We are still receiving a large number of adverse comments from visitors who have been caught out by the ANPR cameras on Lendal Bridge
A selection is reproduced below.
None of the Cabinet Councillors responsible is prepared to respond publicly to the criticisms and the local media increasingly adopt a supine approach to Labour’s excesses.
The Press haven’t even published the footfall figures, which were released last week, and which showed a 12% drop in the number of visitors in the City since the traffic restrictions were introduced.
Disillusion with the local democratic system is resulting in residents shunning the Councils activities.
-The annual “democracy week” attracted low attendances.
– Few residents attend the new ward forums
– The much vaunted (and expensive) web casting of Cabinet meetings attracts a tiny audience
– While the so called “housing week” events attracted in the main only officials and Labour members.
The Councils procession from the Guildhall to its new offices attracted City wide derision.
So it does raise the question of what residents can do, in a democracy, if their views are totally ignored by an inflexible Council leadership?
In the end, the answer will be to ensure that it never happens again.
Reintroduction of the “so called” committee system where decisions are take (at meetings open to the public) by all party groups, looks increasingly attractive.
Cabinet/Executive members have no delegated authority to act under such a system.
We will see if this option finds its way into the party manifestos for the local elections in 2015.
Sadly other options for reinvigorating the democratic system in the City (annual elections and smaller wards) have so far been rejected by the Boundary Commission
In the meantime those who have suffered through the bad planning of new traffic restrictions, who are appalled at the profligate expenditure of the Council, who oppose the ridiculous plan to increase the City’s size by 25% over the next 15 years, who fear the impact that new de-icing schedules will have on safety or who reject the idea that 20 mph is the right speed limit for all urban roads, should continue to make their views known to local Labour Councillors.
There is evidence that’s some of them are now beginning to question the style and content of the Alexander leadership.
Only 18 months to the next Council election. For some businesses though they will come too late.
Recent feedback includes these comments