Gateway Centre 13th November 10am-1pm
Severus Social Club, Milner Street, 30th November 1pm-3pm

Property Marking and an opportunity to raise issues with the local policing team.

Dot peen property markingdot-peen-technology-h2

York Police have invested in the top-of-the-range “dot peen” property marking machines, and are offering the service free to York residents.

Every year, police recover hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of stolen property from the hands of criminals, but all too often there is no way of identifying its rightful owners. Being able to trace the ownership of the property not only helps people get the property back, but it can also provide evidence that is vital in securing convictions.

Dot peen marking involves using a tungsten carbide-tipped pin to indent an object with dots to create a visible, permanent unique number. The unique number will be entered onto the national Immobilise property register database, vastly increasing the chances that it will be reunited with its owner if it is lost or stolen.

The new machines in York can mark at a speed of two characters per second, to an accuracy of 0.006mm, and can be used on everything from steel and aluminium to plastic.

They have been funded by North Yorkshire Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, and Safer York Partnership.

While other methods of property marking, such as UV marker pens or forensically-coded liquid, can also be very effective in reuniting property with its rightful owners, the visual deterrent of a permanently marked serial number alone could be enough to deter would-be thieves.

Dot peen marking is suitable for everything from bikes and garden tools to PlayStations and laptop computers (however mobile phones are likely to be too delicate)

York Council urged to tackle long term complaints

Cycle barriers Teal Drive

Cycle barriers on  Teal Drive snicket still need painting

Untidy entrance to former Lowfields School with redundant salt bin

Untidy entrance to former Lowfields School with redundant salt bin

Dumping at Kingsway kick about area has now mostly been removed

Dumping at Kingsway kick about area has now mostly been removed

More dumping next to paper banks at Acomb Car park

More dumping next to paper banks at Acomb Car park

Longest ouytstanding issue - Self seeded bush on Foxwood Lane blocks footpath and should be removed

Longest outstanding issue – Self seeded bush on Foxwood Lane blocks footpath and should be removed

Time for leaves to be swept up. The Green and little Green Lane reported for action

Time for leaves to be swept up. The Green and little Green Lane reported for action

Litter in over gronw hedge - Tithe Close snicket

Litter in overgrown hedge – Tithe Close snicket

Little Green Lane garage area - worst case of Council neglect?

Little Green Lane garage area – worst case of Council neglect?

Railings around Thanet Road sports area need painting

Railings around Thanet Road sports area need painting

Long life weeds blighting Ridgeway

Long life weeds still blighting Ridgeway

School Street carriageway surface

School Street carriageway resurfacng still needed

Ward Committee grant application form published

The Council has recently published a grant application form for use by local voluntary Groups seeking help from a Ward Committee.

In some wards, decisions on allocations have apparently already been made but with little evidence that proper consultation was undertaken or that there was transparency in the decision process.

Click to download

Click to download

In LibDem represented areas like Westfield, the funding available to the Ward Committees is expected to be spent on tangible improvements to the local environment.

Suggestions already received from residents include:

  • improving vehicle parking ,
  • enhancing public spaces,
  • providing (and servicing)
  • additional litter, poop scoop & salt bins, plus
  • more public seating,
  • street lights,
  • hard landscaping/paving &
  • better play equipment

We are still awaiting details of how the funds, announced in July (see below), will be allocated at a local level.

In wards like Westfield around £52,000 is available to spend before 31st March 2015

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Day of action in west York leads to a number of arrests

The York West Safer Neighbourhood Team conducted a day of action yesterday, Thursday 15 October 2015.
white-collar-crime-1The enforcement activity took place in the Acomb area of York and the team were supported by York Neighbourhood support team, Road Policing team, Firearms support unit, York Anti-social Behaviour Hub officers and York City Council Neighbourhood Enforcement officers.

A warrant was carried out under the misuse of drugs act at a property on Dringfield Close at around 8am. A 25 year old woman and a 27 year old man were arrested at the property and both have been released on bail pending further enquiries.

A search of a vehicle stopped on Barkston Grove led to the arrest of a 25 year old man from York on suspicion of supplying a class B drug. He has been released on bail.

Subsequent searches at a property in Westfield Place, Acomb, York, led to the arrest of a 23 and 2 4 year old man, both form York, for drugs offences. Both have been released on bail.

A 36 year old man from York was arrested on suspicion of the theft of a cycle on Tadcaster Road.  The cycle has since been returned to its owner and the man has been bailed.

As well as the enforcement activity, officers actively supported the Hate Crime awareness week by attending Acomb library with information and advice about Hate Crime.

In addition, officers attended York College for a dot peen property making event where various items of property were marked and recorded including 45 Cycles.

PC Andy Chapman said:

“North Yorkshire Police is committed to eradicating drug dealing in the city of York.

“The actions of those who choose to sell drugs will not be tolerated and my message to them is – you will be caught.

“The local policing team will continue to undertake days of action as part of our aim to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour across the city.”

If anyone has any information about people dealing drugs or anyone wishing to report suspicious activity please contact the Police on 101.

Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.

York sex assault investigation – appeal to trace man in CCTV images

Detectives have issued CCTV images of a man they need to speak to in connection with a sexual assault on a woman at an address in York City Centre.

York sex assault investigation – appeal to trace man in CCTV images

The incident, which is being treated as isolated with no wider concerns for the local community, occurred at around 5am on Friday 2 October 2015.

The victim is being supported by specially trained officers while police enquiries are ongoing to trace the man. Officers are urging him to come forward as he could have important information to assist the investigation. They are also appealing for anyone who recognises the man from the CCTV images to get in touch without delay.

He is described as a white, aged around 20 or 21, of skinny build and has chin-length black hair. The man has a few tattoos, one of which is a distinctive “umbrella with rain drops” on his right bicep area. He also has a tattoo of some writing across his stomach area.

If you can help, please call North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2, and ask for York Serious Crime Team. Or email SCTYork@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

York sex assault investigation – appeal to trace man in CCTV images 2

Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

Please quote incident number 12150176353 when providing information about this investigation.

Latest planning applications for the Acomb and Westfield Wards

Acomb Methodist Church to add 72 square metres (10%) to hall on Front Street.

click to access

Acomb Methodist Church Hall click to access

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Acomb and Westfield wards.






Location:       Acomb Methodist Church Front Street York YO24 3BX

Proposal:       Single storey extensions to sides and rear

Ref No: 15/02252/FUL

Applicant:      Acomb Methodist Church  Contact Mr David Chapman        Consultation Expiry Date        11 November 2015 Case Officer:   Elizabeth Potter        Expected Decision Level DEL


 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.  http://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Westfield crime levels up over last 12 months

Westfield Crime graph to Aug 2015

There were 159 crimes reported in the Westfield Ward during August. The majority (92) concerned anti social behaviour. There were 19 reports of violence/sexual offences and 15 of criminal damage

The highest concentration of crime reports were in Chapelfields and Front Street/The Green although there were local hotspots in Foxwood Lane (near Chesneys field) and in the Stuart Road area.

Overall crime reports increased significantly early in the year but have levelled out during the last 6 months.  Crime levels often drop during winter.

In total 593 crimes were reported in west York during August.

Latest planning applications for the Acomb and Westfield Wards

Lidl Thanet RoadLidl store to open from 7:00am to 10:00pm, 7 days a week

 Currently the store is open between 8:00am and 10:00pm except on Sundays when the hours are 10:00am to 4:00pm

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Acomb and Westfield wards.



Location:       54 Cranbrook Road York YO26 5JA

Proposal:       Single storey rear extension and dormer to side

Ref No: 15/01858/FUL

Applicant:      Mr And Mrs Ward Contact:        Mr Jake Clay    Consultation Expiry Date:       19 October 2015 Case Officer:   David Johnson   Expected Decision Level:        DEL


Location:       17 Knapton Lane York YO26 5PX

Proposal:       Single storey side extension and replacement roof to existing rear extension

Ref No: 15/02057/FUL

Applicant:      Miss Jeannie Freeman    Contact:        Mr Robert Peacock       Consultation Expiry Date:       19 October 2015 Case Officer:   Carolyn Howarth Expected Decision Level:        DEL



Location:       Lidl Thanet Road York YO24 4PE

Proposal:       Variation of condition 22 of permitted application 09/02284/FULM to alter opening hours to between 07.00-22.00 Monday-Sunday

Ref No: 15/02165/FULM

Applicant:      Lidl UK GmbH    Contact Mr Nick Scott   Consultation Expiry Date        19 October 2015 Case Officer:   Victoria Bell   Expected Decision Level DEL


 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.  http://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Survey going well despite confusion caused by local newspaper

Click to complete

Click to complete

Our survey into Westfield residents views and priorities – officially launched on Tuesday – is getting a good response. 

No thanks to The Press newspaper which publicised yesterday a link to a similar survey which is apparently looking for the views of residents living in the Acomb Ward. That survey was only made available more recently. The Press confused the issue by using a photo of part of the Westfield Ward to illustrate their story, but failed to provide a link to our survey.

So Westfield residents should click this link to take part in the “on line” survey.

Hard copies of our survey are being delivered to all homes in the Westfield Ward