Police appeal after York man’s nose broken

Police in York are appealing for witnesses following a violent assault on a man in the early hours of Sunday 1 November 2015.police appeal
The attack happened outside Society Bar on Rougier Street when a 20-year-old man from York was repeatedly punched to the head and knocked to the ground.

The victim sustained serious injuries to his face including a broken nose, cuts to his head and face, a black eye and muscle damage to his neck.

The area was busy with people celebrating Halloween and officers are appealing to anyone who was in the area of Society Bar between midnight and 1pm to contact them.

They also want to hear from anyone who has any information about who carried out the attack.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2 and ask for the Safer Neighbourhood Service Desk.

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please quote reference number 12150194046 when passing on information.

York man jailed for killing his best friend in drug-induced attack

A York man has today (13 November 2015) been jailed for six years and eight months for killing his best friend. He was also handed a 32-month concurrent jail term for attacking another man in the street.
Samuel Frederick Donley

Samuel Frederick Donley, 20, of Hamilton Drive West, stabbed 20-year-old Liam Miller 32 times on the night of 27 July 2015. Liam died despite the courageous efforts of neighbours, paramedics and police who gave medical assistance at the scene.

Donley was sentenced at Leeds Crown Court after pleading guilty to the manslaughter of Liam and to causing grievous bodily harm to a 60-year-old York man.

Liam Miller and Samuel Donley were good friends, and on the night of Monday 27 July 2015, while Donley’s parents where away, they decided to experiment after both expressing an interest in using hallucinogenic drugs.

They both took the drug 25i-NBOMe early in the evening and began to record their feelings and experiences as the effects of the drug took hold.

Later that night, in a horrific and violent attack, Donley killed Liam while under the influence of the drug. No motive for the attack has been established and the conclusion is that Donley killed Liam during a psychotic episode brought on by the drug.

As Liam lay fatally injured in the driveway of Donley’s home, a 60-year-old man stopped to help, believing someone had suffered a seizure. After comprehending the events that were actually taking place, the man ran from the scene in fear for his life, closely followed by Donley who caught up with him and attacked him several times with a knife.

At the same time, Donley’s neighbours were disturbed by the noise and came out to see what was happening. On realising the situation, one immediately administered first aid to Liam. The other ran after Donley, preventing him from inflicting further harm to the man. He made Donley return to the house and shut him inside, all the while holding on to the door to prevent Donley from escaping and attacking anyone else.

When the emergency services arrived at the scene, Donley was arrested following a violent confrontation with police officers.

Detective Inspector Mark Pearson of North Yorkshire Police’s Major Crime Unit, said: “This case is one of absolute tragedy brought about through the use of illegal drugs. What started out as two best friends enjoying a night together, has ended in catastrophic circumstances.

“Liam Miller’s promising life has been cut short. Sam Donley is facing several years in prison and has to live with the fact that he has killed his best friend. If ever there was a stark reminder of the dangers in taking drugs – this is it.

“Our thoughts remain with Liam’s family who have been utterly devastated by his death yet have shown great dignity throughout the investigation.”

Det Insp Pearson added: “I must also acknowledge the actions of both the second victim who stopped to help, only to find himself on the receiving end of Donley’s frenzied attack, and the two neighbours who attended to Liam and ensured Donley was confined to the house once they persuaded him to return. They put their own life in danger and are to be commended for their quick thinking which potentially saved further tragedy.”

Family statement

From Liam’s father, brother and sister and their partners and Liam’s nephew.

“It is impossible to find the words to describe how we feel about Liam’s death. He is the first thing we think about in the morning and the last thing we think about at night. It is hard to accept that he had his whole life in front of him. It was such a waste of life and he didn’t deserve what happened. Without any doubt, this is the hardest and most painful experience any human being will have to go through.

“It is very difficult for us to put into words or express how we feel or what we wanted the outcome to be. We know that nothing can ever bring him back. Nothing is going to make up for the suffering our family and friends have had to deal with over the last few months.”


25i-NBOMe is also known as 25i, INB-MeO, N-bomb, Smiles, Mr. Happy, Solaris and Cimbi-5.

The potential effects of this drug can be catastrophic. Users of the drug have been found to suffer from paranoia, violence, agitation, seizures and hallucinogenic effects. It can also cause increased heart rate and blood pressure which can in extreme cases lead to heart failure. There are numerous reports both in the UK and worldwide where people who have taken the drug have gone on to inflict serious harm upon themselves.

Det Insp Pearson added: “Members of the public need to be aware of the potential dangers of this drug. As with all drugs, people may not be aware of what they are taking and the effects it may have. This case must surely be a wake-up call to everyone who experiments with illegal drugs. It is simply not worth putting your life or anyone else’s in such grave danger.”

NBOMe is a synthetic drug and was made illegal in June 2014 becoming a class A controlled drug.

If you or anyone else becomes unwell after taking illegal drugs or legal highs, please seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Further information about drugs, including the NBOMe family of drugs can be found on the website www.talktofrank.com/drug/n-bomb.

Support, information and advice regarding drug use is available from the following services:


Lifeline (York)                                   01904 464680 (Young and adult persons in York)

North Yorkshire Horizons              01723 330730 (Adults 18+ in North Yorkshire)

Compass Reach                               0800 0087452 (for under 18 year olds in North Yorkshire)

Police in York are seeking the owners of recovered bicycles – likely to be from Foxwood area

North Yorkshire Police is seeking the owners of several bicycles recovered by police in West York on Sunday 1 November 2015.
Police tape1

On Sunday 1 November 2015 police recovered several bicycles from an address on Thoresby Road in West York. The bicycles are believed to have been stolen earlier that day, most likely in the Foxwood area of York. However, so far, only one of these bicycles has been reported stolen.

We are conducting enquiries in respect of these bicycles. In particular, we are seeking to identify their owners so that their bicycles may be returned to them.

If you have had a bike stolen recently please contact us on 101, select option 2, and ask for Alastair Foy. You may also email alastair.foy@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12150194770.

York police seek witnesses to two assaults

Witness appeal following five-a-side assault

Police are appealing for witnesses following an assault on a man during a five-a-side football match in York.


Then incident happened at the York Sports Village in Heslington, on Tuesday 29 September 2015.

Two local teams kicked off their game at 9.20pm. Towards the end of the game, a 28 year old man from York was punched in the face and knocked unconscious by a member of the opposing team.

The offender is described as a white man, aged early to mid-twenties with short shaven hair and of stocky/big build. He was wearing a red Liverpool football kit.

Anyone who witnessed the incident is asked to contact North Yorkshire Police. Dial 101, press 2 and ask to speak to PC Adrienne McCoubrey or email Adrienne.mccoubrey@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Witnesses sought to Bank Holiday daytime assault in York

North Yorkshire Police is appealing for witnesses and information about an assault that occurred on Bank Holiday Monday, 31 August 2015, near the Castle car park in York city centre.


The assault took place in the alley next to Fenwicks between the Coppergate Centre and the Castle Carpark at 2pm on Bank Holiday Monday. A 15-year-old boy was punched in the face by a stranger, causing a cut to his face and damage to his glasses. The assault was witnessed by his younger brother.

Police are seeking witnesses who may have been in the Coppergate Centre, the alley next to Fenwicks, or the Castle car park around the time of the offence.

In particular, we are appealing for information about three males who followed the victim and his brother from the Coppergate Centre and into the alleyway where the victim was assaulted.

Male one is white, 17-18 years in age, about 6ft tall, slim, and has short dark hair. He was wearing a brown/green thigh length coat with a hood, a light coloured jumper underneath his coat, black tracksuit bottoms with white stripes down the side, and black trainers with white laces.

Male two is white, 15-16 years in age, about 5ft 6inches in height, and has short mousy blond hair. He was wearing A light brown coloured tracksuit and black trainers and he carried a black rucksack.

Male three is tanned, 12-13 years in age, about 5ft and with short blond hair. He was wearing a light grey hooded jumper and dark trousers.

Anyone with information that could assist the investigation should contact us on 101, select option 2, and ask for PC 278 Hart.

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12150153526.


Gateway Centre 13th November 10am-1pm
Severus Social Club, Milner Street, 30th November 1pm-3pm

Property Marking and an opportunity to raise issues with the local policing team.

Dot peen property markingdot-peen-technology-h2

York Police have invested in the top-of-the-range “dot peen” property marking machines, and are offering the service free to York residents.

Every year, police recover hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of stolen property from the hands of criminals, but all too often there is no way of identifying its rightful owners. Being able to trace the ownership of the property not only helps people get the property back, but it can also provide evidence that is vital in securing convictions.

Dot peen marking involves using a tungsten carbide-tipped pin to indent an object with dots to create a visible, permanent unique number. The unique number will be entered onto the national Immobilise property register database, vastly increasing the chances that it will be reunited with its owner if it is lost or stolen.

The new machines in York can mark at a speed of two characters per second, to an accuracy of 0.006mm, and can be used on everything from steel and aluminium to plastic.

They have been funded by North Yorkshire Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, and Safer York Partnership.

While other methods of property marking, such as UV marker pens or forensically-coded liquid, can also be very effective in reuniting property with its rightful owners, the visual deterrent of a permanently marked serial number alone could be enough to deter would-be thieves.

Dot peen marking is suitable for everything from bikes and garden tools to PlayStations and laptop computers (however mobile phones are likely to be too delicate)

Groves drunks face crackdown

DrunksThe York Council is planning to go ahead with the proposal to introduce a Public Space Protection Order in The Groves.

The proposal will be discussed at a meeting taking place on 16th November and is mainly aimed at eliminating “street drinking”.

Over 200 complaints of alcohol related anti social behavior were received for the Groves area last year.

85% of respondents to a recent consultation exercise said they favoured new restrictions on public drinking.

Offenders face a £100 fixed penalty notice

The area to be covered by the order can be viewed by clicking here

Suspected dog theft update – new homes found for all 19 dogs

Police investigating the theft of a number of dogs who were found at a property in Kelfield near Selby have thanked members of the public for their response to the appeal.

PC Sarah Ward of Selby police, said: “We have had an overwhelming response to our appeal to find new homes and to try and find their rightful owners.

“Sadly, we have not been able to find any of the original owners of the dogs. This is mainly because most of them were not chipped. A number of people have come forward, believing some of the dogs were theirs, but after checks were carried out, sadly for them, the dogs have turned out not to be theirs.

“However, the good news is that we have found new homes for all 19 dogs. Although, they will not be handed over to their new owners for a week, just in case any further potential owners come forward.

“People have been brilliant and incredibly generous. Many people who were not in a position to adopt a dog, have called at the kennels and donated food for them.

“I would like to thank everyone for their kindness, I honestly did not expect such a huge response to our appeal, but thank you so much.”

To recap, police originally seized 23 dogs, however four ave been returned to their rightful owners leaving 19 homeless. The remaining dogs are being cared for by Woodhaven Kennels in South Milford.

The owner of a property in Kelfield near Riccall contacted the police after the animals were abandoned there.

The dogs have not necessarily been stolen from the North Yorkshire area, they could have been taken from the surrounding areas or anywhere in the country. There is no suggestion that any of the dogs have been mistreated and our investigation relates only to alleged theft and fraud offences. Due to the ongoing investigation, we are only able to release limited information.

A woman aged in her 50s from Howden has been arrested in connection with the investigation and has been released on police bail. A second woman is assisting the police with their enquiries.

Police call to ‘stay safe’ this Bonfire Night – Football fans can get kit security marked

Police are urging people to behave responsibly and stay safe this Bonfire Night period.
Flashback to 2013 - Special Constables on patrol in York on 'Mischief Night'

While a great many people enjoy the festivities at this time of year, there are others for whom it brings distress and raises the fear of crime.

Police officers, PCSOs and Special Constables will be undertaking proactive patrols to ensure that residents and visitors feel safe.

Posters have been delivered to shops to prevent young people buying eggs and flour and fireworks, and schools have been visited to educate young people about anti-social behaviour and the dangers of fireworks. Social media is also being used to provide information and advice to residents.

Assistant Chief Constable Paul Kennedy, of North Yorkshire Police, said: “Officers will be out in the towns and cities across North Yorkshire to act as reassurance and deter anti-social behaviour.

“I would like parents to speak to their children to ensure that they understand how their actions can put themselves at risk, and leave others in fear of crime. If you know that a neighbour is vulnerable, please keep an eye out for them to help prevent them from becoming concerned about being a victim of crime.”

“We work closely with the Fire and Rescue Service and I would also remind people not take risks with fireworks. Anyone caught supplying fireworks to under 18-year-olds or lighting them in the street can expect to be dealt with robustly, and people working in shops should also be mindful of selling anything to young people which could be used to cause anti-social behaviour.”

For safety advice, interactive games and poster downloads, visit North Yorkshire Police’s Bonfire Night website atwww.northyorkshire.police.uk/bonfire.

York Police invite football fans to show burglars the red card

York Police are urging football fans to get their valuable items security marked to help tackle property theft.


Officers are working with York City Football Club, using their new ‘dot peen’ property marking equipment at the stadium.

