York Council urged to speed up response to complaints about local services

A large number of issues with Council service standards on the west of the City have been lodged – through the “Fix my Street” system – this week.

In many cases it seems that the York Council is struggling to catch up with a backlog which developed over the bank holiday.

Full clothers recycling bin Acomb car park

Full clothers recycling bin Acomb car park

Abandoned bike on rack off York Road

Abandoned bike on rack off York Road

Broken Glas back School Street

Broken Glas back School Street

Dumped black bags in back lane

Dumped black bags in back lane



litter and weeds back Beaconsfield Streert

Litter and weeds on Front Street back lane

School Street carriageway needs resurfaicng

School Street carriageway needs resurfaicng

Vandalised garage door Thoresby Road

Vandalised garage door Thoresby Road

Rain plus warm weather good news for weeds

Excellent growing conditions may be good news for gardeners but they present some problems in keeping streets and public spaces tidy.

We encourage residents to report issues particularly those resultng from weeds and bushes overgrowing public footpaths

Click to access

Click to access “Fix My Street”

One “on line” issue reporting system – which also incorporates a phone “app” – is “Fix My Street”. You can visit their web site and see what reports have been made in your area.

Sadly the promised York Council internet based issue reporting system has still not materialised.

Even the ancient “do it on line” problem reporting module has been unavailable for over a year, meaning that facilities (aimed at reducing expensive to manage telephone contact with the Council) have reverted back to pre 2005 levels of service.

Not a good advert for a City claiming to be taking a lead in the use of technology

We have used “Fix My Street” to report the following two issues

Bushes blocking the public footpath also on Foxwood Lane

Bushes blocking the public footpath also on Foxwood Lane

Weeds overgrowing a bus shelter in Foxwood Lane

Weeds overgrowing a bus shelter and its gutters in Foxwood Lane

Action being taken to address issues in Westfield

Broken glass Burgess Walk

Broken glass Burgess Walk

Cllr Sheena Jackson has reported problems with broken glass in Burgess Walk and dog fouling in the Doherty Walk area.

Damaged garage doors Chapelfields Road click to enlarge

Damaged garage doors Chapelfields Road click to enlarge

Snickets need sweeping back Chapelfields Road

Snickets need sweeping back Chapelfields Road

Damaged doors on the garages on Chapelfields Road haven’t been repaired yet. We’ve asked that the whole are – including the snickets – be given a good clean up

Dumping on Grange Lane

Dumping on Grange Lane

Council asked to strim round street furniture on Grange Lane

Council asked to strim round street furniture on Grange Lane

Hedges obstricting Grange Lane snicket

Hedges obstructing Grange Lane snicket

There has been some dumping on Grange Lane which we have reported. Hedges are now impeding the snicket link to Parker Avenue while we have asked for the grass next to street furniture in the area to be strimmed

Litter Grange Lane play area

Litter Grange Lane play area

strimming needed under play equipment in GBrange lane park

strimming needed under play equipment in GBrange lane park

There was a lot of litter on the Grange Lane play area yesterday. We’ve asked for a tidy up. Also for the weeds which are overgrowing some of the play equipment to be strimmed.

Tyre on Bramham Road lamppost. Some pranks stnad the test of time

Tyre on Bramham Road lamppost. Some pranks stand the test of time

and finally the ubiquitous prank of trying to get a tyre over a street light has reappeared in Chapelfields.

Latest planning applications for the Acomb and Westfield Wards

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Acomb and Westfield wards.

Hairdressing salon at 43 York Road set to return to former use as a flat

Hairdressing salon at 43 York Road set to return to former use as a flat


Location:       Unit 5 Rose Centre Rose Avenue Nether Poppleton York

Proposal:       Two storey side extension to accommodate additional offices

Ref No: 15/01634/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Lawrence Beardmore   Contact:        Mr Garry Barker  Consultation Expiry Date:       26 August 2015 Case Officer:   Victoria Bell   Expected Decision Level:        DEL


Location:       101 Almsford Road York YO26 5NU

Proposal:       Two storey side extension

Ref No: 15/01639/FUL

Applicant:      Mr Ian Rookes   Consultation Expiry Date:       31 August 2015 Case Officer:   Elizabeth Potter        Expected Decision Level



The Council have received a planning application to turn the shop unit previously occupied by Greggs at 5 Odsall House on Front Street into a café


Location:       Beau And Joli Limited First Floor And Second Floors 43 York Road Acomb York

Proposal:       Conversion of retail unit (use Class A1) to 1 no. dwellinghouse (class C3) under Class M, Part 3, Schedule 2 of Article 3 of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015

Ref No: 15/01578/RFPRES

Applicant:      Mr Toby Ellerker        Consultation Expiry Date        26 August 2015 Case Officer:   Victoria Bell   Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       26 Bramham Road York YO26 5AW

Proposal:       Conservatory to side

Ref No: 15/01556/FUL

Applicant:      Mr And Mrs Harness      Contact Jeff Carrington Consultation Expiry Date        26 August 2015 Case Officer:   Elizabeth Potter        Expected Decision Level DEL


Location:       1 Apple Blossom Court Askham Lane York YO24 3HH

Proposal:       Fell Beech tree protected by Tree Preservation Order No.: CYC14

Ref No: 15/01763/TPO

Applicant:      Mr Barry Laws   Contact Mr James Hudson  Consultation Expiry Date        31 August 2015 Case Officer:   Esther Priestley        Expected Decision Level


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.  http://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Call for utilities to repair damaged verges in Westfield

unseeded verge Askham Lane

Unseeded verge Askham Lane

Utilities have been blamed for the deteriorating condition of some grassed areas in the Westfield ward. Problem area include the verge at the junction of The Green and Askham Lane.

Andrew Waller is chasing up action on the problem

Phone box weeds Foxwood

Phone box weeds Foxwood

Yorkshire Water contractors also recently dug up an area to the rear of properties on Foxwood Lane. Unfortunately, although the site was leveled when the drainage project was finished, it was not reseeded and looks set to become a weed ridden mess.

unseeded verge Foxwood lane

Unseeded amenity area near Foxwood Lane

Pillar box weeds at Foxwood

Pillar box weeds at Foxwood

Meanwhile weeds are taking over utility equipment at the Foxwood shops.

Both the telephone kiosk and the pillar box and gradually being engulfed.

Sheena Jackson has reported these issues for attention by the Council.

“Well, what did you expect, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?”

2 foot high weeds are now growing out of a bus shelter at the top of Foxwood Lane.


Nearby an overgrowing tree is blocking the public footpath while nettles from a neighbouring field are steadily reducing the width of the path over a distance of about 100 metres.

The issues have already been reported but it is disappointing that the York council has so far not indicated when weed treatment will start in the area.

The timeliness of any response will be one of the first tests for the new  “basic service standards first” approach of the new Council leadership