Latest planning application for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning application received by the York Council for the Westfield ward. 

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference 


Acomb Sports and Social Club, The Green, York

| Erection of single storey recreational building with associated external works and car parking

Ref. No: 19/02690/FUL 

This application has not formally been publicised yet, but details are on the Councils planning web site.

If approved it would see the York Bridge Club move from their premises in Holgate into Westfield. As such it would be the first new leisure facility that the area would gain after a decade which has seen the closure of several local amenities including the bowling club, football pitches at Lowfields, the multi user games area etc.

The single storey building itself is unlikely to be controversial but the site selected is currently allocated, in planning documents, as open sports space. It was last used as tennis courts some 20 years ago.

If the Bridge Clubs current premises in Holgate Road were to be converted into residential accommodation, then it is likely that this would weigh in the balance.

A planning decision is likely in the spring.

Existing Club and proposed new site
Proposed layout

Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Hydro electric power generation scheme at Naburn set to be approved

The Councils planning committee is being recommended to approve an application which would see York see its first modern hydro electric power generation on the river Ouse.

The generators would be sited near Naburn Lock.

The proposal comprises two Archimedes screw turbines, a multi-species fish pass, a turbine house building, hydraulic channels, trash screening and access improvements. The scheme is expected to generate a peak power output of less than 500kW and an average annual energy production of 1.2 GWh. The applicant states that this is sufficient to power around 310 homes and provides an effective CO2e saving of around 620 tonnes per year.

The intake would be situated within the island Application Reference Number: 18/02552/FUL Item No: 4b bank just upstream of the weir, with water passing through coarse trash screening before arriving at the sluice gates and turbine house. The screw turbines would discharge into an outfall channel that re-joins the main river just downstream of the weir. A new fish pass will be constructed along the left-hand side of the hydropower scheme.

Naburn Lock is located on the River Ouse in a rural location to the south of Naburn village. The construction of the locks took place in 1757 and 1888 and has created an island upon which is located the workshops, stores and offices associated with the operation and maintenance of the lock. There was formerly a water mill on the island (constructed between 1813 and 1817) which fell out of use around 1955 and was demolished in 1958.

The locks themselves are listed at Grade II (“Old and New Lock”). Directly to the east lies the Naburn Banqueting House, a vacant Grade II listed building, together with the lock keeper’s house. Access to the site is along a single track road from Naburn Lane, which also serves the Naburn Lock caravan park, located to the east.

Naburn Lock is accessible to members of the public and there is a car park and information board at the end of the access road.

The application will be determined on 16th January

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Former Lowfield School Dijon Avenue York

Condition 24 of 17/02428/FULM

Ref. No: AOD/19/00414 

Relates to sewer adoption


Acomb Bowling Club Front Street York YO24 3BZ

Conditions 10, 14, 16, 17 & 18 of 18/00586/FULM

Ref. No: AOD/19/00410 

Relates to access arrangements for refuse vehicles, landscaping (see plan), drainage, road construction and cycle parking.

Front Street Bowling Club land landscaping plan


94 Askham Lane York YO24 3HP

Single and two storey side extension

Ref. No: 19/02550/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Former Lowfield School Dijon Avenue York

Condition 26 of 17/02428/FULM

Ref. No: AOD/19/00411 

  1. This relates to sewer easements


Grass Verge Greenwood Grove York

Crown lift Oak protected by Tree Preservation Order no. 26

Ref. No: 19/02602/TPO 


64 Moorgate York YO24 4HJ

Single storey front and side extensions and dormer to rear

Ref. No: 19/02551/FUL 


Friends Meeting House The Green Acomb York YO26 5LR

Installation of insulated render to rear elevation with associated alterations

Ref. No: 19/02519/FUL 


Acomb Flooring Company Limited 53A Front Street York YO24 3BR

Change of use from retail (A1) to Pilates studio (D2)

Ref. No: 19/02488/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Building work starting at Lowfields

Building work has started on the controversial Lowfield housing development.

The houses are being built on a playing field without any accessible alternative facility being made available by the York Council.

It has also been revealed that Yorspace has still not completed the purchase of the “communal housing” development site which is located near little Tudor Road.

The purchase from the Council was due to take place in September according to an EIR/FOI response (ref. IGF/16163) published by the York Council in August. There had been some controversy over the sale, as the purchase price agreed by the Council (£300,000) was pitched at a level well below the amount being asked for other building land in the same area.

Despite this, officials say that the sale is still “with solicitors”.

NB. The Council owned access to the site from little Tudor Road is currently blocked by what appears to be an abandoned mini bus.

Still no profits at Spark

The Council has confirmed that the promised profit share on the Spark container village development on Piccadilly has still not materialised.

Spark York

Payments should have been made at the end of the last financial year.

Only one single “rent” payment of £13,333.33 has been received by the Council.

In their original pitch to the Council in 2016, the operators promised a share of the profits on the project which were expected to more than cover the £40,000 costs of the Council providing mains services to the site.

No explanation for the failure to make a payment has been published nor is there any item on the Council forward decision-making programme which would suggest when an explanation may be forthcoming.

It is estimated that, had the site simply been used for car parking, the Council would have received around £200,000 in income over the last 3 years.

The containers are due to be removed in June 2020 although the Council has been very slow to market the availability of the site for permanent redevelopment.

There have been ongoing problems on the site with several planning conditions not being observed.

