York Central Liberal Democrats have published today the representations that they have made opposing Labours “high growth” plans for the City.
Labour propose to increase the size of York by 25% during the next 15 years. Up to 22,000 new homes are planned. The majority would be built on Green Belt land and would be occupied by inward migrants.
The Liberal Democrat alternative suggests that job growth, house building numbers and population plans must be clearly linked.
Between 600 and 800 additional homes would be built each year with growth in jobs directly linked to this figure and implemented at a pace which recognises the need to improve transport, education, and health facilities.
The LibDems say that around 6000 more homes could be built on brownfield sites and have identified many new potential locations which would avoid the need to build in the Green Belt. Many of these would be “windfall” opportunities of the type that have produced, on average, 350 new homes a year in the City over the last decade.
The Labour Council is accused of trying to impose a new town blueprint onto an historic City landscape.
The complete response can be read by clicking the following link http://tinyurl.com/Local-Plan-A-fresh-approach
All comments on the proposals have to be received by the Council TODAY (Wednesday 31st July).
They should be emailed to localplan@york.gov.uk
The sites which could be used for housing but which are excluded from Labour plans are listed as: