Flooding in York: What to look out for
The heavy rain in the City has subsided today but several rivers are still showing increasing levels. We recommend that residents check the river gauges regularly and in particular those located upstream of the City. There is still a lot of water to flow through.
Click here for the river gauge real time map
Click here for the latest flood alerts and flooding maps
Drivers faced another hazard yesterday as a large pothole developed on the A59 road works on the south bound side of Skip Bridge. The carriageway is single file, over the bridge, there at the moment. Some delays may be expected,.
Several Councillors including – Andrew Waller – toured their wards yesterday to identify areas where gullies might be blocked. Some surface water flooding was identified by Andrew in Osprey Close (run off from agricultural land), Westfield Place, Cornlands Road, St Stephens Rd., St Stephens Square and Gale Lane, Any blocked gullies have been reported for attention.
Snow! How was it for you?
With the snow now finally – apparently – at an end, Liberal Democrats have launched an “on line” survey aimed at finding out how local public services coped this winter.
Residents are being asked to give their verdict on a number of issues including salt bins, school closure information, gritting schedules, bus services and the effectiveness of the “snow warden” volunteer programme.
The survey can be completed “on line” by clicking here
Latest planning application for the Westfield Ward
Below is the latest planning application received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.
Full details can be found by clicking the application reference
86 Tedder Road York YO24 3JF
Proposal First floor side and rear extension and conversion of garage into living accommodation.
Reference 18/00482/FUL
Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site. http://planningaccess.york.gov.uk/online-applications/
- The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received
Shock as vandals trash pensioners bus shelter
A bus shelter mainly used by elderly residents and located on Ascot Way has been trashed. 6 of the windows have been smashed with broken glass now posing a hazard for pedestrians and animals. We are concerned that the Police do not seem to bring many vandals to court so we hope that residents will cooperate in identifying those responsible for this incident.
That was the week that was in west York in pictures
What’s on in York- Westfield programme for April
Foxwood residents publish newsletter
Demolition of Newbury Avenue garages set to add to parking problems in Kingsway area
Residents only have until 11th April to record any objections to plans to demolish the 28 garages on Newbury Avenue.
There is a lot of concern that the planning application, to build 5 bungalows on the site, has been submitted before work on providing alternative, off street, car parking in area has even started.
Although the bungalow proposal has received more support that the original plan to build a block of flats on the site, parking problems have increased in the intervening 2 years.
As long ago as 2012 the Council stopped letting the garages when they became vacant. Some were used for temporary shortage, but several have remained empty.
There is a long waiting list of people wanting to rent garages in the area.
These underused garages, together with the pressures put on spaces by visitors to the new Hob Stone development, has led to a campaign by local residents to get more off-street parking (Email Hob.Moor@btinternet.com).
Last year, local Councillors identified at least 8 possible sites.
These included one on Kingsway West with the rest being on Windsor Garth and Ascot Way. The plan was to use matrix surfacing so the spaces continued to look like they were still part of the green areas (the technique has already been used successfully on other plots in the estate).
The spaces were to have been partly funded by the “Ward Committee” who have a delegated budget of around £50,000 a year. Initially it was hoped that lay-bys would be provided in 2016 but this didn’t happen.
A report to a recent meeting has now confirmed that none of the 2017/18 financial year laybys will be completed before November 2018 at the earliest.
To add to transport pressures on the estate, the Council is also considering major redevelopment plans for the Lincoln Court/Windsor House site which could further add to parking and congestion problems on estate roads.
Inadequate parking provision has led to access problems for larger vehicles and the bus service.
The planning application gives details of a contamination survey that have been completed on the site together within internal layout plans for the bungalows.
Objectors to the planning application – who can ask that the planning committee impose a Section 106 agreement requiring the developer to fund 28 alternative parking spaces before any work commences – should be Emailed to the Council at planning.comments@york.gov.uk quoting reference 18/00410/GRG3 before 11th April.
Green bin collections start on Easter Monday
City of York Council is reminding residents that garden waste collections start again from Easter Monday (2 April).
The collections from nearly 67000 homes will run fortnightly until late November.
Last year City of York Council collected just under 13000 tonnes of garden waste from York homes. All this waste is turned into compost, with some for sale at Hazel Court household waste recycling centre.
Councillor Andrew Waller, deputy Leader of City of York Council with responsibility for the environment, said:
“We run the green bin service when residents do most of their gardening, so Easter Monday is a great time to start this year’s collections.
“For those without a green bin, we offer discounted home compost bins and or they can take garden waste to one of our household waste recycling centres.
“We’d also like to remind all residents that, especially after we make a major change like reintroducing garden waste, the times of collections can change. So please put your bins or boxes out before 7am on your collections day.”
Black bin and recycling collections also continue on the bank holidays.
You can check your bin day on your collection calendar, or online at www.york.gov.uk/refuselookup
You can also get free reminders of all your waste and recycling collections to your smartphone or tablet. Just download the One Planet York app for apple or android.
Residents without a green bin are also able to take garden waste to Hazel Court and Towthorpe Household Waste Recycling Centres. Alternatively, the council offers a special discounted rate on home compost bins. Go to www.york.gov.uk/composting