Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


36 Green Lane Acomb York YO24 3DL

Single storey extension and part conversion of garage to form self-contained annexe accommodation

Ref. No: 20/02127/FUL 


32 Rosemary Road York YO24 3FN

Erection of one 3 storey detached dwelling (plot 3 Lowfield Green)

Ref. No: 20/02118/FUL 

NB. This is an application to build on plot 3 of the self build allocation at Lowfields (to the rear of Tudor Road)

Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received


It appears that the Council has reverted to a reactive litter control policy. This involves two person teams clearing litter when it is reported.

The alternative, which operated for many years in the City, involved an individual worker taking responsibility for keeping specific estates tidy.

This system was reintroduced during the first lockdown with a marked improvement in cleanliness standards.

With fewer people on the streets, litter should be less of a problem at present but in the longer term a system which encourages pride in the City is the best option.

To report a litter problem please use the 24/7 “on line” service (click)

Woodford Place untidy over the weekend. Has been reported

Exercise during lockdown

Although group walks are banned during lockdown, there are a lot of options which can be followed on an individual basis in west York. Some are more taxing than others.

Move the Masses produces a map covering three routes in the Acomb area including one that crosses Bachelor Hill (see below).

Click to enlarge

The same group also advertise routes which include Acomb Green (click) and Fishponds Wood (click)

Elsewhere the Westfield Ward Councillors have claimed on their Facebook page that the tree trunk, which currently blocks the Foxwood Lane access to Acomb Moor, will be moved “as soon as the ground dries out”.

Maybe so. But if this happens then we hope that walkers will restrict their movements to the perimeter of the field until the crop has been harvested.

One consequence of more people walking in the area is that the footpath infrastructure is deteriorating more quickly. There is a need for stiles to be repaired and for hardcore to be putdown at locations which are flooding.

Hardcore needed on some muddy sections of local footpaths

The Council has known about these pressures for some time and needs to reprioritise its leisure budgets to properly support healthy living routines.

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Address       61A Gale Lane York YO24 3AD

Proposal      Non-material amendment to permitted application 20/00494/FULM to alter the location of external doors and the colour of the windows and doors

Reference   20/02122/NONMAT

Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning online web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

80 years since Askham Lane was bombed.

On 15th November 1940 Askham Lane was one of the streets damaged when bombs, intended for Clifton airfield, hit the City. A fascinating insight taken from the “Raids Over York” website which can be accessed by clicking here

But the raids of the 14/15th November 1940 also included more destructive types of bombs: high-explosive bombs. At 06:43 – with the daylight just breaking along the late-Autumn skyline, and more than five hours after the first incendiary bomb was reported in the Fishergate Area, by when most of the city’s civilians might well have returned from the safety of their dank and cold shelters to the comfort of their beds – ten, 50kg, high-explosive bombs fell on the edge of Acomb.

Eight of the bombs fell across fields in a line running from west to east at Penty’s Farm to the rear of No.17 Askham Lane. Seven of these exploded, creating craters dotted across the grassland, each about 6ft wide and 3ft deep. The other bomb fell in soft ground on Batchelor Hill field and failed to explode. This unexploded bomb was inspected the following day by an Army Bomb Disposal Squad called from Leeds.

The A.R.P. report states that ‘[v]ery little material damage was done, only damage to glass and slates of nearby houses being reported’. [That ‘only’ would surely have grated with local residents affected by the raid had they known of it being used so casually in this citation!]

Being on the fringe of the city, there was an agricultural cost in this raid. A ‘pony and three beasts in a paddock were killed outright’, another shortly afterwards, and three cattle were injured by flying splinters. The A.R.P. Report for this incident concludes with a very British observation on the concern for the welfare of the animals involved: ‘No A.R.P. Services were required for this incident but, being advised by Air Raid Warden, Mr. Arnott, Butcher, of Front Street [Acomb], slaughtered the injured animals’.

Inspections being made of the substantial hole in the side of No.204 Beckfield Lane.

Bus shelter lets down new disabled centre

The condition of the bus shelter outside the spanking new disabled centre in Ascot Way is disgraceful.

Out of use for a year as it was taken over by a builders compound, the expectation had been that a new shelter would be erected before the Councils contractors left the site.

This hasn’t happened so it – and the nearby public noticeboard which was also damaged – remain as unfortunate reminders of poor planning

The bus shelter is rusty, panels are missing or loose, weeds cover the floor and the whole structure is filthy. Altogether a poor advert for public transport in York.

Nearby the council have invested in some tiny “entry” and “exit” signs for the centres car park. We doubt anyone will see them. It would be more effective to paint carriageway arrows to indicate the one way system.

The playground – for the use of children at the centre – has been completed.

Meanwhile the Council has now completely demolished the all weather multi user games area (MUGA) . There is still no sign of the promised replacement which was to have been erected on the Thanet Road Sports Area.

What’s on in west York

Here are some events planned for the next few months

York Knights rugby was a popular choice on Acomb Green over the half term. We hope that they will return next year. We hope that the successful Acorn RLFC side will finally be able to get their season going in 2021.
Meanwhile Chesney Field based local football team The Beagle sit on top of their division. It is hoped that football fixtures will recommence on 5th December.
Foxwood Residents Association have announced their annual house lights competition. A little different this year with extra marks for displays celebrating the work of the NHS and essential workers.
Gardeners wanted
Acomb Explore Library. Now open Tuesday to Saturday for pre-booked appointments. There will be access to PCs and printers and pre-ordered books for collection.
& alot of “virtual” events still taking place during lockdown. Click image to see more

Night-time closure of Foxwood Lane (north) and part Askham Lane from tomorrow

We understand that the Foxwood Lane/Askham Lane roundabout will be closed for roadworks from 7:30pm to 5:00am on Nov 9th-11th. This includes the section of Foxwood Lane up to Otterwood Lane.

The Number 4 bus route will be diverted

No notice has been given to the residents association or neighbours of these plans

A Council reports says,

“City of York Council will be carrying out road maintenance works at Askham Lane commencing on 9th November 2020 for a period of 3 nights (weather permitting). The works will be carried out between 7.30pm – 5.00am

To carry out the work safely, the use of a full road closure on Askham Lane and Foxwood Lane will be necessary.

This is to ensure that adequate health and safety is maintained for both local residents, the travelling public and the contractor. Site staff will be on hand to advise and assist residents about any access restrictions once the works are ongoing.

The contractor will be operating under social distancing guidance wherever possible due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, and has permission from the local authority to undertake this essential work at this time. Your co-operation throughout the duration of the works will be much appreciated.

All on-street parking will be suspended during the hours of the works for the full duration, but specific access requirements can be arranged by speaking to the site Traffic Management Operatives, who will coordinate with residents (and business requirements) around the ongoing work operations.

Bus Service 4 will be diverted straight along Gale Lane, not serving stops on Foxwood Lane, Askham Lane or Cornlands Rd.

Emergency services will be permitted through the works in any situation. However, please note that cyclists will be required to dismount and push their bikes along the footways.

As with any construction work, there is likely to be a certain amount of disruption and inconvenience to the public. However, the contractor will at all times try to keep any disruption to a minimum”.