Local Rugby League side York Acorn, who play their matches on the Thanet Road Sport area, have won promotion to the National Conference Premier League.
They secured their place in the top flight with a 88 – 0 win yesterday against Dewsbury Moor.
A set of goal posts have disappeared from the playing field to the rear of Westfield Place.
The removal follows a series of actions by the York Council which has seen sports facilities eroded in what is York’s poorest neighbourhood. The sports field at Lowfields has been built on, the multi user games area closed and a (private) bowling green sold for housing.
No consultation took place before the set of goalpost were removed.
One set remains. The ward committee had been expected to arrange for the posts to be repainted, and the pitch remarked, before the start of the football season.
With many eyes on the forest fires
in the Amazon basin, it is perhaps a good time to review the health and extent
of tree cover in and around the City of York.
York lies within the boundaries of the proposed new “Northern Forest”
By removing carbon dioxide, trees help mitigate climate change. The
shade provided by urban tree canopies can also help minimize the urban heat
island effect.
In addition, trees intercept stormwater, which can reduce flooding and improve water quality, and reduce air pollution, such as ozone, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and fine particulate matter. Reductions in air pollution has proven benefits to human health
Not surprisingly in 2019, there is asuite of computer modelsavailable which give use a greater insight into tree cover in particular areas.
Many feel that the key priority –
after the proper maintenance of existing tree stocks – is to maximise the
planting of mature trees which will grow to provide an enhanced canopy.
The models have helped local authorities like Leeds and Wrexham to map their existing tree cover and draw up future planting strategies.
In turn, the work suggest that open spaces – rather than verges – should be the first place to look for new planting sites
York has had a voluntary group “Treemendous” which has supported tree planting in public spaces for nearly 10 years.
Some work is already going on at neighbourhood level. The Foxwood Residents Association having already obtained a grant to plant trees on part of the Thanet Road sports area.
Several councillors have now responded to complaints about weeds, detritus and overgrown hedges in local streets.
Joining Mark Warters and Tony Fisher, who operate on the east of the City, Westfield Councillor Andrew Waller has pledged to personally remove weeds from the Front Street pedestrian area. The precinct has been weed infested for over 3 months with growth around street furniture and trees a particular problem.
That is a shame because the image of an area – which in recent years has become more economically successful – can be disproportionately influenced by what people see on arrival. Front Street doesn’t have the advantage of the, York BID funded, clean up contractors that have brought major improvements to the York City centre environment.
Elsewhere we have asked for weeds to be treated in several locations. We think it is now time for the Council to give a public commitment to complete a tidy up programme within a specific timetable.