Survey confirms that most residents oppose current Lowfields plans

The results of a survey undertaken in the Lowfields part of he Westfield Ward have revealed the depth of opposition to the Councils current plans for the sports pitch

4 out of 5 respondents are asking the Council to scale down their plans.

Most also want restrictions on building activity hours on the site.


Road works start on Askham Lane as weeds cut back from bus stop

Work has started on repairing Askham Lane.

The works at Askham Lane will start on Monday 20 August, between the hours of 9.15am and 5pm, and are estimated to finish on Friday 24 August.

In order to carry out these works safely, temporary road closures will need to be put in place. For the Askham Lane works this will include a temporary road closure from the junction of Askham Grove to the Ridgeway roundabout.

At times the junctions of Askham Grove and Grange Lane will also be closed.

Some disruption is expected although it is hoped to finish the work before the new school term starts.

Up to date details can be found  here

Askham Lane

Also on Askham Lane, the Council have begun to tackle the perennial problems of weeds overgrowing the bus shelter.

Residents call for changes to Lowfields plans

Site has been unused since 2007

The residents group opposing plans to build on the Lowfields sports pitches have warned Planning Committee Councillors that they should not take part in Thursday’s debate on the plans, if they have previously expressed a view on the development.

The Council is the landowner, developer and planning authority for the application. Any Councillor who had  previously been present at any discussions about the future of the land, and the scale of any development, could be considered to have “pre-judged” the application.

Their impartiality would be in question, and could lead to any recommendation being invalidated.

The group say that any decision should be referred for consideration by an independent inspector.

Meanwhile, the residents group have lobbied Councillors setting out the reasons why they believe only the brownfield side of the site should be built on (see below).

The Planning Committee meeting takes place on Thursday 16th August starting at 4:30pm. It will be “web cast” (click to view)



Residents urged to report local blocked gullies and drains

The deluge that engulfed the City yesterday evening produced surface water flooding problems in many areas.

The Council says it is working hard to remedy problems. It asks residents to report issues to or call the customer centre on 01904 551550.

These are couple that we reported yesterday.

Tudor Road

Gale Lane


Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


165 Askham Lane York YO24 3JA

Fell Horse Chestnut tree protected by Tree Preservation Order no. 60.

Ref. No: 18/01773/TPO 


40 Grange Lane York YO26 5DR

Single storey rear extension after demolition of conservatory.

Ref. No: 18/01510/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

  1. The Council no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Anyone for Footy?

It looks like Foxwood is getting a revived football team.

A team – based at the Beagle pub on Foxwood Lane – will play their fixtures on Chesney’s Field this season. They will play in division 2 of the York league

We understand that they are always on the lookout for new players.

The Westfield Ward Committee have allocated £500 to help the team get off the ground.

The first fixture, against Rufforth, is taking place on Saturday 1st September starting at 2:00pm.

More at

Acomb War Memorial challenge

The York Civic Trust have confirmed that the restoration work that they plan to do on the Acomb War Memorial will be restricted to repairing and cleaning the stonework. Some of the lettering on the monument will also be repainted. The work is partly being sponsored by the Trust with a contribution from the City of York Council. The work is being managed by volunteers.

The scope of the refurbishment falls short of level of work which residents had hoped could be achieved before the Centenary of the end of WW1 which takes place on 11th November.

The original specification for the upgrade had included items like;

  1. Lopping some of the overhanging tree branches to allow more sunlight into the area (and thereby encourage plant growth)
  2. Extending the paving (which currently ends near the entrance) so that wheelchair users could access the memorial
  3. Provision of an interpretation board
  4. The possible provision of a commemorative public seat ( )

The “Friends of Acomb Green” are hoping to have a fund-raising event shortly but, if more work is to be commissioned, in the time available, it is likely that Council and Ward committee funding will be required.