Another sports facility to close in Westfield?

Kingsway West all weather football pitch

Council officials are pressing for the neighbourhoods only Multi User Games Area (MUGA) to be permanently closed

The MUGA is located off Kingsway West and was provided at the same time as the Hob Moor school was rebuilt in 2004. It was hailed as one of the community facilities that the PFI funded new build school would unlock. It proved to be the only causal use facility provided on the campus, with other facilities like the nursery later closing.

Initially the MUGA was to have been located within the school perimeter fence. It would have been secured by caretaking staff when not in use. Following pressure from the PFI contractors the MUGA became a stand-alone facility accessible outside school hours.

It satisfied the demand for “kick about” facilities to the east of Gale Lane.

Initially it was successful with detached youth workers staging events there. However, the then Labour controlled Council shredded the youth service following budget cuts in 2013. The organised use of the MUGA ceased. Calls for the Ward Committee to fund events there failed to get off the ground.

An experiment in leaving the area open resulted in arson damage to the all-weather surface which was never repaired. The service access gate was also damaged and not reinstated by the Council.

It is now little used and often strewn with litter and detritus.

Council consultation card Sept 2018

Yet there is still a demand for play and sports facilities for use by children in the area. The nearest alternative is the Energise (Better) sports centre on Cornlands Road which is run on a commercial basis.

Typically the cost of hiring an all weather pitch for a match is around £50.

Now officials are consulting on replacing the MUGA with other structures. They suggest wooden climbing frames, tree planting and better lighting.

There is a demand for better play facilities in the area but not at the expense of existing sports facilities.

We have already seen the Our Lady’s sports field developed and more recently plans have been approved to build on the football pitch at Lowfields. The Hob Moor school playing field will be reduced in size and an application to build on the Acomb Bowling Green is being considered by the Council.

Officials promised that, as part of the Lowfields scheme, pitches on Chesney’s Field would be levelled and upgraded. But the football season* has started without any sign of improvement.

The Council acknowledge that there is already a deficiency in sports and green space provision in the Westfield area. The Councils own Local Plan identifies the existing shortfalls as 4.98 ha of outdoor sports facilities, 6.02 ha of children’s play and 2.86 ha of young persons facilities.

Life expectancy in the Westfield ward is lower than in other parts of York. This is partly put down to unhealthy lifestyles.

Council run consultation exercises were discredited by the Lowfields fiasco. Rather than asking people to record a vote in favour or in opposition to multiple options, the exercise depended on narrative responses.

These were easy to manipulate by official’s intent on justifying a particular outcome.

This must not happen again.

There is a demand for “off the streets” activities for young people. Facilities like the MUGA – if well maintained and promoted – can make a difference. The plans for the new children’s centre on Ascot Way could also unlock the potential for better play facilities for younger children.

But all age groups need to be catered for.

*NB. The Beagle FC beat Cawood 4-0 in their Chesney Field encounter on Saturday

York Council sports and open space need assessments

Latest planning application for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning application received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Address       10 Askham Lane York YO24 3HA

Proposal      Single storey side extension

Reference   18/01686/FUL


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Wetherby Road roundabout upgrades – Wetherby Road closed for 4 days from 24th September

The Wetherby Road roundabout upgrade will move a step closer to completion next week when we start resurfacing works on the roundabout and approach roads.

When it is completed it will be the first of seven roundabouts to receive wider entrances and exits as part of a £38m scheme to reduce congestion on the outer ring road.

To keep disruption to a minimum work will take place overnight from 8pm – 5am, weather permitting. The work is programmed to take place in three phases, these are:

Phase 1 (10 September – 14 September, 8pm – 5am): Work will be carried out off the carrigeway with the A1237 and Wetherby Road being open as normal. There may be short periods where portable traffic lights are utilised on the A1237 to allow for tie-ing into the existing road

Phase 2 (17 September to 21 September, 8pm – 5am): Work will be carried out off the carrigeway with the A1237 and Wetherby Rd being open as normal. There may be short periods where portable traffic lights are utilised on the A1237 to allow for tie-ing into the existing road

Phase 3 (24 September to 28 September, 8pm – 5am): Wetherby Road closed from the junction of Beckfield Lane to the A1237. 3-way traffic lights will be in operation on the A1237 and Rufforth arm of Wetherby Road with traffic down to a single lane.

