettles removed from Foxwood Lane Not so good is the entrance to Hob Moor from Holly Bank Grove. It’s only October and the path is nearly impassible for pedestrians because of boggy ground. The Holgate Ward committee should take a leaf out of their counterparts in Westfield who arranged for improvements to a similar footpath access, to Acomb Wood from Hawkshead Close, over the summer.

We hope that the contractors, currently working on putting in new Toucan crossing signals at the junction of Kingsway West and Thanet Road, will take the time to resurface the carriageway hammerhead while plant is is the area. The surface is dangerous for cyclists

The same contractors may also be responsible for vehicle damage to the Thanet Road sports area. Bulbs were planted in the grassed area by residents groups over recent years.

Weed killer programme brought forward.

Weed killing by quad bike

The recent weather has provided ideal growing conditions on highways and amenity areas in the City.

The Council have acted promptly to bring forward the start of weed killing operations to this week.

Contractors have been out and about this week applying weed killer.

We’ve asked for weeds and moss to be cleared from paths in the Otterwood Lane area

Weeds growing quickly in may areas now

It’s not just the York City centre that needs some weed killer!

We do increasingly wonder whether either Councillors or officials actually routinely check the quality of public services in some parts of the City?

Take the cycle/footpath which links Water Lane to Hazelnut Grove and Rawcliffe beyond.

It is obstructed with nettles, brambles and weeds. It has clearly not been swept for months?

We hope that even if the York Council ignores issues like these, residents will report them using the Fix My Street web site (as we have done today). Regular maintenance can make a big difference to the local environment

Detritus on Water Lane cycle opath

Detritus on Water Lane cycle path

Nettles impede Water Lane cycle path

Nettles impede Water Lane cycle path


Annual Council bridge weed growing contest – latest results

Weeds have been growing on the parapets of Ouse Bridge in York for over four years now.

Suggestions that the timely treatment with weed killer in the Spring might made the key route into the City a little smarter, have been ignored by the York Council.  We fear that the weeds are gradually undermining the strength of the bridge joints.

This is how the bridge has looked over recent years.

Setember 2016

September 2016

Ouse Bridge 2015

Ouse Bridge 2015

Ouse Bridge 2014

Ouse Bridge 2014

No historical evidence of horticulture on Ouse Bridge

No historical evidence of horticulture on Ouse Bridge

That was the week that was in west York

Cllr Andrew Waller has been out and about reporting problems with dumping.

Dumping Acomb car park

Dumping Acomb car park

Dumping Front St bus stop

Dumping Front St bus stop

Litter Askham Lane bus stop

Litter Askham Lane bus stop

Sacks out early in back lane

Sacks out early in back lane

Consultations are starting this weekend in the Milner Street/Gladstone Street area about whether residents would prefer to go over to the use of grey bins in preference to sacks.

Blocked drain Thanet Road

Blocked drain Thanet Road

Blocked gully in Tudor Road

Blocked gully in Tudor Road

Meanwhile Cllr Sheena Jackson has been out and about in the Foxwood area. She has reported several blocked gully’s (above). Sheena is also conducting a survey of local teenagers to find out what new leisure activities they would like to see provided in the area.

Weeds on Kir Cres

Weeds on Kir Cres

Overgrown traffic island on Gale Lane

Overgrown traffic island on Gale Lane

Weeds in Dijon Ave garage area

Weeds in Dijon Ave garage area

Meanwhile the Council’s weed killing programme looks to be increasingly ineffective. One of our longest outstanding issues is poor management of garage areas like the one in Dijon Avenue, but the overgrown traffic build out in Gale Lane is also a recurring issue

Westfield Councillors taking action on weeds, drains and more

The Council has started its second application of weed killer. They seem to be fighting a losing battle in some areas. Many residents are now clearing areas near their homes

In the Front Street area local Councillor Sue Hunter has been helping tidy up the paved areas

Cllr Sue Hunter helps to clean up paving on the Front Street link road

Cllr Sue Hunter helps to clean up paving on the Front Street link road

Front Street link road clean up completed

Front Street link road clean up completed

Meanwhile, in Foxwood, Cllr Sheena Jackson has reported several gulleys where weeds are taking root.

Weeds growing quickly in may areas now

Weeds growing quickly in many areas now

Cllr Sheena Jackson supporting the Police security marking initiative at Foxwood shops earlier in the week

Cllr Sheena Jackson supporting the Police security marking initiative at Foxwood shops earlier in the week

Damaged and dumped recycling containers have been reported.

Dumped recyling boxes in Foxwood

Dumped recyling boxes in Foxwood

….and the bollard on Huntmans Walk has been damaged for the umpteenth time

Damaged bollard on Huntsman's Walk

Damaged bollard on Huntsman’s Walk

Cllr Andrew Waller is following up issues with the Council’s garden care scheme. The scheme is open to elderly and disabled people who are not able to care for their gardens themselves. It is running behind schedule this year.

