Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


The Beehive (Centre of Excellence for the Disabled)  Ascot Way York YO24 4QZ

Condition 10 of 18/01467/GRG3

Ref. No: AOD/20/00240 

  1. NB This relates to kitchen odour control measures

14 Wenham Road York YO24 3GH

Replacement of existing timber windows with UPVC at 14, 16 and 20 Wenham Road

Ref. No: 20/01743/FUL

1 Teal Drive York YO24 3GQ

Replacement of existing timber windows with UPVC at 1, 3 , 4, 6, 26 and 28 Teal Drive, YO24 3GQ

Ref. No: 20/01612/FUL 

NB The above applications for new windows relate to blocks of FLATS. Planning permission is not normally required for a change of windows at HOUSES unless they are Listed or located in a Conservation Area.


32 Rosemary Road York YO24 3FN

Erection of 1no. two storey detached dwelling (Plot 4 Former Lowfield School site)

Ref. No: 20/01573/FUL 


34 Rosemary Road York YO24 3FN

Erection of 1no detached dwelling (Plot 2 Former Lowfield School site)

Ref. No: 20/01697/FUL 

NB. These Rosemary Road applications relate to “self-build” units which will be constructed to the rear of Tudor Road. Planning applications have now been submitted for 3 of the available 6 plots. While many may feel that the designs bring some welcome high-quality innovation to the site, the main problem with self build schemes can be the length of time it takes to complete work. If this can be overcome, then the allocation of additional self build plots, using the land which was reserved for Yorspace (communal housing), might be a useful step towards the early completion of building works across the site as a whole.


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Giving neighbourhood decision making a bad name?

We are very much in favour of giving local communities the opportunity to influence how resources are used in their area.

Delegated ward budgets, therefore, were a step in the right direction.

The Council allocated £1 million to be spent at ward level. Typically the Westfield ward (which is larger than most wards) has nearly £40,000 a year to spend.

The expectation was that there would be an opportunity for residents to put forward schemes for consideration and – as has happened in the past – for a public vote on priorities to take place.

Obviously the health pandemic may have affected the ability of some ward Councillors to fully consult on a door to door basis. We would, however, expect much more use to be made, by the Council and ward councillors in particular, of social media and noticeboards to stay in touch with local communities.

A whole raft of new schemes using this budget have been authorised today click

A list of schemes approved for 2019/20 can be found by clicking here Several schemes, including action to prevent fly tipping, didn’t happen.

Planned expenditure for 2020/21 can be access here

While many of the schemes are uncontroversial, there will be some that may cause raised eyebrows. Mentoring services for young people seems to be the new catch all phrase used to access public funding.

That may be necessary, but taxpayers will legitimately want to know what are the objectives of each scheme and how success is being measured?

They will expect to be able to find out this information without fruitless searches of dozens of pages on the internet.

There was disappointment in west York earlier in the year when it emerged that they would not be getting a share of the delegated cycling and walking budget.

Promised road repairs have also not materialised.

The York Council needs to re-engage quickly

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


61A Gale Lane York YO24 3AD

Conditions 3, 14, 15 & 16 of 20/00494/FULM

Ref. No: AOD/20/00231 


9 Branton Place York YO26 5BQ

Erection of single storey extension extending 6.00 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 2.40 metres and a total height of 3.40 metres

Ref. No: 20/01647/LHE 


119 Foxwood Lane York YO24 3LQ

Single and two storey side extension, porch to front, single storey rear extension

Ref. No: 20/01617/FUL 


6 The Green Acomb York YO26 5LR

Replacement roof to single storey rear projection, raising of roof to garage to create annex

Ref. No: 20/01553/FUL 


29 Bradley Drive York YO24 3NX

Two storey rear extension

Ref. No: 20/01565/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Windsor House 22 Ascot Way York

Non-material amendment to permitted application 18/01467/GRG3 to alter landscaping

Ref. No: 20/01320/NONMAT 

NB This application relates mainly to the detailed design of a playground. The playground is designed for use by those staying at the disabled centre. It is not a replacement for the games area (MUGA) which was publicly accessible and aimed at older children. A statement from the Council on the MUGA replacement – which it was hoped would be provided on the Thanet Road Sports area – is still awaited.


22 Otterwood Lane York YO24 3JR

Two storey side extension following demolition of existing single storey side extension and pitched roof over existing flat roof front porch

Ref. No: 20/01285/FUL 


228 Hamilton Drive West York YO24 4PJ

First floor side extension

Ref. No: 20/01275/FUL 


Yan’s Express Cantonese Takeaway 11 Acomb Court Front Street York YO24 3BJ

Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of premises as a hot food takeaway (use class A5)

Ref. No: 20/01186/CLU 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Address       21 Foxwood Lane York YO24 3LH

Proposal      Fell 1no. Ash tree protected by Tree Preservation Order no. 3

Reference   20/01258/TPO


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

NB The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Hutchison 3G Telecommunications Equipment Bellhouse Way York

Erection of 19 metre monopole supporting 6 no. antennas with a wrap around equipment cabinet at the base of the column, installation of 3 no. new equipment cabinets and ancillary development (next to grass verge, adjacent to Community centre, Bellhouse Way)

Ref. No: 20/01183/TCMAS 


28 Rosemary Road York YO24 3FN

Erection of detached dwelling to the rear of 76 Tudor Road

Ref. No: 20/01060/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Children’s playgrounds all now open in Westfield

Children’s playground in the Westfield area have all now been reopened. Some are displaying “best practice” signs outlining health restrictions. Judging by the numbers in the Acomb Green play area this has proved to be very popular with children (and probably parents).

