What’s on in York: Westfield events programme for August
Skateboard session a success
Barriers installed to deter mopeds
Delays in getting litter removed in suburban areas
We reported several problems with litter and dumping last Wednesday expecting that they would be cleared in a couple of days. Sad to say most haven’t.
The recent rain plus continuing warmer weather is likely to see hedge and grass growth. We’ll be reporting any on public spaces which block footpaths
What’s on in York: Another chance to try out the skatepark at Foxwood Community Centre today
New Cornlands neighbourhood Focus newsletter published
Positive action by York Council to improve local environment
That was the week that was in pictures
Lowfield development – Sports Council withdraws its holding objection
It appears that the Sports Council (Sport England) has been duped into withdrawing their objection to building on the Lowfields football pitches. They have told the planning department that the recent decision to provide pitches 3 miles way on Tadcaster Road meets their objection.
They had apparently been told by Council. officials that the Woodthorpe Wanderers team – who play at Lowfields- had agreed to play on the new pitches.
However it was revealed at a planning committee meeting two weeks ago that the pitches will be solely used by a team from Bishopthorpe.
The Lowfield Action Group have written to the Sports Council pointing out this anomaly https://www.facebook.com/LowfieldsActionGroup/
It now seems likely that the Council Leadership will try to bounce the planning application through the committee before the Local Plan Inquiry starts – robbing objectors of their right to make their case to an independent inspector.
The application may go to a meeting scheduled to take place on 16th August.
In the meantime.the Police have indicated that they will not be building a replacement station on the site while the NHS have also indicated that funding is not available for the new GP surgery shown on the Councils plans.
Knights skateboard sessions at Foxwood Community Centre prove popular
The skateboard sessions at the Foxwood Community centre got off to a good start yesterday. Present to help out were local Councillors Sheena Jackson and Stephen Fenton.
The next session is scheduled to take place on Monday starting at 2:00pm