Over £4000 in Business Rate payments are also owed to the Council.

Business rates at Spark FOI Reef IGF/13909

NB. Under EU regulations, which are still expected to apply after 31st January 2020, government bodies are specifically prohibited from subsidising private companies.

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward. 

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference 


22 Wetherby Road Acomb York YO26 5BT

Two storey rear and single storey side and rear extension 

Ref. No: 19/02489/FUL


Gateway Centre

The Gateway Centre Front Street York YO24 3BZ

Installation of replacement windows 

Ref. No: 19/02354/LBC 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Local Plan public hearing

The examination in public of  York’s Draft Local Plan has commenced. It is taking place in the Gimcrack Room at York Racecourse.

There is a large seating space allocated for the general public.

The sessions recommence at 9.00am on Monday when the Green Belt boundaries are likely to be considered at length.

This week the inquiry has mainly considered the position of several land owners and developers all of whom are desperate for their particular track of land to be zoned for house building. Such a designation can raise values by over 100x so not surprisingly those vested interests are well represented by professionals. Millions of pounds are at stake.

Ranged against them is the York Council as its advisors. It will defend the assumptions included in the Local Plan which has taken over a decade to be drawn up.

Actively involved in the debate will be amenity societies, Councillors and ordinary residents. Many will make the case for the conservation of green areas pointing to the importance of the existing Green Belt in preserving York’s unique character.

At times, such inquires can be tedious and repetitive.

Although the proceedings are not being live web cast, the Council is making a recording available on

This important meeting has been overshadowed by the General Election and the forthcoming Christmas season.

It would be unfortunate, to say the least, if anything slipped through unchallenged which the City as a whole might regret later in the year.  

Further details about the examination can be found here

Lowfields care home set to be ditched

It looks increasingly likely that the Council will abandon its attempt to find a developer who is prepared to provide and run an elderly persons care home on the Lowfields site.

Current Lowfield development plan

Part of the old school building section of the site has been reserved for the provision of a new care home since 2010.

It was announced earlier in the year that no tenders had been received for provision of the home

The Councils own resources are tied up in other projects including the Lincoln Court redevelopment (see below).

A report to a meeting next week says that the greatest demand for older people is for independent living one bedroomed flats and bungalows. Some of these are already schedule to be built at Lowfields but it seems that more may now be provided on the reserved care home site.

Such a decision would be in line with the plans announced in 2010 but it is unlikely to impress those who have been affected by the indecision of the last 10 years. .

A Council report published yesterday says,

The planning approval for the Lowfield Green development includes outline approval for an 80-bed care home. It had originally been envisioned that a care home developer would be procured to build on the site, with the Council buying 25 dementia and Nursing care beds back at the Council’s Actual Cost of Care rates.

A procurement exercise to deliver this failed to attract any compliant bids.

At a similar time, Officers were completing research with our older residents about their accommodation preferences.

This research highlights residents desire to live independently with care and support available where needed. Officers have since been working to establish how best to develop Older Persons’ Accommodation on the site, which will support those with care needs and also complement the surrounding high-quality mixed tenure accommodation.

A report is expected to be presented to the executive in spring 2020”.

Care home site

The change of approach is the latest in a series of reverses which have affected the controversial development. Residents strongly opposed building on the sports pitch at the site.

The Council responded by offering inducements including a local Police station and health centre. Neither materialised.

Plans for a “communal” housing development are also in delay.

Work on building houses on the sports pitch section of the site are expected to start in January, although its is now thought that building works, across the whole site, may continue for 5 years or longer.  

We revealed yesterday that the Council is also set to abandon its plans to build a new care home on the Oakhaven site.

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

 Below are the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward. 

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference 


Co-operative Retail Services Ltd 6 Beagle Ridge Drive York YO24 3JQ

Replacement of existing refrigeration plant and redecoration of shopfront 

Ref. No: 19/02476/FUL 

The planning application states, “The proposed replacement plant is to facilitate ongoing sustainability initiatives within the Co-op Group providing smaller, quieter, and more efficient plant across local convenience stores. The shop front redecoration work is to facilitate ongoing sustainability initiatives within the Co-op group providing maintenance, upkeep and branding requirements across the local stores.

The new replacement plant will have minimal visual impact on site as it is to be installed within the existing fenced compound at the existing location to the rear service yard. The shop front redecoration will improve the visual impact on site providing freshness to the existing deteriorating and discolouring paintwork to the façade, window and door frames”.

Plans for improvements to Coop on Beagle Ridge Drive


Former Lowfield School Dijon Avenue York

Condition 3417/02428/FULM 

Ref. No: AOD/19/00391 

NB. Condition 34 of planning permission ref 17/02428/FULM reads

“34 Prior to the commencement of the development hereby authorised above foundation level a scheme for the provision of affordable housing units within the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

The development shall thenceforth be undertaken in strict accordance with the details thereby approved prior to the first residential unit being occupied”.

Strangely the papers published for this specific application on the Councils planning web site do not include a listing of the affordable housing units or their distribution on the site, although these details are available elsewhere.


Lincoln Court Ascot Way York YO24 4RA

Variation of condition 2 of permitted application 19/00083/FULM to provide additional windows and alter fire exit arrangements within the north eastern elevation and stairwell and external air conditioning unit at first floor level on eastern elevation. 

Ref. No: 19/02440/FUL 

Lincoln Court


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

NB. The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received