We hope that residents will check and trim their boundary hedges at the same time. Several public footpaths are now obstructed by recent growth.
Some hedges are obstructing footpaths
Meanwhile the Council has, somewhat belatedly, got round to mowing local public open spaces. This has left a bit of a mess in some parks because of the large amount of grass clippings
Residents have collected 10 large bags of rubbish during todays Foxwood litter pick. Part of the Great British Spring Clean
Most routine issues like those below should receive attention within a few days. If not, we recommend that you ask your local Councillors to pursue them.
We’ve reported obstructed footpaths on Askham Lane, potholes at the top of Foxwood Lane and litter on Tithe Close
The pile of litter continue to grow next to a layby near Tadcaster. Problems on the A64 were reported several weeks ago but without any lasting improvement.
Deliberate fly tipping has now added to the woes.
Its a real shame that people don’t take their litter home with them and that enforcement action is rarely effective.
It is a shame as this is the first sight that some visitors will get as they approach York.
Elsewhere we have re-reported two fly tipping and leaf detritus issues in the little Green Lane area.
Graffiti on utility boxes in Windsor Garth has been reported.
Reports are coming in that 8 trees, planted by volunteers in Dickson Park during the summer, have been vandalised. The incident is being investigated by the local residents association.
The Council have told us that they won’t be clearing the fly tipping and rubbish from the rear of the Front Street shops.
Front Street
It is located on private land.
Nevertheless the Council does have a responsibility to make sure that the City is safe and tidy.
This may mean using enforcement powers.
Maybe not a top priority at the present time but this is an issue that has rumbled on for several years. It is now in the hands of local Councillors to follow up.
Cornlands park
We were also disappointed to see that fly tipping on the snicket entrance to the Cornlands Park – reported before Christmas – has still not been removed.
This despite a message from the Council saying that the matter had been closed on 30th December.
Elsewhere we have reported fly tipping and litter on the snickets which link The Reeves, Tithe Close and Tedder Road
Given the pressures on Council services at present, we would ask everyone to ensure that no litter is dropped and that all waste is kept in a secure location
It appears that the Council has reverted to a reactive litter control policy. This involves two person teams clearing litter when it is reported.
The alternative, which operated for many years in the City, involved an individual worker taking responsibility for keeping specific estates tidy.
This system was reintroduced during the first lockdown with a marked improvement in cleanliness standards.
With fewer people on the streets, litter should be less of a problem at present but in the longer term a system which encourages pride in the City is the best option.
To report a litter problem please use the 24/7 “on line” service (click)
Woodford Place untidy over the weekend. Has been reported
Good to see that some street level public service standards are improving in west York. As we observed some months ago, the health crisis caused a rethink on street cleansing with a neighbourhood management approach producing better results. This has improvement has generally been sustained
The York Council had a challenging time in 2019 when parts of the City were blighted by weeds following the award of a poorly specified treatment contract. This year the streets have been largely clear of weed growth following the award of a new £58,000 contract to Munro Weed Control.
There are still some problem areas (snickets, back lanes, garage forecourts) but generally standards have improved.
Routine weed treatment has worked well in most areas although some snickets and garage forecourts still aren’t routinely treated
Some progress seems to have been made on long term, seemingly intractable, problems such as rubbish storage and fly tipping in the Front Street back lane area. Notices have now been displayed indicating the penalties for fly tipping. Most rubbish storage areas are now tidier although there are some exceptions
Front Street/Beaconsfield Street tidier but not yet perfect
Less good news on highways maintenance. There are still too many uneven road surfaces including long outstanding problems in the School Street area in the Acomb. White line repainting is also behind schedule.
School Street & Bellwood Drive
The Councils new graffiti removal service has been successful although utility boxes and some private boundaries are still subject to attack. The utilities in particular take a long time to clean their boxes. We’d like to see the Council team undertaking this work and more effort being made to fine those who are responsible.
Utility boxes and private boundaries stills subject to attackGood to see local bus shelters have been repainted. Missing or damaged perspex panels need to be replaced at some locationsAnti social behaviour has been an increasing problem in some neighbourhoods recently
Good to see that the litter bin on Tadcaster Road, which we reported last week as being full, was quickly emptied by the Council.
Shame that we are now seeing an increase in other examples of environmental crime
Empty cans blight the cycle underpass at London Bridge despite two litter bins being provided. Graffiti also a continuing problem.
London Bridge
Seat dumped in Acomb Wood. Been a lot of problems with litter there. The wood is maintained by volunteers, is a heaven for wildlife and a popular walk for locals.