Delays on street lighting and other York Council repairs

It looks like there is a backlog developing on street lighting repairs in York. Cllr Sheena Jackson has been pressing for a lamp at the end of Foresters Walk to be repaired but has now been told that it could be as long as a fortnight  before it is working again. Officials blame an increased number of fault reports for the backlog, although an extra member of staff has been taken on.

Elsewhere recycling collections have been erratic with several instances reported where cardboard has not been collected.

The Councils web site instructions on how much cardboard can be collected at the kerb are byzantine and really could do with simplification before the peak Christmas period arrives

We were disappointed to find that a “keep left” bollard on Gale Lane – reported 5 weeks ago – still hasn’t been repaired

We’ve asked for the repair to be expedited The darker nights, and potentially foggy weather, mean that illuminated bollards are often a key safety aid for drivers

There have also been problems in getting overgrown hedges cut back for some public footpaths.

We’ve asked for some self seeded bushes on the Thoresby Road garage area to be removed.

We reported the full litter bin on Askham Lane near the bus stop and asked it to be emptied.

That was the week that was in west York in pictures

Work on the Acomb War Memorial is continuing. We hope all will be competed before local centenary events, marking the WW1 armistice, start on Thursday.

Nearby we hope that the Council will remove the weeds from Acomb Green steps. We reported the need for weedkiller at the beginning of October.

We’ve asked for the signage at Gale Farm Court to be cleaned or repainted.

The self closing gate mechanisms at the Cornlands playground have stopped working. They are intended to prevent loose dogs entering the play area. We have asked for repairs

Its the time of year when leaf fall can become a problem. The Council clears the leaves systematically but it does take several weeks. It any pose a particular hazard then we recommend that residents report them

Dumped TV Tithe Close snicket

Dumped carpet Dickson Park – reported a week ago

Litter – The Reeves snicket

We’ve asked for the willow tree in Bachelor Hill to be cut back this winter

Latest planning application for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning application received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


The Greengrocer 63 York Road Acomb York YO24 4LN

Proposal      Conditions 3,4 and 6 of 18/00708/FUL

Reference   AOD/18/00307


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Family Day at Acomb Explore

Acomb Explore Library :

Sat 3 Nov :

10.00am – 2.00pm :


Oct _30Family DayFun for all the family.

We will have lots of different activities you and an adult to try, including crafts and storytime.

Just drop in for one or stay longer and try them all!

We also have two other events on the same day

Minecraft Mastercrafter – Build a Haunted House

12pm – 2pm

pickaxe in minecraft designDo you have what it takes to become Minecraft Mastercrafter 2018?

Come along and build a creepy Minecraft haunted house complete with zombies, spiders and pumpkins! The event is free but booking at the library essential.

E-reading Explained!

10am – 11am

Join us for a whirlwind tour of all the many ways you can enjoy books and audiobooks on your digital device.

We’ll be demonstrating the best e-reading resources including Amazon, Kobo, Google Play Books and our very own Explore E-Library.

Booking at your local library essential.

To book tickets please call Acomb Explore Librray on (01904) 552651 or

A Tale of Two Cities

York Council says, “Recycle old Christmas lights to Acomb”

The York Council is planning to offer its old Christmas decoration lights, no longer required for the City centre, to Acomb and Haxby.

Front Street Christmas lights

The lights have become surplus to requirements following the decision by the York Business Improvement District (BID) to invest heavily in their own displays. These have already been reinstalled on the Bar Walls in preparation for this year’s festivities.

Christmas lighting in Front Street has improved significantly in recent years thanks to the efforts of local traders and residents.

Acomb Front Street is changing rapidly as the effects of the recession wear off and the efforts of the local trader’s organisation Acomb Alive bear fruits. There are few empty premises in the area while some independent traders may also be set to benefit from budget changes announced on Monday.

City centre lights

But there may be a feeling that the “hand me down” lights proposal once again fails to recognise what is needed to give Front Street a major lift. Residents, in survey after survey, have criticised the uneven surface in the pedestrian area and have called for a holistic solution.

This would involve the owners of the private forecourts, which would have to be incorporated into any paving scheme, cooperating. In turn this could only happen if a full time precinct manager were to be appointed and funded by the Council.

That initiative doesn’t seem to be any closer.

Meanwhile the Council is considering commissioning more reports into the ailing City Centre retail economy. They have been shocked by the decline of Coney Street as a shopping destination, although they claim that the “high street decline” is less pronounced in York than in other City’s.

Visitor numbers – who are not necessarily shoppers – have increased over the last 5 years.

Nevertheless parts of the City, including the Councils own Guildhall building, are looking shabby and need urgent attention.


Acomb Jobs Fair set to host up to 25 local employers and agencies

City of York Council is offering local people job opportunities, information and advice at Acomb Job Fair, in partnership with Job Centre Plus.

The event, which is funded by 4 Community Growth, will see around 25 local employers, employment agencies and training providers offer assistance with job searches and arrange further training and support into employment.

Employers in attendance will include Tesco, The Grand Hotel & Spa, Gear4Music and Benenden Health, as well as agencies such as Work With York, who will be available at the Parish Church Hall on Front Street, Acomb, from 10am to 2pm, on Wednesday 7 November 2018.

City of York Council’s York Learning will also be at the job fair to offer educational and employment support, and help people to find the relevant training to pursue the right career path.

York had a five per cent growth in employment in 2017, with an increase of 5,000 new jobs – from 101,000 to 106,000.

For more information, please visit:

Work underway on Acomb War Memorial

Work has started on cleaning up the Acomb War Memorial on The Green. The project which, as well as cleaning and refurbishing the stonework, includes the provision of a new path, aimed at improving disabled access, is expected to be completed next week.

There will be a reading, by local Councillors, of names from the Kings Book of Heroes at the Memorial on Thursday 8th November 2018, at 11:00am .

The Kings Book of Heroes contains the names of nearly 1,450 men and 2 women from York who lost their lives because of the First World War. It was put together by prominent York citizens after the war as an act of remembrance. The names will be read publicly in chronological order of when they died.

On Saturday 10th November volunteers will be in the St Stephens Churchyard (just opposite the Memorial) from 10:00am cleaning the headstones of the 12 WW1 soldiers who  are buried there. Work starts at 10:00am and will be concluded by noon. Additional helpers are welcome.

On Sunday 11th November a Remembrance Service will take place at the War Memorial starting at 10:45am

St Stephens Churchyard



Busy day for Lord Mayor in Foxwood

The Lord Mayor of York Cllr Keith Orrell had a busy day when he and the rest of the Civic Party visited the Foxwood area yesterday.

First up was the unveiling of an interpretation board at the newly renamed Dickson Park (Tedder Road)

Sir William Forster Dickson had a varied RAF career which started in the First World War

The Civic Party later dropped in at the Foxwood “Hub”. This is an increasingly popular event held each Friday lunchtime at the Foxwood Community Centre. Pictured here with officers for the Foxwood Residents Association