Overgrown hedges in Lowfields. The Council's garden care scheme is behind schedule

Overgrown hedges in Lowfields. The Council’s garden care scheme is behind schedule

Andrew is also on the lookout for blocked drains. In the event of heavy rain these could be a source of flooding.

Gulley 3 Tudor Road

Blocked gulley in Tudor Road

Action on problems reported in the Westfield area

A tree in Cedarwood Close has been lopped by the Council following action by Cllr Sheena Jackson. Keeping trees and bushes away from the publc highway has been problematic this summer.

Cedarwood Close tree with Sheena 6th July 2016 Tree Cedarwood Grove

Elsewhere highways staff are to inspect the trees in Burgess Walk which are overgrowing the footpath. The Council claims the trees are in private gardens and it is for the owners of the houses to lop the trees. There are increasing concerns here because of the size of some rotten branches which are falling onto public areas.

Trees on Burgess Walk

Trees on Burgess Walk

On Osprey Close a hedge in now overgrowing the footpath. The street sign has almost disappeared. This is a longstanding problem as the hedge is in  “no mans land”. Apparently it was neither sold to the adjacent land owner when the estate was developed nor transferred to the Council for maintenance purposes.  The hedge really needs to be removed.

Osprey Close Acomb Wood Drive overgrown hedge 27th June 2016

Osprey Close

The second phase of the weed killing programme has started. We have mentioned several areas which need attention including Kitemere Place, Waterman Court and Walton Place.

Kitemere Place weeds

Kitemere Place weeds

Cllr Andrew Waller has reported problems with weed growth on Waterman Court

Cllr Andrew Waller has reported problems with weed growth on Waterman Court

Seems the weed growth on footpaths in Walton Place hasn't received attention yet. We've asked for the weedkilling team to return

Seems the weed growth on footpaths in Walton Place hasn’t received attention yet. We’ve asked for the weedkilling team to return

Andrew has also reported problems with dumping in the Lowfields Drive area

Andrew has also reported problems with dumping in the Lowfields Drive area

A team of volunteers will be out and about in the Lowfields area over the next few days surveying residents views on public service standards in the area.

Weather prompts hyper hedge growth rate in Foxwood!

We’ve reported a few more hedges in need of attention today https://www.fixmystreet.com/

Hedge Overgrowing Bellwood Drive snicket

Hedge Overgrowing Bellwood Drive snicket

Nettles blocking Greenwood Grove snicket

Nettles obstructing Greenwood Grove snicket

Litter in Spindle Close amenity area reported

Litter in Spindle Close amenity area reported

Bushes overgrowing footpath in Bellwood Drive

Bushes overgrowing footpath in Bellwood Drive

Taking action in the Foxwood area

We’ve been out and about in the Foxwood area. We’ve found some issues which we’ve reported for attention.

Some problems – like nettles overgrowing the footpath on Bellhouse Way (from a private garden) – reoccur every year.

Damaged verges in Wenham Road need bitmacing. Not much sign of proactive management this part of the Rowntrees estate

Damaged verges in Wenham Road need bitmacing. Not much sign of proactive management or investment in this part of the Rowntrees estate unfortunately

There has been a deterioration the appearance of the Rowntree estate (Wenham Road/Teal Drive) over the last few months. One problem is lack of garden maintenance – a return to the issues of 3 years ago . Some properties facing the Foxwood Park are virtually inaccessible because of overgrown hedges. Many verges are damaged and really need to be bitmaced. We hope that the residents association and Councillors will intervene to get an improvement.

Weed growth in the Stirrup Close area suggests that treatment has not been successful again this year

Weed growth in the Stirrup Close area suggests that the Councils treatment programme has not been successful again this year

Alot of detritus on the Bellhouse Way footpath between Acomb Wood Drive and Bellwood Drive. The path also needs resurfacing

A lot of detritus on the Bellhouse Way footpath between Acomb Wood Drive and Bellwood Drive. The path also needs resurfacing

Osprey Close Acomb Wood Drive overgrown hedge 27th June 2016

Hedge on Osprey Close needs trimming back from the public footpath

Hedge on Houndsway amenity area still hasn't been trimmed by the Council. It was reprted last November. Strangely the hedge on the other side of the area has been cut!

Hedge on Houndsway amenity area still hasn’t been trimmed by the Council. It was reported last November. Strangely the hedge on the other side of the area has been cut!

York Council tackles bus shelter blight

We are pleased to report that the Council has finally cleared the nettles, detritus and litter from the Askham Lane bus shelter. We’d reported the issues on several occasions. The bush that blocks passenger visibility of approaching buses has had a small amount of attention. We are hoping that the, self seeded, bush will be removed altogether when the bird nesting season is over.

bus shelter before and after

We’ve reported several other issues including dumping at the bus stop opposite. Issue are recorded on https://www.fixmystreet.com/

Detritus in Vincent Way hammerhead

Detritus in Vincent Way hammerhead

Weeds in gutters

Weeds in gutters