Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below is the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


131 St Stephens Road York YO24 3EE

Condition 3 – 16/02845/FUL  Extension to garage and increase in height (revised scheme)

Ref. No: AOD/17/00407


45 Gale Lane York YO24 3AD

Extension to garage and increase in height (revised scheme)

Ref. No: 17/02965/FUL


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Action taken on issues in and near Westfield

Shame to see so much disrepair and vandalism in the St Stephens graveyard in Acomb. Several who fell in the First and Second World Wars are buried here. We hope, as part of the commemoration of the end of WW1, some refurbishment work might be possible. More to come

As a minimum, we’ll ask for the War Memorial on The Green to be given a good clean and tidy up in the spring

Good progress is being made on levelling the footpath on the Library side of Front Street

Recent rain has meant that some paths and roads have standing water on them. Part of the footpath on Askham Lane is almost blocked at one point. We’ve reported the locations that we have spotted. To report issues go to

Good to see that all the noticeboards in the Westfield Ward are now back in use and are being updated regularly. If you wish to advertise a local event email They have taken over noticeboard management in most of the area

Action taken on these

UPDATED Delays in recycling collections – Residents urged to use “bring” recycling banks

No need for fly tipping. Space in all the recycling bins at Acomb Car park today

The Council has issued a statement today (Tuesday) saying,

“We have been so busy today collecting all the festive waste that we were unable to collect the recycling from the following streets:

  • Askham Grove
  • Robinson Drive
  • Acomb Green
  • Askham Lane (from Askham Grove to Foxwood Lane)
  • Yearsley Crescent 
  • Ashville Street 
  • Oakville Street 
  • Park Grove (from alley end of Eldon Street)

If you are affected please put your rubbish out by 7am tomorrow and we will return and collect. Apologies for any inconvenience this has caused”.

Residents are being urged to use the network of recycling banks across the City.

The plea comes after street collections fell behind scheduled last week.

The Council reported that very large amounts of, post festive season, waste were being presented for collection.

You can follow York waste collections on Twitter @CYCWaste

Their Facebook page can be found at City of York Council Waste Services

Recycling bank locations – click the map, then the click “street care” then “Recycling banks”


St Stephens Road arson incident

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue are reporting that a fire was started deliberately on St Stephens Road this morning.

According to the Service the attack involved  a “wheelie bin on fire against the external doors of a 2 storey block of flats.

Resulted in fire damage to wheelie bin, slight fire damage to doors and light smoke damage to entrance foyer.

The cause is deliberate”

You can follow the Fire Serviceby clicking here  & via Twitter here @NorthYorksFire

Action being taken to deal with footpath, dumping and other issues in west York

Work on levelling footpaths on Front Street has started. A Ward Committee funded scheme aimed at providing level access from the Gale Farm Court area into the shopping area for those using disability scooters.

Litter at the top of Foxwood Lane has been reported

& the weather inevitably means that vehicles parking on verges will damage them. We hope that work on providing a lay-by on Askham Lane will start shortly

Shocking pictures of dumping to the rear of shops on Front Street. Cllr Sue Hunter is following up the issue.

Complaints are increasing about lack of maintenance of the Leeman Road Nature Reserve. There has been a lot of dumping, tree detritus blights surrounding streets and some public footpaths are obstructed.


Wetherby Road roundabout – new layout proposals revealed

Chance to comment on plans to reduce outer ring road congestion

Residents and businesses have until Friday 2 February to comment on designs to upgrade the outer ring road’s Wetherby Road roundabout – one of seven roundabouts on A1237 and part of a £38m programme of improvements set for the next four years.

The roundabout upgrades will mean more lanes and space on the approaches and exits, and improvements for pedestrians and cyclists. “Where possible” the road layouts will be designed to accommodate a potential future scheme to bring the outer ring road up to dual carriageway standard.

The Wetherby Road roundabout improvement works are planned for early Summer in 2018, although some site clearance work could start earlier.

Plans can be viewed online at, at the council’s West Offices on Station Rise, YO1 6GA, or at two special public exhibitions at Acomb Explore Library on Front Street, YO24 3BZ on Thursday 18 January and Monday 22 January from 3-7pm

All comments will be reviewed and changes to the design made where possible.  The decision on the final layout will be taken at a public Executive Member for Transport and Planning Decision Session meeting in March 2018.

The news comes as West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Investment Committee met to discuss the project and approve the progress of the £3.6m first phase of roundabout improvements earlier this week. Full programme funding is coming through the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund, and the Leeds City Region Growth Deal – a £1bn package of government investment to accelerate growth and create jobs across Leeds City Region.

The Council web site says


Changes to bus service timetables in York from today (Sunday 7th January 2018)

 From Sunday 7 January 2018 First have made timetable changes to the 1, 4, 6, 9 (Park & Ride), 11, 66, 66A, so they “are running more reliably”

Download changes to the bus times from the pdf here.

All of the new timetables are linked below and the City of York council have the information to update the stops, so you know what time to catch your bus!