Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward. 

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference 


One application would see a major change to the design of replacement buildings at the site of 61a Gale Lane. Planning permission for the demolition of the bungalow was sought in 2017. Now it is to be replaced by 8 flats and 2 semi detached bungalows. There may be issues with parking provision and traffic generation on what is a busy junction. ——-

61A Gale Lane York YO24 3AD

Erection of no.8 one bedroom apartments and no.2 two bedroom semi-detached bungalows following demolition of existing bungalow.

Ref. No: 19/00583/FULM 

61A Gale Lane 2017 plans
61A Gale Lane 2019 plans


Replacement buildings 61A Gale Lane frontage view


Lincoln Court Ascot Way York

Condition 13 (foul and surface water drainage)- 19/00083/FULM 

Ref. No: AOD/19/00147 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Abandoned bus shelters – future uncertain

The future of the bus shelters on Tudor Road, which have not had a service for over 2 years, remains uncertain.

Not surprisingly the shelters are in good condition.

There is a site, at the Gale Lane end, which could accommodate a shelter, and which does lie on the now clockwise route taken by the number 4 service.

There are no notices in the shelters (or on the bus stop signs) indicating that the bus service only serves the opposite side of the road.

Even then the alternative bus stops are a testing sprint away.

Anyone texting the bus stop identification code to the information service gets a text back saying that no service is expected within the next 4 hours.

4 years more likely.

If you text for information it will cost you 12p

The stop reference (e.g.  32900872) produces no useful information when keyed into the “Bus York” mobile phone app. See

Many people living in the Tudor Road area would prefer to see a 2-way service reintroduced.

If such a change is not imminent, the Council and bus service providers need to initiate a review of the quality of bus stop information, and shelter arrangements, that they provide in the area.

Abandoned bus shelters can be a magnet for anti-social behaviour, so some prompt action is required.

Some good news, some not so..

Work has started on the long awaited parking lay-by on Bramham Avenue
Unfortunately Bramham Avenue is one of those streets where footpaths are now badly worn
The litter on the Dijon Avenue garage block has been removed

However some dumping remains
The Acomb car park area was cleared of litter and fly tipping following our complaints at the weekend. Unfortunately more fly tipping has now appeared.
We’ve asked for weeds on Gale Lane to be treated
and for gutters to be hand swept
Biggest disappointment is the failure by the Council to respond to reports of littering on snickets. The problem on Tithe Close has been outstanding for a couple of weeks now

Other Thoresby Road snickets also have a lot of litter.

No way to treat a nature reserve

The wooded area next to the Grange Lane park is littered with rubbish again. The area is home to a wide selection of wildlife. It should be treated with more respect.

Ironically the park itself – often the source of complaints about litter in the past – is reasonably tidy at present.

We are now coming up to the second anniversary of our request to the Council to repaint the goals posts on the Westfield Park.

The Council is seemingly keen to encourage healthy living. The least it could do is keep sports facilitates in good condition

Westfield park

Time to tackle the potholes

When the list of streets which will be resurfaced this year was published a few weeks ago, it prompted disappointment in many areas.

For example the Herman Walk access road to Spurr Court had been scheduled to be resurfaced 4 years ago, but mysteriously disappeared for the programme before work could start. The carriageway has now almost worn away with the base layer increasingly vulnerable to ice damage.

Carriageway near Spurr Court breaking up

Not surprisingly other roads in the same area – which were laid at the same time – are also showing signs of wear and tear. Resurfacing now would avoid more expensive repairs in later years. (NB. The Council was allocated additional monies to cover carriageway repairs earlier in the year)

Potholes on the Foxwood estate are getting bigger each week

Highway defects represent a particular hazard for cyclists. We’ve reported several over the last few days that require prompt attention. The last systematic programme of cycle margin resurfacing works in York took place over 10 years ago.

Howe Street needs resurfacing

…as does Lowfields Drive

Some concrete surfaces are now breaking up. Heavy vehicles, accessing sites on Windsor Garth, are wrecking the Kingsway West highway. This is likely to get worse as work commences on the Ascot Way redevelopment plan

Concrete bays on Kingsway West are fractured
A resurfacing programme for back lanes is also required.

Time to get to grips with street public service issues in York

Poor IT systems and lack of effective action to deal with the root causes of problems

Residents will be hoping that the new Council is more successful than the last in dealing with endemic problems. High on their priority list should be a revamp of the “report it” on line system. For most issues, reported using the system, no update reports are provided.

In other cases issues are reported back to residents as “solved” when a cursory examination reveals that the problem is still outstanding

One recent case was a (bad) littering problem on the Tithe Close snicket. Reported on 29th April the IT system said it was “solved”. In reality the mound of litter has simply grown in size then.

Litter in Tithe Close 29th April
Litter still there a week later despite the report being “closed”

The same case highlights the lack of action on the root causes of problems. This, and other snickets in the area, are subject to littering on an almost daily basis. Surveillance followed by some well publicised prosecutions, would see the problem reduced (and failure costs avoided).

Another recurrent issue is fly tipping. The Council has rightly reduced the cost of bulky waste disposal collections. It has not been advertised very well.

So this Bank Holiday we are seeing numerous examples of dumping in public areas

Sofa dumped
Shopping trolleys
Mattress dumped on Little Green Lane garage area. Been there for “2 months” according to local residents
Rubbish on back lane
Dumping at old entrance otoLowfields school
Acomb car park – litter near recycling bins
Acomb Car Park – recycling bin full
Acomb car park dumping

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward. 

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference 

The applications include changes to the layout and mix of properties at the major development site at Lowfields school. It includes details of the “village green” layout and the features to be incorporated.


7 Radford House Windsor Garth York YO24 4QL

Proposal              Installation of access ramp to front

Ref         19/00645/FUL


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received