Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


70 Huntsmans Walk York YO24 3LA

Single storey side and rear extension following demolition of garage – retrospective

Reference   21/01681/FUL

Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Huge York Road phone mast plan rejected by Inspector

Our April report

An appeal against the refusal of planning permission for a 20 metre high 5G phone mast has been rejected.

The mast was due to be erected opposite Acomb Gables.

Rejected by Local Authority planners, we reported in April that the developers had appealed against that decision.

A second application for a mast (which is still outstanding) a few metres away had been branded by residents as “intrusive” It could “impact on the conservation area“. They asked that an alternative, less prominent, location be sought.

Now a government inspector has agreed with the residents.

The inspectors report (click) says,

.the mast would be an unduly prominent feature to the detriment of the character and appearance of the Conservation Area (CA).

There is a mile stone set against the retaining wall. As a traditional feature, this contributes to the appreciation of the streetscape as well as the character and appearance of the CA. Views on the approach to this mile stone would be obscured by cabinets placed on either side, to the significant detriment of the positive contribution this mile stone makes to the area and the CA.

I conclude that the proposal due to its siting and appearance would lead to significant harm to the character and appearance of the area. The proposal would also fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the CA. Within the terms of the Framework the harm to the CA would be less than substantial. However, mindful of my concerns in respect of the visual impact of the proposal and potential alternatives, I do not consider that it has been demonstrated that the public benefits of the proposal in this location are sufficient to outweigh that harm.

In the light of the Inspectors conclusion the local Planning Committee is expected to refuse the second application.

We will monitor the alternative proposal and any applications for other locations which may come forward.

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


61A Gale Lane York YO24 3AD

Non-material amendment to permitted application 20/00494/FULM to changes boundary fencing to suit existing site boundary conditions

Ref. No: 21/01580/NONMAT 


170 St Stephens Road York YO24 3EF

Single storey rear extension and conversion of garage to habitable space

Ref. No: 21/01504/FUL 

Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

What comes around

Periodically in York someone rediscovers the Holy Grail. A “light bulb” moment produces a plan for a central bus station, river buses or an ice-skating rink. Feasibility studies are dusted off from previous incarnations. Costs/practicalities soon act as a sedative for the excitement generated.

So we may see the same again as plans for a riverside walk on the Coney Street side of the river Ouse were unveiled earlier in the week. It was coupled with a reincarnated plan to provide a pedestrian footbridge from North Street to the walkway near City Screen.

Of course, over the centuries, the attractions of the riverside have been recognised by successive generations. New Walk – south of the City centre – was created as long ago as 1730.

Within the historic core, the importance of riverside access owes part of its genesis to the work of JB Morrell in 1940’s York.

Successive strategic plans for the City have urged developers and landowners to make provision for a walkway behind Coney Street. Some have done so, most recently in the area around City Screen. The Council made no such provision for “permeability” as part of its current Guildhall renovation plans.

The extra pedestrian bridge plan is much more recent invention. The brainchild of a Labour Councillor in the 1990s it was dubbed a “bridge to nowhere” even when it seemed possible that it might also accommodate cyclists. It remains an expensive irrelevance at a time when funds are tight.

Consultants have now produced a brief.

The latest plans do have the support of a local private developer who has a significant land interest on Coney Street.  That should be encouraged.

The Council must, however, stop short of borrowing any more money to support its plans. The City is already too heavily in debt.

In the meantime, early progress on the scheme depends on the success of a bid for central government funding. Quite when this, apparently never-ending, source of funding will dry up remains to be seen.

We suspect that it will be several generations before it is possible to walk along the whole length of the river Ouse in the City.

Latest planning application for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference.


228 Thoresby Road York YO24 3ER

Two storey and single storey rear extensions and porch to front

Reference   21/01477/FUL

Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference.


Address       17 Burgess Walk York YO24 3LP

Proposal      Crown reduce by 10% and remove dead wood from Oak tree protected by Tree Preservation Order no. CYC28

Reference   21/01433/TPO

Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

NB The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Football pitch provision hitch could hit Lowfields development

Delays in commisioning new football pitches near Sim Balk Lane could delay the occupation of houses at Lowfields. The pitches, part of a Bishopthorpe FC expansion project, were part funded by developer contributions from Lowfields.

The Council at the time argued that the pitches would replace those lost at Lowfields.

One of the conditions attached to the granting of the Lowfields development was that the homes there would not be occupied until the new pitches had been brought into use.

It has now emerged that completion of the Sim Balk Lane scheme is delayed.

Essential work to the adjacent cycle track, – which provides a link to a parking area – has not been started.

The work proposed includes widening and resurfacing of the path down to the underpass, resurfacing of damaged areas, installation of bulkhead lighting to the underside of the underpass and the repainting of the underpass walls. There will apparently also be a a proposal for a “community mural” provided by Sustrans.

The work will require approval by the Council and is unlikely to be completed until late in the year.

The developers say that they have already installed new bins as part of the project which has helped reduce the littering issue in that area.

The planning permission for Lowfields included the following condition.

34 No dwelling within the red line area highlighted on the attached plan (insert plan reference ) shall be occupied until three replacement football pitches of the same size as those on land subject to this planning application, have been created. The three pitches shall be on land ‘To The South East Of 235 Tadcaster Road’, subject planning permission Ref. No. 18/00251/FUL. The completed works shall include all levelling, drainage, ground preparation and grass seeding works
Reason:- To ensure that appropriate replacement playing pitch facilities are provided for those lost in association with the development and to secure compliance with paragraphs 73 and 74 of the NPPF.

Application ref 17/02429/OUTM

Separately the Council claimed earlier in the week that all available properties at Lowfields had been reserved by prospective purchasers.

Castle car park future

A Council meeting next week (14th June) will receive an update on plans to replace the Castle car park with an events space.

Contrary to expectations, most of the area would continue to be hard-surfaced. There is provision for a Pagoda style shelter. The useable space is rather less than can be found on the other side of the road in Tower Gardens.

More extensive changes are planned for the Eye of York – which would effectively become become “the rectangle of York” with space being made available for outdoor museum exhibitions.

The report recommends that “the new public realm at the Castle and Eye of York forms part of the
council’s funding bid to central government’s Levelling Up Fund, applications for which close on 18 June 2021″.

The new apartments being built at Castle Mills can’t be occupied before the Castle car park is closed according to a (frankly perverse) planning condition. The Castle car park can’t close until replacement parking has been provided. The Planning Committee has so far refused to approve the provision of a replacement car park.

We expect central government to start reducing its capital spending and borrowing shortly. We doubt whether “nice to have” schemes will get priority over essential infrastructure investment..

No updated business plan is being presented to the meeting next week.

NB. The Council has made no progress on the £5.9 million scheme to redevelop the site currently occupied by “Spark”. They are under pressure to sell the site and use the receipt to avoid unnecessary borrowing which otherwise would be necessary to fund the Castle Mills/car park part of the project.

The Council says that refined drawings may be presented to the meeting next week

Latest planning application for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning application received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference.


57 Lowfields Drive York YO24 3DQ

Installation of access ramp and new door to front elevation

Reference   21/01213/FUL

Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council does not routinely consult neighbours by letter when an application is received

Improvements to York – Selby cycle path

The new “White Rose” football pavilion and associated pitches have now been completed. They can’t be brought into use until agreed improvements on the adjacent cycle path – which is a York Council maintenance responsibility – are also completed.

The cycle path upgrade was a condition of the planning approval given on 16th November 2018. (click)

Elsewhere we are waiting to hear whether SUSTRANs was successful in its grant application to the government for funding to resurface the track near Riccall and the A64.

Work on filling and levelling the Escrick sidings site appears to be proceeding more quickly now.