Safety concerns raised about new York spy camera site

With the new ANPR enforcement cameras now in use on Low Poppleton Lane, a response to a Freedom of Information request has revealed that safety engineers raised three significant concerns about the project.

In a report dated as recently as 18th December 2017 – three months after the go ahead for the scheme was given – engineers say that there will be a potentially hazardous pinch point on the cycle path, that the priority signage may be confusing and that the location of the “bus gate” on a bend may result in sight line problems

The review team go on to say,

Additionally, the new signage refers to a bus lane but there are no traditional bus lane markings provided and as far as the audit team are aware this would be the only bus lane in York which is not usable by taxis and motorcycles”.

Notwithstanding the concerns no significant amendments were made tot eh design before it was implemented a couple of weeks ago. Drivers and motorcyclists using the road will receive on warning letter before any subsequent infringement will result in the issue of a PCN and a potential £100 fine.

A separate risk assessment was made of the railway crossing last June when removal of the rising bollard was being considered.

It concluded, “We consider that the proposal to increase the traffic over the crossing by the local highway authority will significantly increase the public risk at the level crossing. We do not support the implementation of the trial of the temporarily removal of the bollards to allow through traffic due to the risks outlined above”.

The current Automatic Half Barrier (AHB) crossing is ranked at number 23 out of 2139 safety risk crossings across the London North East & East Midlands Route.

On the highway, an accident record review revealed that, during the last 3 years, there had been only one slight accident on the section of Millfield Lane affected by the restrictions.

One slight accident had been reported on Low Poppleton Lane – involving a cyclist entering the former school car park.

The Council had quoted excessive volumes of traffic using Low Poppleton Lane because of failures in the rising bollard system.

The information response indicates that there are around 5000 vehicles movements on the whole of Millfield Lane on a typical day.  This is relatively low for a street which includes an industrial estate and school.

No figures for Low Poppleton Lane are provided but they are thought to be very small.

Mean vehicle speeds on Millfield Lane are around 32 mph (just above the speed limit).No figures for Low Poppleton Lane have been provided, although again vehicle speed is unlikely to be an issue on what is a short stretch of road.

The Council has promised to review its policy which would see the users of mopeds having to dismount and push their bikes along the cycle track.We think riders are unlikely to do so.

The alternative route (via the ring road and A59) would be particularly hazardous for riders of light weight machines.

The nature of the information now revealed suggests that the decision to go ahead with the camera installation should have been subject to prior public consultation with a decision being taken, at on open meeting, attended by the responsible Executive member.

We hope that such a meeting will happen quickly now.

The project is currently subject to a 18 month trial.

Lendal Arch junction upgrade to start on Sunday


Major congestion fears

City of York Council is reminding residents, businesses and visitors that work to upgrade the traffic signals at the Lendal Arch gyratory will start on Sunday 21 January.

Lendal Arch gyratory includes the junctions of Station Road, Station Avenue, Station Rise, Rougier Street and Lendal Bridge.

Due to the location and nature of these works, motorists should expect significant disruption. Whilst everything reasonably possible is being done to keep this disruption to a minimum, motorists should expect delays. We are advising motorists that regularly travel through this location to plan an alternative route where possible.

To help the junction function better there will be a full renewal of the traffic signal equipment. Changes will also be made to the pedestrian crossing facilities, including widening and realigning the crossing to make the area safer and better for the thousands of pedestrians who regularly use the crossing.

The pavement in the area will also be brought up to date and widened. Following this work the junction will be resurfaced.

UPDATED Work completed on new bus lane. ANPR cameras on site


The new bus lane on Low Poppleton Lane/Millfield Lane is ready to be opened. It will be guarded by ANPR cameras which will automatically issue £90 fine notices to anyone driving through the “gate”, other than local bus services

The scheme has attracted criticism because of safety concerns. It emerged the decision was taken in early September without any public consultation.

The papers for the decision meeting don’t include the usual safety audit.

Most criticism has come from moped users who claim the new system will force them to use the busy A1237 northern by pass. That route involves the use of two multi lane roundabouts.

The Council have been alerted to the issue, but they claim that moped riders could dismount and push their bikes along the adjacent cycle lane. We think that there is little chance that most moped users will do that. Most will simply by-pass the gate by riding along the cycle track.

Anyone with concerns can email them to

In the meantime, a Freedom of Information request has been submitted to the Council asking it to publish the safety audit reports for the area together with accident, speed and volume figures

NB. Restrictions on Low Poppleton Lane were originally introduced following problems with sugar beet lorries short cutting through a street which included a school entrance. The sugar factory has long gone while the school has moved and now occupies a site on Millfield Lane

York bus services “some of the best in the region” claim

Figures compiled by the Department for Transport (DfT) show that improvements made to York’s buses helped take 460,000 car trips off the city’s roads last year, the equivalent of a traffic jam from York to Moscow.

The DfT’s annual statistics on public transport use show that the number of people using York’s buses has increased for the fourth year in a row.  Last year there were 16.8 million passengers on York’s buses, compared to15 million in 2012/13.  This is a growth in passengers of 12 percent, which is in contrast with the rest of the Yorkshire and Humber region which has fallen by 4 percent.

Passenger satisfaction information, collected by Transport Focus on behalf of the York Quality Bus Partnership, also suggests that 90 percent of York’s bus passengers are satisfied with the service they receive – a rate above the national average of 87 percent, and above the rates for West and South Yorkshire.

The figures are similar to those found by a Liberal Democrat residents survey undertaken in west York last year

The council and bus operators have worked together to improve York’s bus network over the last few years through the York Quality Bus Partnership.  Innovations in York have included:

  •      Improvements to bus information, including new on-street timetables and more real time displays
  •      Two new park and ride sites at Askham Bar and Poppleton Bar
  •      Fare reductions and new tickets
  •      Improvements to well used bus stops in the city centre including Museum Street and Exhibition Square.
  •      New electric buses on the Poppleton and Monks Cross park and ride services
  •      Introduction of refurbished electric open-top buses on the City Sightseeing tour service
  •      New services, such as the CityZap service between York and Leeds, and new vehicles and higher frequencies on some existing services
  •      Introduction of a multi-operator “AllYork” ticket and a smartcard ticket
  •      The introduction of two “Bus Wardens” and the bus enquiry desk at the Railway Station to help passengers

In the next six months there will be further improvements to the network, particularly opening improved bus interchanges at Stonebow and Rougier Street. New buses will also be introduced on Coastliner and EYMS services.  FirstYork will be introducing new ticket machines across their network which will allow contactless payment.  Over the next 12 months First will be introducing new buses on the Askham Bar, Rawcliffe Bar, Grimston Bar and Designer Outlet park and ride services as the new park and ride operating contract is introduced.

Work to improve the A19 Crockey Hill junction set to start

The Council  will be starting the second phase of work to improve the flow of traffic on the A19 south of York with works at the Crockey Hill junction with Wheldrake Lane starting on Sunday 14 January.

The work is expected to be completed by Friday 4 May. No work will take place over the Easter weekend, and the road will be operate as normal from 30 March to 3 April in a bid to minimise disruption to road users.

An extra southbound lane will be built on the approach to, and through the junction in a bid to ease rush-hour congestion heading south out of York, particularly at the A64 Fulford Interchange. The traffic lights in the area will also be improved.

Taxi driver to pay £1,404 for illegally plying for trade

A taxi driver who was found to have illegally plied for trade in York has been ordered to pay a total £1,404 and was given six points on his driving licence.

In August 2017 as part of a joint enforcement operation, City of York Council officers and North Yorkshire Police were carrying out routine checks of taxis and private hire vehicles in York city centre. Sohail Ahmed (aged 45 of Wensleydale Road, Bradford) was stopped on Holgate Road, while driving a Hackney carriage licensed by Rossendale Borough Council.

Wetherby Road roundabout – new layout proposals revealed

Chance to comment on plans to reduce outer ring road congestion

Residents and businesses have until Friday 2 February to comment on designs to upgrade the outer ring road’s Wetherby Road roundabout – one of seven roundabouts on A1237 and part of a £38m programme of improvements set for the next four years.

The roundabout upgrades will mean more lanes and space on the approaches and exits, and improvements for pedestrians and cyclists. “Where possible” the road layouts will be designed to accommodate a potential future scheme to bring the outer ring road up to dual carriageway standard.

The Wetherby Road roundabout improvement works are planned for early Summer in 2018, although some site clearance work could start earlier.

Plans can be viewed online at, at the council’s West Offices on Station Rise, YO1 6GA, or at two special public exhibitions at Acomb Explore Library on Front Street, YO24 3BZ on Thursday 18 January and Monday 22 January from 3-7pm

All comments will be reviewed and changes to the design made where possible.  The decision on the final layout will be taken at a public Executive Member for Transport and Planning Decision Session meeting in March 2018.

The news comes as West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Investment Committee met to discuss the project and approve the progress of the £3.6m first phase of roundabout improvements earlier this week. Full programme funding is coming through the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s West Yorkshire plus Transport Fund, and the Leeds City Region Growth Deal – a £1bn package of government investment to accelerate growth and create jobs across Leeds City Region.