Dot peen marking involves using a tungsten carbide-tipped pin to indent an object with dots to create a visible, permanent unique number. The unique number will be entered onto the national Immobilise property register database, vastly increasing the chances that it will be reunited with its owner if it is lost or stolen.

The machines can mark at a speed of two characters per second, to an accuracy of 0.006mm, and can be used on everything from steel and aluminium to plastic. They have been funded by North Yorkshire Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, and Safer York Partnership.

PCSO Andy Smith, of York North Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “Dot peen machines can engrave your cycles, phones and music players – essentially, everything except your football! In the unfortunate event of items being stolen or lost, dot peen marking gives us a much better chance to return your property to you.

“The process is very easy and will only take a few of minutes of your time, so you shouldn’t miss any of the game.

“We will also be available to offer security advice or answer any questions you might have. We hope you will come and see us and enjoy the game!”

The Safer Neighbourhood Team will be in the car park under the main stand from 12pm to 3pm for the following games:

  • Saturday 14 November 2015 v Plymouth
  • Saturday 19 December 2015 v Morecambe

Since the machines were introduced in July 2015, York Police have had an excellent response from the public, resulting in more than 2,500 items of property being marked across the city.

To find out when your next property marking event is taking place, follow your local York police team on Twitter at @snayorkcityeast, @snayorknorth or @snayorkwest. The service is promoted on Twitter with the hashtag #whatisdotpeen. You can also ‘like’ the York City & East Police and NYP Universities pages on Facebook, and visit www.northyorkshire.police.uk/whatisdotpeen

Say no to police cuts in York – Petition launched

The Conservative Government is planning to cut the Home Office budget in November’s Comprehensive Spending Review and change the ‘Police Funding Formula’.

Teresa May police cuts

The North Yorkshire Police Federation has warned that these comibined cuts could see a reduction in police numbers and leave North Yorkshire Police (who cover York) with fewer police officers than when the force was founded in 1974. The Federation has called for North Yorkshire to be given a “fair deal” by the Government.

To show our support for North Yorkshire Police we have started the folloiwng petition which we urge you to sign:

I/We the undersigned oppose plans by the Conservative Government to cut the funding for the North Yorkshire Police.

Click here

Dogs need homes as police investigate theft…. Appeal for Piccadilly accident witnesses

19 suspected stolen dogs are looking for new homes after they were seized by police as part of an ongoing investigation in the Selby area.

Officers originally seized 23 dogs, however some have been returned to their rightful owners. The remaining dogs are being cared for by Woodhaven Kennels in South Milford. They are either not microchipped or their owners have not come forward to claim them.

The owner of a property in Kelfield near Riccall, contacted the police after the animals were abandoned there.Dog recovered Nov 2015

PC Sarah Ward of Selby police, said: “Ideally we would like to reunite the dogs with their rightful owners, but the difficulty is that many have not been microchipped and if they have, their owners have not come forward to collect them.

“The dogs have not necessarily been stolen from the North Yorkshire area, they could have been taken from the surrounding areas or anywhere in the country. There is no suggestion that any of the dogs have been mistreated and our investigation relates only to alleged theft and fraud offences. Due to the ongoing investigation, we are only able to release limited information at this stage.”

The local dog warden and the RSPCA assisted officers with scanning the dogs and transporting them to their temporary home.

If you believe you are the owner of one of the dogs, please contact North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2 and ask for PC Sarah Ward.

Please quote reference number 12150163657 when calling.

If you are interested in adopting one of the dogs, please contact the kennels direct on 01977 685404. Vetting procedures will be carried out before any of the dogs are handed over.

A woman aged in her 50s from Howden has been arrested in connection with the investigation and has been released on police bail. A second woman is assisting the police with their enquiries.

To view all the dogs, please visit our Facebook page Facebook.com/NorthYorkshirePolice

Witnesses sought after York collision

North Yorkshire Police is appealing for witnesses and information about a road traffic accident that occurred in York.

It happened at about 1850 hrs on 27 January 2015 and involved a cyclist and a mid size saloon car

The cyclist received a buckle break to his left shoulder and discomfort to his left knee and was treated at York district Hospital.

We are appealing for witnesses to the collision or anyone who recalls seeing the vehicle prior to the collision, parked on the pavement outside Wetherspoons on Piccadilly, York, to get in touch as soon as possible to assist the investigation.

If you can help, please contact us on 101, select option 2, and ask for Terence Priestman.

You can also email terence.priestman@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12150017209