9 Bradley Drive – Renovation starts

More vandalism reported on 9 Bradley Drive on 11th March

More vandalism reported on 9 Bradley Drive on 11th March

23rd April work starts on renovating 9 Bradley Drive

23rd April work starts on renovating 9 Bradley Drive

We last reported the decaying condition of – long term empty property – 9 Bradley Drive in March.

There has been a catalogue of delays in bring the singe bedroom property back into use but we understand that the Council have now finally gained possession of the property.

The house contents have been removed and the property has been screened against access. New windows and doors are to be fitted.

It is expected that tenants choice contractors will start work before the end of the month with a new tenant likely to move in towards the end of May.

Foxwood residents plant poppies and wildflowers

Foxwood Lane wild flower planting

Residents were out and about planting wild flowers and poppies on Foxwood Lane yesterday.

The poppy seeds have been donated by local residents as a way of commemorating the start of the First Wold War.

The project formed part of a series of events aimed at brightening up the neighbourhood.

Extensive tidy up work has also taken place in the Foxwood Park.

It also builds on the success that the community had in the Britain in Bloom contest last year.

NB. The Foxwood Residents Association is holding its AGM on Wednesday. Click below for details.

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click to enlarge

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Latest Westfield Ward profile – more long term unemployed than in rest of York

The latest Westfield ward profile figures which can be downloaded by clicking here, shows that the area has the largest number of   people living on Job   Seekers allowance.

click for full details

click for full details


329 residents (3.4%) are claiming job seekers allowance,   the highest in York

Most workers continue to be employed in the retail and   social care areas.

The figure reinforces the views of those who believe that   the area has been neglected by the Labour Council during the last 3 years.

There is a need for more investment in the area including   a major regeneration of the Front Street area.

Life expectancy in the ward for males is significantly   below the City average.

The figures do show that by 2010 (when census data was   taken) people living in the area had much better  educational; qualifications than a decade   earlier.

York’s public conveniences’ refurbishment set to start

Work on a £663,000 refurbishment of York’s public conveniences starts on Monday

The contractor Healthmatic will take over the refurbishment and maintenance of facilities in the city centre and Acomb to both improve cleanliness and disabled access, while making required savings of £75,000.

Work at the Union Terrace car and coach park will start on Monday 24 March, and temporary facilities will be installed next door, with no charge for entry during refurbishment.

Acomb toilets

Acomb toilets

At Nunnery Lane car park, work will start on Monday 31 March. The men’s facilities will remain open and the night-time toilet and accessible toilet will be temporarily available for women, again with no charge for entry during refurbishment. Both projects will complete in early May.

Upgrading will take place at the public toilets on Acomb’s Front Street, Coppergate, Exhibition Square, Tanner Row and those at the car parks on Nunnery Lane and St George’s Field. Besides improvements to the Silver Street toilets which already includes a Changing Place disabled facility, an additional Changing Place will be built as part of the refurbishment at Union Terrace car park’s toilets.


Beaconsfield Street back lane bollards mystery

Bollards back Beaconsfield Street

Bollards back Beaconsfield Street

A set of new removable bollards has appeared on part of the Beaconsfield Street back lane.

We understand that there was no consultation with residents living in Beaconsfield Mews whose properties back onto the lane in question.

The bollards make vehicular access to the rear of the properties awkward.

There is a right of way along the lane

Lowfields older peoples village to get dementia care support

Artists impression of new "care village"

Artists impression of new “care village”

Dementia Care specialist, Dementia Care Matters, is to help provide high quality care to those suffering from the condition in York.


Dementia Care Matters will advise the council on the operating model for its two new specialist dementia care Elderly Person’s Homes at Lowfield and Burnholme, as well as supporting and training existing care home staff to ensure they can deliver specialist care in the new homes.

Road and path de-icing cuts – crunch meeting on 21st October.

The Council’s review committee will meet on Monday 21st October to look again at Labour Councillor Levene’s plans to cut de-icing activities.

Revised gritting proposals click to see larger map

Revised gritting proposals click to see larger map

He decided last week to scrap most salt bins in the City and remove many roads from the routine gritting schedules.

This is a major issue which potentially affects the safety of all York residents.

The meeting will take place at West Offices starting at 5:00pm

A copy of the agenda and supporting papers can be found by clicking here

Damaged salt bin Cornlands Road

Damaged salt bin Cornlands Road

Residents may also attend and speak at the meeting. To do so you must register to speak before the meeting by contacting Jill Pickering on York 552061 (E-mail : jill.pickering@york.gov.uk)

The deadline for registering is 5.00pm on Friday 18 October 2013.

The telephone numbers and Email addresses of the members of the committee are reproduced below. Residents can contact them to make representations

Councillor John Galvin Chair (Conservative) 01904 704829 Email: cllr.jgalvin@york.gov.uk

Councillor Sandy Fraser (Labour) 01904 651443 Email: cllr.sfraser@york.gov.uk

Councillor David Horton (Labour) 01904 777274 Email: cllr.dhorton@york.gov.uk

Councillor Lynn Jeffries (LibDem) 01904 551088 Email: cllr.ljeffries@york.gov.uk

Councillor Ken King (Labour) 01904 783024 Email: cllr.kking@york.gov.uk

Councillor Neil McIlveen (Labour) 01904 623062 Email: cllr.nmcilveen@york.gov.uk

Councillor Ruth Potter (Labour) Phone: 01904 438634. Mobile: 07947 539725 Email: cllr.rpotter@york.gov.uk

Councillor Carol Runciman (LibDem) 01904 764356 Email: cllr.crunciman@york.gov.uk

Councillor Chris Steward (Conservative) 01904 638810 Bus. email: cllr.csteward@york.gov.uk