EU latest – funding bid side steps referendum result irony!

The York Council has issued a statement urging “residents to speak up to help £1.29 million funding bid”

EU exit“Those who live, work or volunteer in certain areas of York are being asked for their opinions in a short survey, to help secure European Union funding to improve their local communities.

The ‘4CommunityGrowthYork’ project is embarking upon its second stage of a funding bid for £1.29 million and would like to hear views from those with connections to the Tang Hall, Bell Farm, Clifton, Navigation Road and Walmgate and Westfield areas of the city, together with neighbourhoods around Haxby Road Primary Academy and Children’s Centre.

City of York Council is working closely with a group of residents, community groups and businesses who have formed a local action group with the aim of maximising opportunities to stimulate the local economy.

As part of the bidding process, 4CommunityGrowthYork is now seeking views and opinions on a range of areas which can help rejuvenate communities, from support with learning new skills, finding work and childcare to setting up businesses and support for small business. It also asks respondents to rate the importance of suggested projects such as jobs, training and enterprise.

The 4CommunityGrowthYork project has already benefitted from an initial £22,000 from the European Structural and Investment Funds, which was match funded to £40k by the council. Its plans, including results from this consultation, will be developed into a formal Local Development Strategy to be submitted to the European Union by the end of August 2016. If successful, the funds will be match-funded through council, Government and Tang Hall Big Local funding to a total of £2.58 million.

Updates on issues reported to York Council

JRFH have come back to us quickly to confirm that the damaged grass areas on Wenham Road (below) form part of the  adopted public highway. We have suggested that they be hard-surfaced as part of the Ward Committee programme later this year. JRFH confirm that they are a little behind with  general green area maintenance activities this summer but hope to catch up with garden inspections, hedge cutting etc shortly.

Damaged verges in Wenham Road need bitmacing.

Damaged verges in Wenham Road need bitmacing.

Meanwhile there has been an increase in the amount of flytipping in the area. This has been a trend since the Beckfield Lane recycling centre was closed in 2012. This is disappointing as Westfield is one of the few parts of the City to get regular visits from mobile skips The next ones are due in Rogers Court and on Bramham Road this Saturday

Bath and seat fly tipped on Foxwood Lane near ravine. CCTV footage will eb scrutinised to see if the culprits can be identified. The on the spot fine for fly tipping was recently raised to £400.

Bath and seat fly tipped on Foxwood Lane near ravine. CCTV footage will be scrutinised to see if the culprits can be identified. The “on the spot” fine for fly tipping was recently raised to £400.

Cllr Andrew Waller has also been out and about tackling issues raised by residents. These are some he found and reported

Fly tipping in Gladstone Street back lane

Fly tipping in Gladstone Street back lane

Rubbish in Barkston Avenue

Rubbish in Barkston Avenue

Overgrown hedge in Chapelfields

Overgrown hedge in Chapelfields

Cornlands Road overgrown hedge

Cornlands Road overgrown hedge

Cornlands Road overgrown hedge

Cornlands Road overgrown hedge

You can report issues to the Council using the following web site

Taking action in the Foxwood area

We’ve been out and about in the Foxwood area. We’ve found some issues which we’ve reported for attention.

Some problems – like nettles overgrowing the footpath on Bellhouse Way (from a private garden) – reoccur every year.

Damaged verges in Wenham Road need bitmacing. Not much sign of proactive management this part of the Rowntrees estate

Damaged verges in Wenham Road need bitmacing. Not much sign of proactive management or investment in this part of the Rowntrees estate unfortunately

There has been a deterioration the appearance of the Rowntree estate (Wenham Road/Teal Drive) over the last few months. One problem is lack of garden maintenance – a return to the issues of 3 years ago . Some properties facing the Foxwood Park are virtually inaccessible because of overgrown hedges. Many verges are damaged and really need to be bitmaced. We hope that the residents association and Councillors will intervene to get an improvement.

