Recycling not collected in part of Chapelfields today

The Council says, “We were unable to collect recycling from a small number of streets in the Chapelfields area because of a vehicle breakdown.

We will be returning to collect the recycling from these properties tomorrow morning. We apologise for the delay in collection and thank you for your patience

All scheduled household and green waste was collected today”.

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Restaurant on Acomb Wood Drive seeks license to sell alcohol

The Buongiorno restaurant at unit 3a at the Acomb Wood Drive has applied for a license to supply alcohol. The application is for sales on all days of the week.

Representations to an application by any responsible authority or any other person must be made in writing to City of York, Licensing Services, Hazel Court EcoDepot, James Street, York. Y010 3DS.

Representations must be received within a 28 day period beginning the first day after the application is made.

Any representations on the application must be made before 24th December.



New Westfield school kitchen opens

Pupils at Westfield Primary School in York will taste the first meals from their brand new kitchen and dining room this week following an £650,000 refit.

The school kitchen and dining room have undergone an ambitious refurbishment, turning a tired and dysfunctional space into an efficient facility where staff can prepare nutritious lunches for the x pupils.

Cllr Andrew Waller, Deputy Leader and Executive Member for the Environment, City of York Council, said: “This has been a major refurbishment scheme for the school and so pleased that the staff, students and community will now get the opportunity to reap the rewards of all the hard work as a One Planet York project.”

The kitchen and dining refurbishment at Westfield Primary school was to completely change two very large connected spaces that were bowing under the weight of their inefficiency.  The only way to solve the problems was to take a holistic One Planet approach and transform all aspects of these areas from the roofs down.

The result is one where we can say that energy efficiency has been truly optimised:

Westfield school

The leaking roofs over the dining room and kitchen have been entirely recovered;

Insulation has been installed between the roof spaces;

Suspended ceilings now provide warmth along with acoustic cushioning;

Tired single glazing has been replaced by new double glazed windows;

LED lighting has been installed throughout which will make a huge difference to the reduction of electrical output;

The kitchen has been completely re designed, reducing clutter and making the kitchen operation slicker;

New energy efficient kitchen equipment has been installed, reducing cooking times and streamlining food production whilst maintaining the already high standard of nutrition;

A new servery now makes queuing for meals a faster operation whilst allowing the pupils to see the food as it is being served;

School staff now have the space to guide pupils in and out of the queue to new dining tables;

This project has made Westfield Primary’s kitchen and dining areas enviably sustainable for many years to come

That was the week that was in west York in pictures

As the Council has stopped edging verges some paths are now gradually disappearing. Short sighted policy. Several residents in Ridgeway have signed a petition asking for action on this issue.

Also in Ridgeway there are problems with deteriorating footpaths. They could get pretty dangerous after frost gets to work this winter.

Nearby, this is a section of the Askham Lane path which will be resurfaced before the end of the year

Unfortunately parking on verges in Ridgeway is making a mess of the newly reinstated verges. Leaf fall is also a hazard.,

Problem with leaf fall on Askham Lane footpaths as well. We have reported the problem to the Council for attention

We’ve also reported litter in the planted areas in Dickson Park

To end with some good news. The Christmas lights in Front Street are brightening up the area. Good work by the Acomb Alive traders again this year.

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Footway To North Of Quaker Wood Public House Acomb Wood Drive York YO24 3XN

Proposal      Installation of replacement 17.5m slim-line monopole supporting 3no. shrouded antennas, 1no. replacement equipment cabinet, 1no. side pod cabinet, 1no. additional meter cabinet and ancillary development there to including 1no. GPS module.

Reference   18/02597/FUL

This site is located in the Dringhouses ward but may impact on residents living in the Westfeld area


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

  1. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

New refuse collection timetables being delivered to homes

…. as Council struggles to fill bin lorry vacancies, new apprenticeship scheme announced

Residents should receive a personalised refuse collection timetable through their letterboxes during the next few days. It covers the next 12 months and explains when to expect collections over the busy Christmas period.

It makes no reference to the One Planet App which was discontinued last week following concerns about hacking. Consequently there is no readily available mobile link which provides up to date information for those on the move.

Green bin emptying has now stopped and will recommence in April

Unfortunately the leaflet, while explaining what can be recycled at the kerbside, fails to explain how to safely dispose of other items such as hard plastics.

Signage at the recycling centres such as Hazel Court is also in need of refreshing.

There is some information on the Councils web site click here

Meanwhile the Council is trying to fill some long term vacancies in its refuse management teams. In recent weeks there have been several occasions when recycling has not been collected. Details are usually posted on their Facebook page (click) each day.

The Council has issued a statement saying,

“Earlier this year, City of York Council made a number of changes to waste services to address some of the challenges it’s faced including a national shortage of HGV drivers, sickness and poor weather.

Whilst the pressures have been on prioritising household waste and box recycling services, as statutory services mandated by public health acts. The consequence of this is that garden waste collections have been the most affected.

In addition to training loaders as LGV/HGV drivers from within the waste services team, a successful recruitment day was also held in September, with an accelerated application process.

In addition this, the council is making further improvements in the coming months to its IT systems, so that drivers can be guided during the rounds, allowing them to flag issues but also accurately record uncompleted rounds. Staff will also be used as drivers and loaders so that if there is a shortage of either, the council can use existing staff to help.

There is also an opportunity to replace the council fleet over the next few years. The majority of the current vehicles are due to be paid for at the end of this financial year and work has started to specify the fleet.  New vehicles are expected to arrive in 2020.

More can be done though and on top of the above, a report will be taken an Executive Member decision session next month, recommending a new driver apprentice programme.

If approved, the council will develop a driver apprentice programme within the waste team to train drivers as early as next year. This would enable staff to be trained and as a result retained by the council”.

Cllr Andrew Waller, Executive Member for Environmental Services, said: “I’d like to thank staff for working extra days to make up for missed collections. We’ve already made a lot of changes to the service but we know more can be done to improve the service’s reliability. So, it’s important that we learn from the challenges the service has faced and the decisions made, so that we can give our front-line crews the chance to provide the best service possible to our residents.”

The decision session meeting takes place on Monday 3 December from 5.30pm and is open to members of the public or is available to watch live online from: