Vesper Drive – York Carriageway Resurfacing Works

City of York Council is due to resurface the carriageway on Vesper Drive during the week commencing 24th November.

The works are programmed to take 3 to 4 days to complete, working between 8:30am and 5.00pm.

Area of Vesper Drive to be resurfaced

Area of Vesper Drive to be resurfaced

To carry out the works safely, a road closure will be in place on Vesper Drive.

Due to the nature of the works and the size of the machinery required to undertake the works, there will be periods of time when it will not be possible for residents to gain vehicular access to their properties during the works. In these circumstances, residents should be prepared to use alternative parking.

Pedestrian access will be available at all times. Cyclists will have to dismount and use the footways when travelling through the affected areas.

York Council must be ‘ready for winter’

Cllr Andrew Waller with one of the salt bins that he has asked to be refurbished and refilled

Cllr Andrew Waller with one of the salt bins that he has asked to be refurbished and refilled




Liberal Democrat councillors are urging Labour run City of York Council to be properly prepared for winter and not to gamble on continuing mild weather.


The warning comes amid growing concerns that York will not be able to cope with snowy and icy weather following cuts to the winter maintenance budget.


Since 2011 Labour has cut the council’s winter budget every year and last year took 30 miles of road off the priority gritting list and stopped funding two-thirds of salt bins. Whilst Liberal Democrat councillors and campaigners worked with parish councils and residents groups to save some salt bins, many were still lost.


Council budget cuts meant that despite last year’s mild weather, York still overspent its winter budget by around £100,000 leading to fears how it will cope with bad weather this year.

Now Lib Dem councillors have written to the Labour Cabinet Member responsible calling on the council to make sure it is ‘ready for winter’ and to work with local residents to identify gaps in provision.


Cllr Ann Reid, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Environmental Services, commented:


“Despite the recent mild weather I have spoken to many residents in recent weeks who are asking for salt bins to be replaced and roads to be put back on gritting routes as we approach winter. Residents have also raised concerns about salt bins which have been left to rot and are now without lids or full of rubbish.


“Last year the council was fortunate to have a particularly mild winter, but it must make sure it is ready for winter this year and able to cope if more seasonal weather comes in the next few months. It needs to work with local residents and community groups to identify and tackle gaps in provision. These frontline services need to be the priority rather than Labour’s vanity projects in the city-centre.


“While I am pleased to see that the snow warden service is restarting – now in its fourth season having been brought in by the previous Lib Dem administration – this team of volunteers needs proper support from the council, and officers who work hard to keep the city running need support from the top.”



Liberal Democrat councillors have sent the following letter to the Labour Cabinet Member responsible:


Cycle facilities – Council send mixed messages on importance

With multi million projects providing little used now cycle paths in some arts of the City, residents are beginning to ask why existing facilities are being allowed to deteriorate.

Surfaces are cracking, rusting barriers need a coat of paint while some routes are now completely blocked by overhanging bushes.

The Council needs to get its supervision and maintenance procedures sorted out

Bushes block cycle path

Bushes block cycle path

Leaves need clearing from paths

Leaves need clearing from paths

Cycle barriers need painting

Cycle barriers need painting