What’s on in York: After School Craft Club at Dringhouses Library

May 23rd @ 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Recurring Event (See all) £1

Join us every week after school for crafts with our fab crafty volunteer Anna.

The first session will be ‘woodland creatures’ – make a shy deer, a bold wolf, a wise owl, or a sly fox.

Every week will have a different theme, drop in for fun crafts of all sorts, from paper-crafting to painting, collage to sculpture.

£1 to cover cost of supplies, drink included.

No need to book, just turn up


Date: Thursday May 23rd

Time: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm


Venue Dringhouses Library Phone:01904 552674

What’s on in York: Remembering the Good Old Days at Acomb Explore today

May 21 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am


Have a cup of tea and a chat about the good old days. A friendly, informal session, we will watch film footage from the past and talk about our memories.

What could be nicer than a cup of tea and a chat about the good old days? Come and join our free, friendly, informal session. We will watch film footage from the last 70 years and talk about what we remember doing when we younger. Suitable for any age. You will soon be chatting away like old friends!

Book tickets »+


Date: May 21

Time:10:00 am – 11:00 am

Don’t let the vandals win!

Several months ago the playground – owned by the Rowntree Housing Trust – located on Teal Drive was closed.

Locked gates at the playground on Teal Drive

Problems has arisen when vandals damaged part of the children’s slide.

Understandably repairs had to be completed before access was reinstated.

..But the gates have remained locked.

It would be a great shame if the authorities cannot ensure this facility is available at least during the day at weekends and during the summer holidays.

One possible solution would be to put together a volunteer team of key holders who could secure the park at night and reopen it in the morning.

Long wait for replacement cycle barriers

Residents were promised that new cycle barriers would be provided on the cycle route which links Thanet Road and Sherringham Drive.

“Lego” barriers on cycle path near Sherringham Drive.

The old barriers were removed following damage last year. A temporary replacement (aimed at halting misuse by motorcyclists) was provided in the form of building blocks.

Over 6 months later and they are still there with no communication form the Council about what progress is being made in providing a permanent solution.

Poor customer service from the City of York Council.

Appeal following assault on Cornlands Road

North Yorkshire Police is appealing for witnesses and information about a violent incident that occurred in York on Cornlands Road.

It happened at about 8am on 17 May 2019 and involved two women in their 20s.

We are requesting the public’s assistance to help establish the full circumstances surrounding the incident.

Anyone with information that could assist the investigation should contact North Yorkshire Police on 101.

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number NYP-17052019-0084.

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward. 

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference 


Former Lowfield School Dijon Avenue York

Condition 2 – 17/02429/OUTM

Self build code for 6 plots. Specifies maximum 12 months build period

Ref. No: AOD/19/00161 


Former Lowfield School Dijon Avenue York

Conditions 10, 13 & 37 of 17/02428/FULM 

Revised plans for boundary treatments, fencing, open space plan, highway works on Dijon Avenue,  highway works Tudor Road and similar details.  

Ref. No: AOD/19/00160 


Windsor House 22 Ascot Way York YO24 4QZ

Conditions 16,19 & 21 of 18/01467/GRG3 

Relates to drainage plans.  Construction traffic management plan (Access via Ascot Way for delivery lorries using a one-way system! Worker car parking at Hob Moor school, bus stop moved temporarily along Ascot Way), replacement school playing pitches (at York R I)

Ref. No: AOD/19/00159 


17 Foxwood Lane York YO24 3LH

Fell Ash tree protected by Tree Preservation Order no. 3. 

Ref. No: 19/00907/TPO 


15 The Reeves York YO24 3ES

Single storey rear extension. 

Ref. No: 19/00726/FUL 


56 St Stephens Road York YO24 3EQ

Change of use from dwelling (use class C3) to a House in Multiple Occupation (use class C4). 

Ref. No: 19/00562/FUL |


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.  http://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Greening of York

No, not a reference to the influence of the Green Party.

More the steady advance of weeds on amenity paving areas, back lanes, snickets and on footpaths. Weed growth is heavily influenced by weather conditions, of course, but the Council doesn’t help by being secretive about when they have scheduled weed treatments for this year. Treatment hasn’t always been effective in the past.

Weeds gaining a foothold in back lanes
Footpaths already reduced in width
Self seeded trees allowed to damaged boundary railings and adjacent public footpaths
Weeds and unswept gutters let down local streets
More weeds – not treated last year
Weeds are growing rapidly on some uncut verges

Hungry children in York?

A national research organisation has published statistics which is claims means there are still pockets of “child poverty” in the City.

The new LibDem led Council will be expected to make an early difference in this area.

We have long campaigned for the York Council to devote more resources to improving public services in poorer neighbourhoods. The symptoms of derivation include lower life expectancy levels and poor health. The latter is often connected to the availability of healthy living facilities and advice.  Obesity levels in children are also an issue in many areas.

The report published by “End Child Poverty” uses national data to estimate the likelihood of child poverty in each ward in the City.

This data is tabulated. Hull road, Guildhall and Westfield are the three most vulnerable areas.

Child poverty rates in York wards

York is far from being the most needy City in the country.

….but there is sufficient objective and anecdotal evidence to suggest that local policies are failing.

The new Council could make a start by withdrawing the threat to build on open spaces and sports facilities in the Westfield area.

Lowfields misery continues

The Lowfield Action Group Facebook page makes it clear that residents have major concerns about the current development works in the area.

There are continuing complaints about noise, dust and working hours extending beyond those approved in the planning permission.

Communications from the Council have been minimal although another exhibition is promised prior to the main contractor starting on site. The current contractor is only undertaking clearance and layout works.

One piece of good news is that work on providing an additional 3 parking spaces on Tudor Road is due to start next week.

The Council latest planning application, which should have been determined by the end of April, it is still outstanding.

There is still no sign of a planning application for the Care Home much less the health centre and “police station”, not that they were ever likely to materialise anyway.

“Yorspace” are apparently still trying to raise funds for their “communal living” scheme while the Councils decision to sell them land at a discounted rate may yet prove to have been illegal.

Hopefully the new Council will be able to find someone competent and sensitive to local residents views when they decide who will lead on housing and planning matters for the next 4 years.

Certainly communication and supervisory systems need major improvements.

Foxwood woman fined for dog offence

Two women sentenced following noise complaints against dogs

Two dog owners in York were ordered to pay a total of £2421.74 by York Magistrates on 7 May after failing to comply with the conditions of a noise abatement notice.

Lesley Smith (aged 62 of Hinton Avenue, Foxwood, York) received multiple complaints from neighbours in 2016 following continuous disturbances from her four dogs in the early hours of the morning.

Ms Smith’s dogs were also left outside for up to two hours on an evening, causing further noise disturbance to the neighbours despite numerous warnings, an abatement notice and a caution being issued.

City of York Council Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers carried out surveillance of a property belonging to Samantha Flower (aged 42 of Lincoln Street, Leeman Road, York), after they received multiple complaints from neighbours in 2017.

Council officers employed noise monitoring equipment and noted over 15 barks in one minute after 11pm during a visit to Miss Flower’s property in February 2019.

Appearing at York Magistrates on 7 May, Miss Flower pleaded guilty to failing to comply with the conditions of a noise abatement notice and was fined £120, ordered to pay costs of £100 as well as a surcharge of £30.

Ms Smith pleaded guilty by post to failing to comply with the conditions of a noise abatement notice and was fined £450, ordered to pay costs of £1676.94 as well as a surcharge of £45.