Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the words highlighted in blue


43 Front Street

43 Front Street

Mustgetgear Ltd 43 Front Street York YO24 3BR

Alterations to shop and shop front and the addition of 2no. flats including a two storey extension to the rear after the demolition of an existing two storey extension and outbuildings

Ref. No: 16/01014/FUL 


20 Askham Grove York YO24 3HE

Erection of single storey extension extending 4.5 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 3 metres and a total height of 3 metres

Ref. No: 16/00986/LHE 


 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Westfield Ward Committee meeting scheduled

Foxwood Community Centre

Foxwood Community Centre

The next Westfield Ward Committee meeting has been scheduled to take place on  Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 7.00 pm. The venue will be the  Foxwood Community Centre on Cranfield Place.

It will be the first opportunity since last October for local residents to quiz elected representatives and officials on progress being made with ward budget priorities.

Over £50,000 was made available to spend in 2015/16.

The budget for Westfield ward in 2016/2017 is £53,266. Part of this money (£17,180) comes from the highways budget, and has to be spent on improvements such as resurfacing, footpaths, cycle-ways and lighting. 

The other part of the budget (£36,086) may be used for community, environmental and social care projects.

Residents have already given a view on priorities for the area with the following changes being proposed:

  • Trim back overhanging trees and bushes
  • Provide more off street car parking
  • Improve communal areas and around traffic islands (weed removal, resurfacing, railings, etc.)
  • Improve security (CCTV, target hardening etc.)
  • Provide more litter bins
  • Provide more “poop scoop” bins
  • Subsidise Community Centres
  • Subsidise events for elderly people
  • Subsidise events for children and teenagers

The Council has been asked to update the Ward pages which appear on its web site.  

In some cases the news section hasn’t been updated since last year.

The links to local Residents Associations also reveal that key information – such as the dates that skips will be visiting – has also not been updated.




Major boost for Acomb on way?

The Council is to consider devolving economic development activity management to the Acomb Alive organisation.

Vandalised cycle stands in Front Street

Vandalised cycle stands in Front Street

The decision is due to be made at a meeting taking place on 12th April

The plan is likely to be welcomed by many living and working in Westfield and Acomb who feel that the area has been snubbed in recent years both by the Council and local economic development partners like “Make it York”.

The Front Street neighbourhood badly needs a regeneration intiative and local businesses and residents do have a key role to play in any improvement activity.

Front Street flower tubs 2007

Residents are working to improve the appearance of the area

Occupancy levels of shops have improved with the economic recovery but too many new businesses seem to flounder within their first couple of years of operation.

Ideas like the establishment of an occasional street market have come to nothing while local Councillors have had to resort to collecting petitions aimed at getting local footpaths repaired.

The scale of any investment which may be on offer is not known and any regeneration project will need at least one full time management post over at least 3 years.

Something major does need to happen and quickly.

Poor weather and neglect taking its toll on public service standards in west York

Bramham Grove carriageway needs patching

Bramham Grove carriageway needs patching

Damage to a telecoms cabinet on Bramham Road

Damage to a telecoms cabinet on Bramham Road

"Fags ends" accummulating outside the shops on Bramham Road

“Fags ends” accumulating outside the shops on Bramham Road

.......and detritus at the former entrance to Lowfields School on Dijon Avenue. Reported 2 months ago but no action by the Council yet

…….and detritus at the former entrance to Lowfields School on Dijon Avenue. Reported 2 months ago but no action by the Council yet

Alot of detritus on the footpath at the entrance to The Wandle

A lot of detritus on the footpath at the entrance to The Wandle

Garage areas still a problem. Now we have dumping on The Kingsway West  area.

Garage areas still a problem. Now we have dumping in the Kingsway West area.

Detritus , leaves and litter on the Grange Lane cycle path entrance

Detritus , leaves and litter on the Grange Lane cycle path entrance

Dumping at Acomb Car Park recycling point

Dumping at Acomb Car Park recycling point

Fridge dumped in Chapelfields

Fridge dumped in Chapelfields

Can banks on Acomb Car Park full.  Cnas being hung on skip

Can banks on Acomb Car Park full. Cans being hung on skip

Leaf detritus on little Green Lane in Acomb - Was reported 3 weeks ago

Leaf detritus on little Green Lane in Acomb – was reported 3 weeks ago!!

Similar leaf fall on The Green Ccomb

Similar leaf fall on The Green, Acomb

All these issues have been reported for action using

York Council fails to tackle Westfield Issues – Bachelor Hill & Community Centres

There have been a couple of set-backs this week as decisions taken by the Council have only gone part of the way towards solving issues raised by local residents in the Westfield area.
Bachelor Hill

Residents had petitioned the Council to secure the rear entrance snickets which serve their properties. The request followed years of problems with anti-social behaviour in the area (although the report from officials claimed that there had been no recent reports to the police).  The snickets are not short cuts and can only, legitimately, be used to gain access to adjacent properties. Requests for prompt action were rejected this week, although the site will join the list, with dozens of other locations where action may be taken at a later date.

Foxwood and Chapelfields Community Centres
Foxwood Community Centre

Foxwood Community Centre

Each centre will receive a grant of £4000 a year. Although an improvement on what was on offer from the last Council (zero!) it will not be enough to allow the centres to re-employ a part time caretaker. In turn, this means that opening hours will continue to be dependent on the availability of volunteers. The Council have, however, identified a specific fund which will be used to keep the buildings in good structural condition (although, as they own the buildings, they pretty much had to do that anyway).

