Work on providing a parking lay-by outside the flats on Askham Lane has started. The work has been outstanding for a long time. Residents have increasingly resorted to parking on the verges which, in wet weather, are easily damaged. So this is good progress.
Local LibDem Councillors also report that off street parking is being provided for the flats on Danesfort Avenue. Much of the area has double yellow lines, and sections of Middleton Road are very congested. The work on the layby, which has been in the programme for some time now’ has been scheduled for the week commencing 25th March. It will use the “eco grid” system used in other locations in the ward.
This relates to health and safety conditions attached to the use of machinery on
the site. It has been approved by Council officials using their delegated powers
Condition 3 Notwithstanding
any proposed materials specified on the approved drawings or in the application
form submitted with the application, samples of the external materials to be
used shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning
Authority prior to the commencement of the construction of above ground works.
The development shall be carried out using the approved materials.
Condition 6 Prior to first occupation a detailed landscaping scheme
which shall illustrate the number, species, height and position of trees and
shrubs shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning
Authority. This scheme shall be implemented within a period of six months of
the completion of the development.
Condition 7 Prior to the commencement of any service or utilities
works that would impact on Hob Moor Local Nature Reserve, a derogation from the
Higher Level Stewardship agreement must be obtained from Natural England, and a
method statement for construction works and reinstatement approved in writing
with the Local Planning Authority
Condition 10 A detailed method of works statement
Condition 12 Prior to construction details of the proposed means of
foul and surface water drainage, including details of any balancing works and
off site works, shall submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority
Condition 14 Prior to their construction, full engineering,
drainage, street lighting and constructional details of the streets proposed
for adoption shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority.
Erection of 5no. apartments, 5no. two bedroom housing units, 6no. three bedroom housing units, 3no. four bedroom housing units and a shared common house/amenity block and associated infrastructure to form community housing development |
The Save Lowfields Playing Field Facebook page points out that a significant amendment to the plans for the “Yorspace” development has been submitted.
They say “The Yorspace developers have submitted new plans for their 3 storey “communal house” building. In effect they raise the height by incorporating angled solar panels. This would make the building even more dominating and intrusive. (There are other ways of incorporating solar energy harvesting)”.
Only a couple of days to record objections to this proposal are they are hoping to have it determined at the March Planning Committee meeting.
At long last, work has started on providing additional parking spaces in the Spurr Court area.
However there is still no news on the other half a dozen lay-by schemes that are outstanding in the Thoresby Road, Dijon Avenue, Windsor Garth, Askham Lane and Chapelfields areas.
The Council really should keep residents up to date with the progress being made.
Local residents have raised concerns about an apparent increase in street level crime in the city.
Media reports wrangle over policing budget
The Foxwood Residents Association has pointed to incidents including attempted arson which happened last week while the police have issued a warning About vehicle crime in the Walker Drive area
Over the weekend the police had to invoke a “disposal order” on City centre streets following increased anti-social behaviour. An dispersal order, to leave an area, can be triggered by “any behaviour that is unacceptable including foul and abusive language causing alarm, distress and harassment to members of the public”
Meanwhile local Councillors are at logger heads about next year’s policing budget. They need to sort their differences out quickly. If more street level police are required – and they seem to be – then a recruitment campaign needs to start straight away.
Crime levels in Westfield more generally were stable during 2018. It is only during recent weeks that concerns have been raised about trends