In order to carry out the works in Phase 3 safely the use of a temporary road closure on Wetherby Road will be necessary whilst works are taking place. A signed diversion route will be in place.

As with any construction work, there is likely to be a certain amount of disruption and inconvenience to the public, however we will try at all times to keep any disruption to a minimum.

The York Outer Ring Road improvements programme is being funded through the West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund, and the Leeds City Region Growth Deal – a £1 billion package of Government investment through the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to accelerate growth and create jobs across Leeds City Region.

For more information about the York Outer Ring Road improvements visit

Flower bed in Foxwood gets make over from “Good Gym”

The flower beds in Corlett Court in Foxwood were refurbished earlier in the year. Unfortunately, during the recent dry spell,  one bed was taken taken over by a particularly pernicious form of weed. The weeds had strangled growth of the Lavender plants that had been cultivated.

Thanks to “Good Gym” for removing the weed then replanting the lavender and other low level plants.

18 bags of weeds were removed together with a bag of rubbish.

Great work by “Good Gym” who make a real difference to the appearance of our City


Foxwood Hub tomorrow starts at 12:00 noon


The weekly “hub” at the Foxwood Community centre is starting again tomorrow (Friday) at 12:00 noon.

All are welcome.

There will be a handicrafts sessions with organisers asking participants to “bring light hammer with them”!

Also at the Foxwood Community centre, a new defibrillator has been fitted to the outside wall.


Traffic calming for Thoresby Road?

Scheme could cost £41,000!

With no recorded accidents over the last 3 years and mean traffic speeds only 21 mph, it is something of a surprise that Council officials are considering installing speed humps on Thoresby Road.

There have been some complaints about speeding in the past but, partly because of the narrow carriageway and also significant levels of on street parking, high speeds are the exception rather than the rule.

There is more concern from residents about vehicle speeds on the neighbouring St Stephens Road which is a through route and used as a short cut by some drivers.

The possibility of installing speed humps or repeater 20 mph speed limit warning signs will be considered at a meeting taking place next week

A new parking lay-by is planned for construction outside the Thoresby Road flats between The Reeves and St Stephens Road (low numbers).

Councillors are being recommended to defer any changes until the effects of the lay-by on driver behaviour is clearer.

Good work evident in Westfield as schools return

Road resurfaced, white lines refreshed and a “gateway” painted on the highway near the entrance to Westfield School. School crossing patrol also working efficiently. Good work by the school and ward Councillors

Hardcore has been put down under the access gate to the Westfield Place sports field. Previously the area had been subject to flooding. More good work by the Council

Reported full paper and can banks at Acomb car park at 3:15pm today. Also some fly tipping. Message back from the Council at 3:30pm saying “issue solved” Gasp!

New cycle barrier design consultation near Foxwood

The Council is consulting on a new design for cycle barriers on the cycle track next to the Thanet Road sports area.

Chicane style barriers would replace the existing design. The barrier at Sherringham Drive was removed recently following damage.

In the main the aim of any cycle barriers is to prevent access by motorcycles while allowing use by pedestrians, wheelchair users and cyclists.


Confusion over planning application for Lincoln Court modernisation

Lincoln Court

In a report to a meeting taking place next week, officials are claiming that a planning application for the upgrade of the Lincoln Court independent living home on Ascot Way, “has been submitted”.

This will come as news to the residents living in the building who are eagerly awaiting details of the final design for the modernised site and the construction timetable.

There is no such application displayed on the Councils “planning portal

So far only the demolition of the adjacent Windsor House building and subsequent construction of a centre for disabled children has reached the planning application stage. That application was submitted on 29th June.

It is a matter of some concern as residents will want to see an integrated timetable for both developments which ensures that work on the whole of the site is completed quickly.

They will also want to see the Newbury Avenue development completed before work starts on Ascot Way.

Both developments will put considerable pressure on parts of Kingsway West which offers the only access route into the area.

Kingsway West is a cul de sac and already suffers from congestion caused by poor parking provision on the area near the Ascot Way junction.