Although the Councils contractor was seen last week on his quad bike spraying weeds in some areas, action elsewhere is still awaited.
The are particular issues on cul de sacs and snickets (neither of which are accessible on a quad bike!).
Although the Councils contractor was seen last week on his quad bike spraying weeds in some areas, action elsewhere is still awaited.
The are particular issues on cul de sacs and snickets (neither of which are accessible on a quad bike!).
Responding to a recent survey, local residents had said that litter and weed growth were one of their main concerns.
Good therefore to see this week that the Chapelfields estate is looking much tidier. Most gutters are weed free although the recent wet/warm weather will likely prompt further growth. Litter also seems to be under control.
We’ve reported one or two other public service issues that require attention.
Work has started on repairing Askham Lane.
The works at Askham Lane will start on Monday 20 August, between the hours of 9.15am and 5pm, and are estimated to finish on Friday 24 August.
In order to carry out these works safely, temporary road closures will need to be put in place. For the Askham Lane works this will include a temporary road closure from the junction of Askham Grove to the Ridgeway roundabout.
At times the junctions of Askham Grove and Grange Lane will also be closed.
Some disruption is expected although it is hoped to finish the work before the new school term starts.
Up to date details can be found here
Also on Askham Lane, the Council have begun to tackle the perennial problems of weeds overgrowing the bus shelter.
Weed killing operation on paths and in gutters has been criticised as poor this year.
Clearly it is a big problem in snickets.
The latest change in weather (damper) may make this more obvious.
We understand that, following complaints from Cllr Sheena Jackson, the Foxwood area will be retreated this week.
The expectation was that the reinstatement of verges in the City following the UFO broadband works would have seen grass growing back by now. Recent rain has provided ideal growing conditions but there is little sign of life so far!
Although the long dry spell has restricted the growth of weeds on paths and gutters in York, much of the City is now looking untidy.
The Council should be well on with its first application of weed killer.
Residents have also complained about the quality of cutting on some verges and amenity areas.
Verges damaged by utility works, although reseeded in come cases, are still bare earth because of dry conditions.