There are growing concerns that the Council is being unrealistic in expecting volunteers to take on an increasing burden in maintaining local community facilities.  Sadly so far the Council have chosen not to consult residents on the options that they are considering. Sources within the Council suggest that it plans to reduce still further the standard of maintenance of public open spaces and that it is expecting local people to fill the gap.  We doubt that will happen particularly at a time when the Council continues to  waste money on “free” newspapers, “free” bus travel for under 18’s etc while continuing to rack up the amount that it borrows (and hence the interest charges that it must pay each month).   

Cornlands Road park

The Council has agreed to close off one of the entrances to the Cornlands Road park. However the area remains insecure and needs further investment if it is to become a well used community asset.

Cornlands park entrance to be closed

Cornlands park entrance to be closed

Latest planning application for the Westfield Ward


Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Acomb and Westfield wards.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference



Location:       85 Wetherby Road Acomb York YO26 5BU

Proposal:       Single storey rear extension

Ref No: 15/02607/FUL

Applicant:      Ms Proctor-Broad        Contact:        Peter Rayment Design Ltd        Consultation Expiry Date:       21 December 2015 Case Officer:   Sandra Duffill  Expected Decision Level:        DEL



Location:       224 Hamilton Drive West York YO24 4PJ

Proposal:       Erection of summer house to rear (retrospective)

Ref No: 15/02651/FUL

Applicant:      Miss Claire Bonner      Consultation Expiry Date        21 December 2015 Case Officer:   Elizabeth Potter        Expected Decision Level DEL


 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Westfield action round up – Some of he issues that we have reported for action this week

Uneven carriageway on Windsor Garth - Longest outstanding issue and may not now be repaired until "Hob Stones" development completed late next year.

Uneven carriageway on Windsor Garth – Longest outstanding issue and may not now be repaired until “Hob Stones” development completed late next year.

Possibly unstable tree on Herman Walk reported for inspection

Possibly unstable tree on Herman Walk reported for inspection

External lights n during day on some Windsor Garth flats (timing clocks need re-setting)

External lights on during day on some Windsor Garth flats (timing clocks need re-setting)

Dumping reported on Dijon Avenue (and similar on little Green Lane) garage areas still not cleared up.

Dumping reported on Dijon Avenue (and similar on little Green Lane) garage areas still not cleared up.


Drainage channels need sweeping on Gale Lane

Drainage channels need sweeping on Gale Lane

Terraced homes in Westfield may get wheeled bins

Hope that a new re-use centre will reduce landfill tax costs
Streets in the Westfield area being considered for wheeled bins  click for full list

Streets in the Westfield area being considered for wheeled bins click for full list

A report being discussed by the Council later in the month suggests that an additional 5,564 properties across York may get wheeled bins to replace residual waste sacks. Wheeled bins are preferred by the Council as they are more secure (from vandals and rodents), are easier and safer to handle and reduce emptying time.

However, in the past assembling bins at a central collection point has been unpopular with some residents.

A complete list of streets which are likely to be considered for the introduction of wheeled bins can be found by clicking here

The report also reviews the decision of the last Labour Council not to establish a re-use facility in the City.  In 2011 the then Council leadership abandoned the re-use and salvage centre planned for a site at Harewood Whin. Together with the closure of the recycling centre on Beckfield Lane the decision was partly to blame for a subsequent increase in the volume of waste going to landfill.

The new Council are looking at the successful re-use centre in Leeds which generates a surplus for the Council by reusing furniture.

Re-use centre

Re-use centre

There is thought to be a similar opportunity in York where many re-usable electrical items are scrapped. The report says “Reuse remains a key opportunity when it comes to reducing the amount of rubbish that goes to landfill and the associated costs. Reusing an item, rather than throwing it away, can prolong its useful life, reduce the need for finite valuable resources and potentially create work opportunities in terms of repair and maintenance”.

Currently the City depends on a varied range of voluntary groups such as Freecycle York, Bike Rescue and the community furniture store to promote the reuse of serviceable goods.

Other proposals being considered include:

  • Improving recycling in flats
  • Collecting mixed plastics (not recommended at present for cost reasons)
  • Extending garden waste collections to properties currently not covered (those that have green waste)
  • Imposing more restrictions on the number of permits available for the use of Household Waste sites by people using vans
  • Rationalising the number of sub-urban recycling bin sites (more consultation is promised before any are removed)
  • Co-mingling of recycling (not recommended for cost reasons)
  • The type of new collection vehicles to be purchased (leased) for use in narrow streets.

Behind closed doors York Council decision rules out new parking curbs near Gale Lane/Front Street junction

Dozens of traffic and parking decisions affecting whole City taken at secret session
Gale Lane Front Street click to enlarge

Gale Lane Front Street click to enlarge

The Council has published a report reviewing parking arrangements near the Gale Lane/Front Street junction.

The report follows complaints about obstructions being caused to traffic generally, and bus services in particular, by vehicles parking on the carriageway and adjacent footpaths. Some of the problems were apparently being caused by delivery vans visiting the Gale Farm surgery.

The request for action were turned down at a secret meeting with the reports only being published publicly after decisions had already been taken.

Sadly this continues the practice of preventing residents from making representations, before decisions are taken, started in 2011. Despite public claims from the Council Leadership about their commitment to open government, this practise has still not been changed.BehindClosedDoors 2015

There is really no reason why agendas and reports can’t be published at least a week before a meeting takes place. This would give affected residents an opportunity to write to the Council giving their views, if they chose to.

Changes to traffic arrangements in every ward in the City were considered by the same meeting (and not pre publicised).

Click the links below for details