What’s on in York: Researching Your First World War ancestors

May _10Find

Acomb Explore Library :

Thu 10 May :

6.00pm – 7.30pm :


Have you always wanted to research your First World War ancestors but are not sure where to start? Why not join our Archivist Laura Yeoman as she talks you through some of the sources you can use, both onsite at York Explore and online. Following the talk there will also be an opportunity to get your questions answered.

For more information call the library on (01904) 552651 or acomb@exploreyork.org.uk.

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below is the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


72 Bellhouse Way York YO24 3LW

Proposal              Two storey side and single storey rear extensions.

Reference           18/00793/FUL


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.  http://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

What’s on in York: Organ series 2018 at York Minster

Celebrate the Cathedrals magnificent organ ahead of its major restoration in autumn 2018.

A series of outstanding concerts and recitals with pieces brought to life by the Minster’s own world-renowned musicians.

Monday 7 May – 1.10pm
Bank Holiday Monday recital
Jeremy Lloyd will perform an informal Organ Promanade in the Nave as part of regular admission to the Minster.

Sunday 13 May – 5.15pm
Olivier Messiaen’s L’ascension

Saturday 25 August – 7.00pm
Summer organs gala concert

J S Bach on Sundays

Each Sunday between January and July, before the 10am service.

Newbury Avenue garage demolition approved. No plans for better parking

Inadequate parking causes obstructions for buses and deliveries

The planning committee have approved the plan to demolish 28 garages in Newbury Avenue. They will be replaced with 5 bungalows.

The committee declined to impose a condition requiring the developer to contribute towards the provision of alternative off street parking provision in the area.

Some of the garages have not been let for several years following a decision by the housing department to leave them empty. This has already exacerbated the parking situation in the Windsor Garth area.

The only hope for more parking provision now rests with the use of a small delegated ward committee budget. However this would provide only a handful of spaces (on lay-bys situated on Windsor Garth) and it could be the autumn before the work is started.

The Kingsway area has been poorly treated by the York Council in recent years. It has only just begun to get over the extended (nearly 3 years) build period for the Hob Stone development. Roads are still showing signs of the effects that heavy building wagons had. Damage to speed tables has been very pronounced. 

Residents living in the area will be viewing with apprehension the possibility that the redevelopment of the Windsor House site could take place at the same time as the Newbury Avenue building works.

On the basis of yesterdays planning committee decision, they cannot look to that quarter for any support in addressing transport and planning problems in the area.


Acomb War Memorial restoration faces competition from Scarcroft School

The York Civic Trust has announced a “peoples vote” which will decide which of 5 City Enhancement projects will get the “go ahead”.

Generally we think that involving people in making choices like this is a good thing. However we had been led to understand that the York Civic Trust had already agreed to lead on the restoration of the Acomb War Memorial.

It appears not, as it is one of 5 schemes now competing for “peoples” votes.

Thus doubt has been cast on a scheme which it was intended should be completed by the November anniversary of the end of World War One. A local group (WW1 Acomb) had been set up to lead on local commemoration activities but had stood down from the War Memorial project when the Civic Trust said that they had adopted it. 

The five schemes competing for votes, which vary wildly in cost, are:

  • Acomb Green: Conservation and repairs to the War Memorial
  • Monk Bar: Reinstatement of portcullis to working order
  • Monk Bar: Conservation of Ice House
  • Museum Street Water Fountain:
  • Scarcroft School: Reinstatement of timber finial posts to bell tower

More details can be found here http://yorkcivictrust.co.uk/home/city-enhancement-2/peoples-choice-award/

The vote closes at 5:00pm, 25th June 2018

We think that the City Enhancement Programme is one of the best initiatives that has taken place in the City in recent years.  However the organisers perhaps need to reflect on the need to make decisions in a timely way and to encourage participation from all parts of the City.

Police appeal following recent house burglary on Foxwood Lane

The victims of a York burglary are offering a £500 reward after their house was broken into and around £10,000 worth of jewellery stolen.

North Yorkshire Police is appealing for witnesses and information about a burglary at a property in Foxwood Lane.

Between 11.50am and 3.15pm on Tuesday 1 May 2018 Offenders have entered a property on Foxwood Lane, York after the occupants left their home for a hospital appointment.

A rear window was smashed, and numerous items of  jewellery were stolen along with a safe which was forcibly removed from its wall mountings.

The offenders are believed to have left the scene, secreting stolen property within a distinctive black and white ‘zebra print’ throw that they have removed from the house.

Anyone who witnessed anything or who has information that could assist the investigation is asked to contact North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2, and ask for PC 445 Saggers. You can also email 000445@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12180075037