New interpretation board unveiled in Foxwood

One of Foxwood’s oldest residents Reg Turver has unveiled a new interpretation board on Foresters Walk today.

When a boy Reg, now 97,  used to help to bring the hunt horses from Clifton to  Kennel (now Foxwood) Lane

 The interpretation board charts the life of the kennels which were built at the beginning of the 20th century and were finally demolished in 1973.

The board was funded by the Foxwood Local History Group, a voluntary organisation which is part of the Foxwood Residents Association. Foxwood RA chair Shirley Gumley assisted Reg at the unveiling.

The Foxwood Local History Group (FLHG) secretary Sue Galloway says, “York city centre is the focus for visitors seeking to learn about York’s history, Our aim is to encourage visitors to spread their wings and discover more about the history of the surrounding area

The Foxwood Local History Group was formed 3 years ago to record 20th century history of the Foxwood area. 

So far we have erected 3 interpretation boards in the area. one details the history of CHESNEY Fields. another details the life of Air Vice Marshall DICKSON. A local park has been named after him.

The latest board details the history of the former York and Ainsty Hunt kennels.

Each of these boards cost OVER £1500 . All our funding is raised  locally.

We are now working on an online book to record information uncovered during our research. 

If you have any memories of the area you’d like to share with us please contact us on York 794111”.

The FLHG meets on an informal basis at Foxwood CC and more details can be found on our Facebook page Foxwoodlocalhistorygp

Weather prompting rapid growth in gardens

Good and bad consequences

Several hedges are now obstructing public footpaths. Worse some thorn hedges have produced branches at eye height. These represent a hazard for pedestrians. Hopefully all homeowners will check that their boundary hedges are trimmed. We’ve reported the hedge at the side of the “ravine” on Otterwood Lane which is obstructing the footpath (Council responsibility to cut)

Council are getting to grip with maintenance work on open spaces

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward. 

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference 


14 Redcoat Way York YO24 3NG

Two storey side extension and single storey front extension. 

Ref. No: 19/01305/FUL 


Co-operative Retail Services Ltd 6 Beagle Ridge Drive York YO24 3JQ

Display of 1 no. internally halo illuminated fascia sign to the west elevation , 1 no. internally halo illuminated logo sign to the north elevation, 4 no. non-illuminated banner display units to the north elevation , and other associated signage. 

Ref. No: 19/01286/ADV 


244 Hamilton Drive West York YO24 4PJ

Single storey side and rear extensions, hip to gable roof extension and dormer to rear 

Ref. No: 19/01266/FUL 


59 Westfield Place Acomb York YO24 3HL

Condition 1 of 18/01501/FUL (as approved on appeal) requiring details of the proposed screen to balcony. 

Ref. No: AOD/19/00214 


155A Gale Lane York YO24 3AG

Change of use of first floor apartment (Use Class C3) to House in Multiple Occupation for up to 5 occupants (Use Class C4)

NB. The proposal is to accommodate 5 individuals in rooms above the existing shop. No new allocated parking space is proposed

Ref. No: 19/01135/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Building works problems increasing

Residents are hoping that some solutions, to the problems caused by widespread building works in the Westfield area, will emerge from last nights public meeting.

There are acute congestion, parking and noise problems at and near sevral sites.

Contractors have been digging up Hob Moor as they proceed wit the Newbury Avnue development. To do so they have cut two gaps in the perimeter hedge (although its is still the bird nesting season)
Parking problems are increasing on Ascot Way. The Lincoln House forecourt parking has gone and the Council have not provided even a temporary facility near the gable end of the building (where there is adequate space). The area is currently fenced off. The parking crisis in the estate has been exacerbated by the demolition of the |Newbury Avenue garages.

Litter still blighting suburb

Despite several requests for a root cause analysis of, and action to address, littering hot-spots problems continue to grow. There are particular issues on routes used by some students on their way to and from school (although this may be a coincidence).

Hot-spots include snickets and bus stops.

We believe that the Council should increase its surveillance of such locations and issue penalty charge notices to offenders.

Litter at Cornlands Road bus top near school entrance. We need a new litter bin here.

The Thoresby Road snicket, near the shops, has a particular problem with litter
The snickets linking The Reeves to Thoresby Road need cleaning and resurfacing
The Tithe Close snicket is subject to littering. The main problem at present though is a thorn bush which is obstructing the footpath. It is potential hazard after dark

Some progress on local problems in the Westfield area

We reported that 2 BIFFA bins had been left in the little Green Lane garage area. These have now been removed. Nearby garages have been secured by the Council. A boundary hedge has also been trimmed. Cllr Simon Daubeney is raising the issue of anti-social behaviour in the area with the police.
York’s worst highway surface? We’ve again reported School Street as being in need of resurfacing. UFO contractors are currently in the street reinstating the concrete footpaths
We’ve reported problems with litter and weeds on back Front Street
Residents are being advised to check that local watercourses and drainage ditches are kept free of obstructions. Many become overgrown at this time of year. It may become a potential flooding issued if we get a period of heavy rain.