Where next with flashing speed signs?

The Council says it is reviewing the use of Vehicle Activated Signs.

These signs, which typically flash the prevailing speed limit to approaching vehicles, were introduced in York about 10 years ago.

Flashing speed signs  indicating those that are afulty

Flashing speed sign locations indicating those that are faulty

York locations where speed is a concern  Click to enlarge

York locations where speed is a concern Click to enlarge

They are now seen across the country with many now using a system which alerts drivers to their actual speed.

Sadly the Council has not maintained the signs in York and several have not been working for many months.

Those that are faulty include the sign on Wetherby Road on the outbound carriageway. This was a problem location with the blind bend making it potentially hazardous  for drivers reversing into their driveways.

A report to a meeting next week identifies £50,000 which will be used to repair the faulty signs. The signs have had some success as anyone, who watches vehicles approaching an illuminated sign, will often see brake lights being applied by speeding drivers.

List of street where layout changes are proposed. Click to enlarge

List of street where layout changes are proposed. Click to enlarge

We think that a trial, where the actual speed of the vehicle is displayed, should be implemented  in the City.

There is also now a “smart” sign available which records the actual speed of passing vehicles (but not the identity) which would give traffic engineers valuable information about behaviours but without the need to set up special equipment.

Another  concern is the suggestion that the signs may only be used where an accident has been reported in the previous three years.  

Whereas accident locations should get priority for signs and camera enforcement, we believe that sites where a significant proportion of vehicles exceed the 30 mph limit, would also justify maintenance of the signs.

The report proposes action to reduce speeding at 16 sites.  Most involve low cost lane marking changes. A complete list of detailed proposals for all locations can be viewed by clicking here

A list of sites to be reassessed – which includes Green Lane and Askham Lane – can be viewed by clicking here

There are three roads – including Moor Lane in Woodthorpe and two roads in Copmanthorpe – which have acknowledged speeding issues which have still to be addressed

Wetherby Road

At Wetherby Road officials propose the introduction of cycle lanes.

 They don’t claim that there are large numbers of cyclists using this section of the highway (a new off road route for cyclists linking Rufforth was opened recently) but they claim that lanes – and the removal of central markings – would prompt drivers to be more cautious.

We have our doubts about that.

As a minimum, we would like to see the area added to the rota of visits by the Police speed camera van.

The faulty speed warning sign also needs to be repaired quickly.

Wetherby Road proposed highway layout changes click to enlarge

Wetherby Road proposed highway layout changes click to enlarge

Tenants asked to grade council services

This week City of York Council is asking tenants to complete its annual Tenant Satisfaction Survey with new questions on internet use.

The survey content has been criticised in the past for not asking about the maintenance of garage and communal areas & for ignoring problems with issues like the lack of parking provision

The survey includes tenants of council housing as well as those at York’s three Gypsy and Traveller sites.

The survey will be sent out to 2,500 randomly-selected tenant households and will ask questions around how satisfied tenants are with their homes, neighbourhoods and a range of landlord services. They will be able send the survey back by post or fill it out onlineTenants survey 2015.

The council-run survey is confidential and is large enough to reflect the views of the majority of council tenants.

The survey covers a number of different service areas including repairs and maintenance, contact with customer services and experience of the council’s complaints procedure, as well as gas servicing and safety checks on properties.

It also asks about satisfaction with local neighbourhoods in areas such as noise, anti-social behaviour, grounds maintenance and community involvement.

This year, the survey has new questions asking tenants about how they use and access the internet, to help inform the development of council services.

Tenants’ feedback will be included in the Tenant and Leaseholder Annual Report and will be examined by the Tenant Scrutiny Panel, set up in 2012 to help champion the interests of local tenants.

Surveys should be returned by Tuesday 1 December and all returned surveys will go into a prize draw to win one of three £50 high street vouchers.

Tenants who have any queries should call 01904 551550 and select option 2 or option 4, or email housing.csa@york.gov.uk

Councillor David Carr, Executive Member for Housing and Safer Neighbourhoods said: “We value what residents tell us and their views  will help us shape the future direction of the service we provide. There are difficult challenges ahead and the feedback we get will help us to decide how to meet them.”

New Green Lane/Tudor Road/Hamilton Drive/Piccadilly bus service

Transdev have launched a new bus service link from Acomb to the University via Piccadilly. It is a summer only (University vacation) amendment to their number 44 service and will provide a half hourly frequency.

The timetable can be downloaded by clicking here

First recently announced that they were scrapping their 13A service via Hamilton Drive.

Later the Council vowed to step in and fill the gap although it is now less clear what the long term plans are for bus services in the Hamilton Drive area.

Although during term time the 44 “unibus” is mainly aimed at York University students, anyone can use the service.

Green Lane to University bus timetable click to enlarge

Green Lane to University bus timetable click to enlarge

University to Green Lane bus timetable click to enlarge

University to Green Lane bus timetable click to enlarge

Yet another alcohol license application for Green Lane/Front Street area?

The Council have received another application for a license to sell alcohol in the Front Street area.

A license was recently granted for the former video hire premises which is set to become a new Post Office but with an off sales facility.

09/07/2014CYC 023722 Belly Buster58 Green Lane



YO24 4PS

Chetin Honoglu Application for the grant of a premises licence to allow fori) Supply of Alcohol – On and off sales



ii) Opening Hours




The Council says All applications can be viewed in full at the council offices with prior notice.  Contact the licensing section on 01904 552512 for an appointment to view.  Representations must be made in writing in the timescale indicated on the notice and sent to the Licensing Office, Hazel Court EcoDepot, James Street, York YO10 3DS.

Representations must relate to one or more of the 4 licensing objectives of the Act namely, prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm.

Residents action group founded in Green Lane Acomb

Blocked gutters in Harold Court

Blocked gutters in Harold Court

Hedge blocking footpath - Lowfields

Hedge blocking footpath – Lowfields

Overgrown garage area

Overgrown garage area

Potholes in Acomb  car park

Potholes in Acomb car park

Dumping back Beaconsfield Street

Dumping back Beaconsfield Street



Residents living in the Green Lane and Lowfields part of Acomb are forming an action group aimed at getting improvements to public service standards in the area.

The move follow what many residents see as a decline in standards with litter, weed growth, graffiti, potholes and dumping amongst key concerns.

The intention is to have a resident in each street who will promptly report issues to the responsible public authority.

During the winter the group will aim to identify any elderly or disabled residents who are suffering as a result of the Councils decision to reduce footpath de-icing services in the area. They will also be on the lookout for faulty street lights.

In the longer term the Group hopes to persuade the Council to resurface the back lanes in the area.

Residents with issues that they would like to be addressed can contact the group via the following Email address: acombactiongroup@outlook.com