The Council web site says


Changes to bus service timetables in York from today (Sunday 7th January 2018)

 From Sunday 7 January 2018 First have made timetable changes to the 1, 4, 6, 9 (Park & Ride), 11, 66, 66A, so they “are running more reliably”

Download changes to the bus times from the pdf here.

All of the new timetables are linked below and the City of York council have the information to update the stops, so you know what time to catch your bus!

Low Poppleton Lane traffic restrictions – irregularities

ANPR camera use decision questioned as moped riders cry “foul”

Low Poppleton Lane rising bollards

Residents have complained about lack of consultation about the proposed use of ANPR cameras to enforce bus lane restrictions on Low Poppleton Lane. A decision was made to scrap the current rising bollard enforcement system following problems with reliability. Instead ANPR “spy” cameras will monitor the Low Poppleton Lane/Millfield Lane junction.

A media release from the Council last week claimed that the decision to use cameras had been made by the Executive member at a meeting which took place on 14th September. The media release said, “All traffic other than local bus services and the Manor School mini bus will be prohibited from passing through this restriction

It is clear from the minutes of the Executive Member meeting, that the plans for Low Poppleton Lane – one of many roads assessed for possible bus priority enforcement changes –  would be subject to a further report. This would have allowed residents and road users to raise any issues.

The report said, “It is recommended that further detailed reports are prepared where appropriate to enable the Executive Member to confirm the approach for each location prior to implementation”.

No such report has subsequently been published for the Low Poppleton Lane plan.

It has now emerged that a council official – at a private meeting held a week previously on 8th September – had already agreed to introduce the camera enforcement.

That report can be read by clicking here

Residents do not see these reports in advance of the decision being taken. It can be several weeks before the decision appears on – a very obscure – part of the Council web site.

The report recognises the potentially controversial use of cameras.

It says “It is proposed to implement the enforcement on the following basis:

· 2-week grace period with a letter sent to all drivers who pass through the area during the restriction period notifying them of the changes.

· A further 2 weeks with first offence warning letters indicating that a Penalty Charge Notice would be issued if the vehicle passed through the restriction again.

· Following those periods PCNs would be issued on all vehicles which contravened the TRO”.

Alternative route for moped riders avoiding Low Poppleton Lane.

The report confirms that only buses and the Manor school bus would be exempt from the restrictions. There is no relaxation for taxis or two wheeled transport riders.

There appears to have been no thought given to the safety of moped users. At present moped riders can pass between the raised bollards and use the traffic controlled and hence safe junction at Boroughbridge Road. There is also lightly trafficked route to Poppleton from Millfield Lane  where Manor school is now located.

If mopeds, which can be ridden by 16-year olds and which have a governed maximum speed of 30 mph, are banned from using Low Poppleton Lane, then they will be diverted onto the A1237 by pass.

This is a very busy stretch of road. Right turns at the two roundabouts on the alternative route would be especially hazardous in dark and rainy conditions. An underpass is provided for  pedal cyclists at the A59 roundabout

It seems that in its haste to avoid a public discussion about ANPR camera use, the Council has failed to address a potentially serious safety risk.

The implementation of the camera scheme should be suspended until these fears are resolved.

Low Poppleton Lane ANPR cameras. Officer decision 8th Sept

Low Poppleton Lane ANPR cameras. Councillor decision 14th Sept

York bus service reliability stats published

The York Council has made a small step forward in publishing monthly reliability stats for local bus services.

In the past the authority had been heavily criticised for publishing only the minimum statistics required by central government. This was a “snap shot of services taken in November

Monthly  stats are now available on the iTravel website. Their availability has not been widely publicised.

The stats reveal that reliability has generally been good but that it suffered a setback in the Autumn.

We hope that the next step will be for route by route stats to be published.

The Council says that “the published measure is calculated using timings from every bus service in the York area for which real-time information is available. This currently comprises all local bus services operated by Arriva, EYMS, First and Transdev (excluding CitySightseeing).

The measure provides a picture of overall punctuality across all routes in York over the last 12 months”.

he reported punctuality figure for each month consists of the percentage of measure periods during that month where punctuality is:

  • Good – average schedule deviation less than 4 minutes.
  • Outstanding – average schedule deviation less than 2 minutes.

Bus services in York have generally been improving during the last couple of years. Customer satisfaction surveys, carried out by Councillors in the Westfield Ward earlier in 201,7 found that bus services were the highest rated public service in most neighbourhoods.

That is a major change round  compared to the results of similar surveys conducted 15 years ago.