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Anger as Labour scrap Gale Farm Court window improvement plans
Vulnerable elderly residents face another drafty winter
Only weeks before new UPVC windows and doors were due to be installed, residents at Gale Farm Court sheltered accommodation on Front Street have been told that the improvements have been shelved.
Complaints about poor insulation had grown over the years before the late Cllr Lynn Jeffries – working with Andrew Waller – managed to secure an assurance from the Council that new windows would be fitted.
It was hoped that the work would be done last year, but it was late summer before the Council moved to get planning permission to undertake the work.
Residents were expecting to have new windows and doors long before the start of the next cold spell.
The reasons for the U turn have not been made clear, there has been no consultation and there has been no public decision meeting at which residents, and opposition Councillors, could make representations.
Many blame Cllr Simpson Laing who has been in charge of housing decisions for the last 4 years. She was also heavily criticised last week for failing to prevent the visits of skips, to places like the Carr and Kingsway estates, from being scrapped.
It seems increasingly likely that Labour will lose control of the York Council on May 7th and essential improvements like these, aimed at helping elderly people, will be reinstated.
NB.The York housing revenue account shows a budget surplus of £15 million
Acomb “stayin alive” despite raw deal from York Council
After pressure from the newly formed Acomb Traders Association (Acomb Alive) the Council allocated £30,000 for improvement in the area. There was a promise of flower tubs, better signage street-markets and outdoor events.
In the last 18 months the Council has only managed to spend £6,000 of this money –with which even Mary Portas would struggle to make a significant difference!
Sue Hunter, who runs the local Florist – Floral Elegance – on Front Street, is keen to see a major investment in the area to really pull Acomb around.
“Many businesses are investing in the area, and we have seen new businesses open, and we are looking forward to the imminent opening of Boyes. However, there is much to do to fill all the empty shops and to provide the range of shops that would make Acomb a thriving place to do business”. We need a shopping centre where the pavements are safe from trip hazards, especially for elderly and disabled residents who specifically come to Acomb.
By having a long term plan we can draw in more investment, and make the most of what the council can contribute to do their bit.
Delivery lorries are shattering the pavements, so they need replacing with stronger surfaces in a way that makes the area distinct – we have a great deal of heritage in our part of York, as a lifelong Acomb resident I say let’s celebrate that !
It is about getting the basics right, bringing back the litter and salt bins which disappeared, and restoring and area that we can all take pride in..
Traders worked together to put up more Christmas trees this year, and I worked with council staff and Gateway to put up the first large Christmas tree in the area for several years.”
NB Morrisons have confirmed that they will fill in the potholes which are appearing in the Acomb car park. Drainage issues will also be addressed.
Foxwood candidate is hedgehog hero
The way we were in 2013
Jan 2013— There were major delays in post Christmas refuse collections. It was revealed that York taxpayers were paying interest charges of £651,000 a month on accumulated Council debts. Councillors travel expenses were under the microscope. The Tour de France route was revealed.
Feb 2013—Proposed changes to ward boundaries were published. Councillors were accused of bullying officials in York. Charging for green bin emptying was proposed. Later the Council would charge for second bin emptying and, more recently, propose to extend the charge to cover all green bins. The Chain gang principle was extended to public space maintenance. 50% increase in car parking charges was announced.
March 2013— Acomb Alive announced an events programme. Police enforcement policy on 20 mph limits was confused. The York Council announced major public service cuts. Only 17% of goods and services bought by the Council were “locally sourced” Kings Square was to get £490,000 facelift.
April 2013— The York Council announced that it will no longer “scout” for faulty streetlights. The decision is to result in a big increase in faulty lights. Gale Farm Court management arrangements were under the spotlight. Plans to build on York’s Green Belt are announced by Labour while traveller site locations also slip out. The city centre swimming pool project is ditched by Labour
May 2013—Petition launched opposing “Showman’s Yard” plan for Wetherby Road. First signs that support for Labour party in York was plummeting. Former Labour Councillor Lynn Jeffries joins LibDems. Lowfields care village opening date slips to 2016. The project was later to be abandoned altogether.
June 2013— Labour started “webcasting” its Cabinet meetings. Taxpayers fund a £180 pedicure. A large number of speeders are caught by mobile cameras.
July 2013— The Toy bus is scrapped. Labour plan to close Lendal Bridge despite a big opposition petition. It was to be the defining moment for the present administration. The Council was urged to “pull back from the brink” as it introduced a wide area 20 mph speed limit.
August 2013— A big increase in warden call charges hits the elderly and disabled. A consultation hologram is suggested. LibDems publish an alternative to the Labour Local Plan . Council withdraws from the annual “Britain in Bloom” contest. Lendal Bridge is closed. The “trial” is a shambles from day one.
September 2013— There is a call for the Lendal Bridge trial to be suspended as fines totalling £500,000 are issued. Council is spending £1/4 million a year clearing fly tipping. New bin emptying schedules produce problems. The Council is to spend £1.4 million on the Tour de France. This will later increase to over £1.6 million. Revised bus timetables introduced but the Council continues to refuse to publish reliability stats.
October 2013—York is to get more electric buses. In York, a number of affordable homes projects falter. “Left luggage” arrangements at York station are criticised. Shopper numbers fall by 12%
November 2013— Council debts are set to rise to £300 million.Council grants to Community centres are to be scrapped from April. The numbers fined on Lendal Bridge and Coppergate tops 35,000. The Council publishes a list of foreign trips made by Councillors and officials. A new TV station for York is announced. More than two years later, it has still to broadcast.
December 2013— It will cost 40p to spend a penny. “Bed blocking “ at York hospital is on the increase. Labour continued to evade answering questions about Lendal Bridge
How the Westfield Focus reported events in 2013
“Chat and craft” at Foxwood Community Centre today from 9:30am
Whatever happened to York’s salvage and re-use centre?
Well we know that it was one of the first cuts that Labour made when they took office in 2011.
The project was to have replaced the Beckfield Lane recycling centre but would have offered much more.
Its priority would have been to encourage the re-use of unwanted items. Currently only informal on-line groups like Freecycle address this need.
Only when the re-use option was exhausted would materials have been salvaged. For example, there is a ready market for building materials such as timber, bricks and hard-core.
Not only was the Beckfield Lane site closed but the replacement – which would probably have been located at Harewood Whin – was also scrapped.
In part the decision contributed to the decline in recycling rates in the City and an inexorable rise in Landfill Tax costs.
The £2 million salvage centre would have paid for itself by now.
Sadly many residents resort to dumping items. One armchair has found its way onto a verge on Gale Lane today. Although some of these items are picked up by “rag and bone” men, many have to be removed by the Council.
Dumped mattresses are a particular problem for those lacking transport to get to the remaining 2 civic tips.
The York Council now charges £40 to remove up to 10 bulky waste items
Small wonder that so many residents are petitioning their objections to reduced waste collection frequencies and the prospect of a £35/£37 pa charge for emptying green garden waste bins.