Weed growth in the Stirrup Close area suggests that treatment has not been successful again this year

Weed growth in the Stirrup Close area suggests that the Councils treatment programme has not been successful again this year

Alot of detritus on the Bellhouse Way footpath between Acomb Wood Drive and Bellwood Drive. The path also needs resurfacing

A lot of detritus on the Bellhouse Way footpath between Acomb Wood Drive and Bellwood Drive. The path also needs resurfacing

Osprey Close Acomb Wood Drive overgrown hedge 27th June 2016

Hedge on Osprey Close needs trimming back from the public footpath

Hedge on Houndsway amenity area still hasn't been trimmed by the Council. It was reprted last November. Strangely the hedge on the other side of the area has been cut!

Hedge on Houndsway amenity area still hasn’t been trimmed by the Council. It was reported last November. Strangely the hedge on the other side of the area has been cut!

Gateway cafe in Acomb closes. 

The volunteer run cafe in the Gateway centre on Front Street has closed.

Gateway cafeThe following notice has been posted on facebook

“A message from the Gateway Cafe …

It is with regret that we have to let you know that the Gateway Café will not be opening again in the near future.

When we closed in December it was our intention to re-open as soon as possible. With our previous staff moving on to new roles we had to advertise for new staff members who were able to lead our team of volunteers in providing a café service that met the needs of a large variety of users from our community.

Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we have not been able to find the right staff to take the café forward and so we have reluctantly taken the decision to put our plans on hold for the time being.

Whilst we are not going to be open as a café, the Gateway Centre continues to be a thriving community hub that houses and runs all the same services and activities as before – from toddler and baby groups, a drop in café for the over-60’s, to debt advice, the foodbank and a variety of counselling services.

We would like to thank all our loyal customers for your support over the past 6 years. We have loved getting to know you and miss seeing you all.

Finally, could we ask a favour? Please continue to come into Acomb to meet and eat with your friends. There are many other eating establishments who need your custom and support to keep this wonderful community thriving and alive. Thank you”


Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the words highlighted in blue


20 Cornlands Road York YO24 3DU

Proposal              Erection of one dwelling

Reference           16/01212/FUL


2 Meeting House Lane Acomb York YO26 5FD

Single storey front and side extension

Ref. No: 16/01391/FUL 

 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Crime levels almost double in Westfield over 5 month period

Call for local policing shake up
Crime incidents in Westfield April 2016

Crime incidents in Westfield April 2016

The latest crime figures for York – which cover the period up to April 2016 – have revealed spiraling problems with anti-social behaviour and criminal damage incidents in some neighbourhoods.

In Westfield crime levels increased from 117 incidents, reported in December 2015, to 201 reported in April.  Although crime levels are seasonal – the summer usually sees higher levels – recent trends are worrying.

During the last year there were 926 reports of anti-social behaviour. This represented half of all crime reported in the Westfield area. Other problem categories included violence and sexual offences 285 reports (15% of the total) and criminal damage 215 reports (11.5%)

Of the reports, the Police decided to take no further action in 63% of cases. In only 15% of cases was an offender actually taken to court.

We have said before that the centralisation of anti-social behaviour resources into a “hub” in Toft Green does not appear to have been in the best interests of sub-urban areas. The important link between named “community constables”, painstakingly built up during the last decade, has been lost.

Crime trends in Westfield area

Crime trends in Westfield area

In a survey, currently being conducted in the Westfield ward by local Councillors, only 30% of respondents have so farsaid that they know the name of a local police or community support officer.

The police rarely advertise local surgeries although to some extent the property marking programme fulfils this need. The West Neighbourhood policing team also “tweet” quite a lot which is helpful for those that use that channel.

On the other hand the relaunched Community Messaging Service has so far generated few warnings and little advice on local York matters.

We feel that the Police must make more use of community noticeboards, local newsletters and various web sites.

The York Councils news page for Westfield contains no information about crime and policing activities at all.

 It also would be nice to see a crime reporting and advice desk established at the Acomb Explore Library. It is a building which is genuinely becoming a local information hub in the best sense of the word.

These, and other ideas for dealing with crime, need to be part of an ongoing public discussion involving the police, Councillors and residents.

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the words highlighted in blue


Address   133 Cornlands Road York YO24 3ED

Proposal   Single storey front and side extensions, first floor rear extension and dormer to rear (resubmission)

Reference   16/01260/FUL


Address   48 Wetherby Road Acomb York YO26 5BY

Proposal   Two storey side and single storey rear extension

Reference   16/01149/FUL


 Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received