Acomb Green
Dickson Park
Foxwood Lane
Grange Lane

That was the week that was in west York in photos

Bachelor Hill looking very smart including the wildflwoer meadow.
We’ve reported the damaged fence at the Cornlands park play area. The play area is due to officially reopen later this week following the health lock-down.. The fencing was provided to prevent fouling by dogs.
Another shopping trolley has made a break for freedom. This one on Tennent Road
We are still waiting for the goal posts on the Westfield park to be repainted. Been outstanding for three years now. Pitch also needs remarking before the new season starts.
Lots of weed growth as a result of the weather this week. Particular problems in Chapelfields and on Askham Lane.
Weeds overgrowing the bus shelter on Foxwood Lane again. The Council owned shelter is now looking very shabby now.
Damaged utility marker sign on Grange Lane is still lying on the verge despite being reported in January.
More snickets now obstructed by overhanging trees.

Ward highway improvements list published – nothing for Westfield?

It looks like the Westfield area has been snubbed in the latest highways maintenance budget allocations.

In another “behind closed doors” decision, tens of thousands of pounds, from “delegated” ward budgets, has been allocated for highway and footpath repairs plus some other work  like new parking laybys.

Areas benefiting are Bishopthorpe, Clifton, Copmanthorpe, Dringhouses, Fishergate, Guildhall,  Heslington, Heworth, Hull Road, Holgate, Huntington, Micklegate and Rural West.

One of the roads omitted from repair programme

The absence of Westfield from the list is doubly surprising.

Some local roads are in an appalling condition.

Local Councillors were given lists of problem locations over 6 months ago.

Poor weather in the intervening period has seen some surfaces – such as those on the Morrell Court access road – deteriorate quite markedly.

The report to the decision meeting gives details of how much money is available for local ward Councillors to manage.

It also explains the assessment process.

The Ward Highways Capital Scheme is a four-year programme formed from £250k p.a. of capital resources set aside from the main Highways Capital Programme. It is designed to allow wards to bring forward schemes that are important to local residents but would struggle to be prioritised as part of the main capital programme. A nominal allocation is made to each ward on a population basis. Wards are able to aggregate their allocation by carrying over / bringing forward annual allocations in order to undertake more substantial schemes.

The programme was enhanced in 19/20 through the allocation of the following one-off amounts to it:

  • £500k to use for highways improvements in respect of Roads and Footways
  • £500k to use for Walking and Cycling improvements

(NB. Details of how the walking and cycling budget is being spent were published a couple of weeks ago. Yet again no projects in the Westfield area were agreed).

The Council says the aim is to use this funding flexibly to meet the needs of wards whilst taking account of all relevant legislation and statutory guidance as highways are heavily regulated environments.

The following process is used to identify schemes:

  • Community Involvement Officers liaise with ward councillors, residents and key partners to identify potential schemes
  • The Highways team bring forward condition surveys, customer requests, and safety audits for consideration by wards to help inform their decision-making together with information showing the roads in the ward that are to be repaired through the main capital programme
  • Ideas are taken to a ward walk-about for initial consideration followed, where appropriate, by detailed feasibility work and any appropriate community / statutory consultation
  • The Highways team then form the prioritised ideas as far as possible into a coherent capital programme”

Wards not receiving an allocation were Acomb, Haxby, Heworth Without, Hull Road, Holgate and Westfield.

The list of improvements that have been agreed can be viewed by clicking here

More trees coming but what about maintaining existing ones?

More trees are set to be planted this year as part of the Councils response to climate change. 50,000 are promised.

Officials say that the programme has been delayed by the heath scare although little progress seems to have been made in securing sites for the “forest”.

Over the last few months, residents have laid informal claims for the use of some unused areas of land on the City outskirts as informal exercise areas. These would be a good place for the Council to start looking for locations for planting although it does own several sites, including some near the river, which could accommodate more trees.

Informal walks through Acomb Wood, and the like, have brought home to more people the value of informal leisure space. Any Council initiative is likely to have popular support if it is pressed through quickly now.

Hopefully they will remedy the mistakes of the past and avoid planting inappropriate species of trees too close to paths and highways.

We have already learned that nearly £500,000 is required to repair part of the York – Selby cycle path which has been badly damaged by tree roots. One lesson is the need in the future to install “root shields” at vulnerable locations.

Roots damaging cycle paths

There are similar problems in the urban area

Root damage on snicket link to Thoresby Road. We’ve reported litter and weeds on the same snicket.
Similar hazard on Tudor Road
In same cases private hedges are now obstructing footpaths
The Council have now promised to trim the branch which is obstructing a footpath in the Kingsway West area
Weeds on Front Street. The council has treated some weed growth around amenity trees but has missed others. Doesn’t seem to be any consistency in their programme.