Free childcare reminder

Parents of toddlers in York are being reminded to check out whether they’re eligible for free childcare.

From 1 January over 585 two-year-olds in York are eligible for up to 15 hours of free childcare a week at a playgroup, day nursery or with a childminder as part of a national initiative.

Parents, who earn no more than £16,190 a year and receive Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credit or Income Support, could be eligible for a free childcare place. Two-year-olds, who are looked after by the council automatically qualify for a place.

Since September 2014, children with special educational needs, those who have been adopted or with a residency/special guardianship order also qualify for a place.

The free places are available to children who are two years of age and whose parents fulfil the criteria. The places can be taken up the term after the child’s second birthday.

Parents can apply on line at or to find out more call the Family Information Service on 01904 554444 or text ‘’free place’ to 07624 802244.

Information Day for York Families

City of York Council’s Children’s Centres are inviting local families to find information and advice on training, education, jobs, childcare, finances and volunteering at a special event later this month (Wednesday 21 January).

Held at The Avenues Children’s Centre, Sixth Avenue, Tang Hall,  the Aspire event will run from 1pm-4pm and is open to all families across the city.

York Stars perform for exclusively for care home residents

A young people’s theatre group has devised, written, produced and performed a short play for residents of the city’s care homes.

The York Stars, a small, local theatre company specialising in community-based productions, was one of four organisations to receive a grant through the Community Play fund. The £90,000 fund was set up to provide fun, stimulating play opportunities, activities and events for children and young people, as well as their parents and carers, within the local community. The programme was managed by Your Consortium on behalf of the council.

Around 20 young people were involved in the project, which got under way at Easter. They put together their own performance, entitled The volcano in Ashraino, writing and directing the play themselves, before embarking on a tour of four residential care homes during the autumn of 2014. They performed at Oakhaven, Willow House, Red Lodge and Dower Court, for almost 60 residents in all.

To view a review of the scheme click

To find out more about the projects being funded through City of York Council’s Community Play fund click here 

Cornlands Park entrance to be closed?

The Council is consulting residents about the possibility of gating one of the entrances to the Cornlands Road park.

Cornlands Park entrance closure proposal click to enlarge

Cornlands Park entrance closure proposal click to enlarge

The proposal comes after complaints about noise and vandalism from some residents.
Entrance to Cornlands Park 2
 Closure of the access would remove one of the potential “escape routes”

Following the work of the local residents association in getting new play equipment installed, the park is beginning to be more of an asset for the area.

However there are still problems with litter and the poop scoop bin needs to be replaced.

Some residents wish to see the area secured after nightfall.


Work to support ‘troubled families’ in York recognised

Almost 300 vulnerable families in York have received help and support to turn their lives around according to figures released by the government today (22 December).

Figures released by the Department for Communities and Local Government show that 282 families have been helped by York’s Family Focus Team, which works with families with multiple and complex needs. Their work involves resolving truanting and antisocial behavioural problems, helping family members tackle addiction or get back into employment.

Families identified as ‘troubled’ by the government are characterised by having no adult in the family working, children not being in school and family members being involved in crime and anti-social behaviour.

Young people offered cheap bus travel over Christmas period

York is making it easier for young people to travel around the city this Christmas with a holiday special offer lowering the price of an All York ticket to just £1.30 for the day.YOzone_11-16

From Saturday 20 December until Sunday 4 January children aged 11-16 who are travelling with a YOZone card will be able to purchase the reduced price ticket, which will enable them to travel all day on any York bus.

Alongside this new Smart YOZone cards are being sent to young people across the city who are already signed up to the scheme.

The new system will allow for quicker boarding and cut down on the occasional misuse of the cards. People will be able to use the cards as soon as they receive them and all buses will be able to accept them in Smart mode by early 2015.

For more information on travelling in and around York visit

Key exam results success for York children

KS2Liberal Democrat Councillors have welcomed government figures released today (11 December) which show that York pupils are continuing to perform above the national average in their Key Stage 2 tests, ranking the city’s results second only to those of the East Riding in Yorkshire and Humber.

The Department for Education (DfE) published the final results for the June 2014 Key Stage 2 tests for 11 year olds. For York, these results show that:

Results at Level 4+ (the expected level of achievement for 11 year olds) : 79% of pupils achieved level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths (in line with the national average).

Results at Level 5+ (the higher level): 25% of pupils achieved level 5 or above in reading, writing and maths (1 percentage point above the national average).