Acomb War Memorial restoration – deadline looms
According to the York Civic Trust, restoration of the stonework on the Acomb War Memorial should be completed next week.
They promise, in a poster attached to the (ugly) security barriers which currently protect the monument, that their work will be completed “before the middle of October”.
They promise that a remembrance ceremony will take place on 11th November – the 100 year anniversary of the end of the First World War. St Stephen’s Church confirm that they will be holding a service of remembrance, part of which will be held at the Acomb War Memorial on 11th November.
Progress on other commemorative work in the memorial gardens has been slow.
The Westfield Ward Committee promised to fund the provision of a path, from the entrance to the memorial, in an attempt to make access for disabled people and wheelchair users easier. The work has not yet started.
The Ward Committee also promised to fund “crown thinning” of some of the trees on the site in an attempt to encourage flower growth. Reducing the amount of vegetation would also have the effect of improving visibility into the gardens, making anti social behaviour less likely.
The Council sign – which prohibits alcohol consumption on The Green – is only just coming back into view as the leaves fall.
Sadly the rotten fence posts which were left in the gardens a few weeks ago are still there despite being reported to the council for removal.
So a lot still to do.
Criminal damage and assault at Front Street shop – Police appeal
It happened at around 6:40pm on Friday 5 October on Front Street, Acomb at the Kubus Shop.
A number of people were at the scene, and one kicked the front glass door of the premises causing the glass to smash and has resulted in high repair costs. Another male then assaulted a customer inside the shop.
We are requesting the public’s assistance to help establish the full circumstances surrounding the incident.
In particular, we are appealing for information about who was responsible for causing this damage and assaulting a customer inside.
Anyone with information that could assist the investigation should contact North Yorkshire Police on 101. Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12180186492 when providing information
What’s on in York: Surprise Ending First Night
Acomb Explore Library
Thurs 11th Oct :
6.30pm – 7.30pm :
Surprise Ending is our Big City Read Play written for us by Bridget Foreman and performed by Riding Lights Theatre Company. This is the very first performance.
Come along and find out how Eric stops his world shrinking as Smidge’s expands in this light-hearted show which will make you think about reading in a completely different way.
To book tickets please click here.
There is a showing at every library too so if you miss first night please visit our what’s on page for the 23 other performance including a Meet the author Bridget Foreman on Saturday 13 October.
Green spaces – now government says they are important
Not often that we agree with the Daily Mail and government Ministers but they’ve got this right.
Communities need open spaces, outdoor sports facilities, green parks and amenity areas.
The York Council has a lamentable recent record in the Westfield area at least.
- Our Lady’s school playing field – Gone
- Lowfields sportsfield – Going
- Acomb Bowling Green – Doomed
- Kingsway kickabout area – Condemned
- Hob Moor school playing field – Shrinking
….and that in the ward with the largest proportion of obese children in the City and the lowest life expectancy.
Still no action on weeds
Although the Councils contractor was seen last week on his quad bike spraying weeds in some areas, action elsewhere is still awaited.
The are particular issues on cul de sacs and snickets (neither of which are accessible on a quad bike!).
Shabby telephone kiosk letting down west York
Pressure is mounting on BT to either replace or remove several telephone kiosks in west York. Over the years the payphones have fallen out of use as more and more people now have mobile phones.
The telecoms giant now spends little on kiosk maintenance and many are showing signs of wear and tear.
That in Foxwood Lane is covered in the remains of fly posting, is being overgrown by weeds, has an instrument that is dirty and, generally, it has become an eyesore.
The kiosk on Kingsway West is similar.
Fault and vandalism levels are high on these neglected phones so, even if you needed to use one, the chances are that it would be out of service.
So perhaps the time has come to waive them goodbye?
Some red (K6) kiosks like those in Duncombe Place are “listed” and cannot be removed.
If you spot an issue with a public payphone you can report it by email to
Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward
Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.
Full details can be found by clicking the application reference
Windsor House 22 Ascot Way York YO24 4QZ
Erection of sub-station and associated parking.
Ref. No: 18/02177/FUL
71 Green Lane Acomb York YO24 3DJ
Conditions 5 and 6 of 17/02293/FUL
Ref. No: AOD/18/00298
126 Wetherby Road Acomb York YO26 5BY
Single storey rear extension.
Ref. No: 18/01906/FUL
Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.
NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received
Another strange decision by York planners as local bowling club doomed
York planning Councillors decided yesterday to permit the development of the Acomb Bowling Club
The applicants claimed that there were no longer enough people interested in bowling in York to sustain the green.
Ironically the Planning sub committee then went on the insist that the developers pay the York RI bowling club £20,000 to expand their greens. Why such an expansion should be necessary when many bowling clubs already have spare membership places remains a mystery.
The RI site is a mile away from Front Street and lies in the Holgate ward,. The opportunity to invest the £20,000 from the S106 contribution in green space in the Westfield ward has been lost.
Planning Councillors should have insisted that the payment be retained and earmarked for the improvement of the old allotments site (behind the Library car park) which would at least have secured the future of some green space in the Front Street area.
Council officials have also claimed that no discussions about the expansion of the library (onto the Council owned land nearby) have taken place “since it was acquired in 2008”. Ten years ago officials in the council’s estates department were instructed to acquire the bowling green and the allotments site at the same time. They failed to do so and the bowling club limped on for a few more years.
The Bowling Club trustees have yet tor reveal what will happen to the substantial receipt they will receive from the sale of the green.
Westfield residents will now get the worst of all worlds. A sports facility is being lost. Another green space is being built on, an opportunity to provide a small “pocket” park has gone and the need for an expanded library – incorporating a “one stop shop” – seems further away than ever.
Another bad day for west York
New Hob Moor neighbourhood Focus newsletter published