York schools’ attendance is among UK’s highest

Attendance at City of York Council’s schools for 2013-2014 continues to be amongst the very best nationally, according to figures released by the Department for Education (DfE), with York returning the UK’s lowest number of persistent absentees for primary schools.


Data published on Friday 26 March for the first five half terms of 2013-14, shows that York is the UK’s joint second best-performing local authority for primary school attendance at 96.7%. City of York Council primary schools also had the joint lowest numbers nationally for persistent absentees at 1.3%.

This excellent performance was also reflected in secondary schools with attendance at 95.4%, placing York in the 20 top-performing local authorities out of 150 councils. The percentage of pupils in secondary schools regarded as persistent absentees was City of York Council’s lowest since records began with only 4.6% counting as persistent absentees.

Currently any pupil who is absent for 15% or more of their sessions is regarded as a persistent absentee, however from September 2015 this will change so that pupils with absence of 10% or more will count as a persistent absentee.

Pupils who miss between 10 per cent and 20 per cent of school tend to have lower attainment levels than average, with only 35 per cent achieving five A* to C GCSEs, including English and maths.

Jon Stonehouse, Director of Children’s Services, Education and Skills at City of York Council, said: “The work of teaching staff, police and council partners in the health sector as well as parental commitment all contribute to this excellent outcome which helps ensure that children overcome any barriers to attendance and have access to a good education. I would encourage any parent concerned about issues that they feel may lead to their child missing lessons to contact their school straight away.”

Westfield school receives national recognition for work with ‘disadvantaged’ pupils

Three primary schools in York have received a letter from a Government Minister recognising their work with ‘disadvantaged’ pupils.

Westfield school

Westfield school

Clifton Green Primary, Poppleton Road Primary and Westfield Primary schools all received a congratulatory letter from David Laws, Minister for Schools, following the excellent results of their disadvantaged pupils.

To receive a letter of congratulations, schools had to show:

  • consistent high attainment of their disadvantaged pupils between 2012 and 2014 in reading, writing and maths;
  • that high proportions of their disadvantaged pupils are making the expected progress in reading, writing and maths;
  • consistently high or improving attainment for other pupils;
  • that they got a ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ rating in their latest Ofsted inspection.

Schools in York are working with the council, and a wider range of partners, to close the attainment gap between the results of disadvantaged pupils and their peers.

Tracey Ralph, Headteacher at Westfield Primary School, said: “The letter was specifically about Key Stage 2 test results, but we are successful with pupils sustained improvements in standards and it is lovely for the staff to receive recognition for all their hard work, along with our parents, community and governors who have helped our children achieve this. ”

Looked After Children get new interactive web tool to help shape their care

Children and young people who are being ‘Looked After’ by City of York Council will find it even easier to make their views and wishes known in the future thanks to a new interactive web tool.

Childrens Ipad

The council is using a web-based consultation tool called ‘Viewpoint’ to help children and young people express their wishes, feelings and experiences during their time in care. Viewpoint uses questionnaires with graphics and games to help young people aged five and over to answer questions and think about what they might want to change about their care and support. The tool will also collate and compare the child’s answer to previous responses, highlighting any particularly positive or worrying changes to social care staff.

Nik Flavell, Principal Advisor, Children’s Social Care, City of York Council, said: “Viewpoint represents a significant improvement in consulting with children and young people. While an electronic tool can never take away the importance of face-to-face contact, the interactive nature of the site will help children and young people to consider their care in their own time and in private, helping them to express what is concerning or worrying them, as well as things that are working well. It is part of a real drive to put the voice of the child and young person, their views, wishes and feelings, at the heart of all that is done to care and support them.”

Creative Apprenticeships and Internships “gets a boost”

In National Apprenticeship Week, City of York Council is calling on businesses to apply for funding to create Apprenticeship and Internships across the city.

Businesses in the creative and cultural sector still have the opportunity to benefit from the funding and recruitment service offered by City of York Council and could receive up to £3500 to fund an apprentice and £2500 to fund an intern.

Following a £185,000  loss on the Grand Departy  last year, the Council is now offering apprenticeships in "event management"

Following a £185,000 loss on the Grand Departy last year, the Council is now offering apprenticeships in “event management”

In October 2014 City of York Council announced that it received funding of £90,750 to help businesses create opportunities for young people in the creative and cultural sector and there is still time for businesses to apply.

The funding, from Arts Council England and administered by Creative & Cultural Skills, will be used to help create 40 new job opportunities for young people aged 16-24, who are keen to get their first step on the career ladder and support the growth of creative and cultural organisations in the city. Funding will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis and all jobs must start by 31 March 2016.

Roles that could be created could include opportunities in; Event Management, Arts Administration, Technical Theatre, Archives and Library, Marketing and Stage Management, as well as functions such as administration, finance and catering.

Current organisations who have signed up to the scheme include: York Theatre Royal, Jorvik Viking Centre, Explore York Libraries and Archives and other small independent theatre groups, galleries and arts organisations. For more information on the programme contact Becky Solomon, Business Engagement Assistant on becky.solomon@york.gov.uk or call 01904 554341.

Askham Lane residents petition for pedestrian crossing

Residents are looking forward to welcoming back the lollipop lady to the crossing point on Askham Lane shortly.

To help her—and make crossing safer throughout the whole of the day—parents have asked Andrew Waller to push for the installation of a pedestrian crossing..

petition form - click

petition form – click

Copies of the petition can be obtained by ringing Andrew on York 337757 or by downloading from here http://tinyurl.com/Askham

The campaign is also aimed at improving  parking discipline  where pedestrians are being put at risk

The petition reads

For many years the community has benefitted from a school crossing patrol on Askham Lane but since Christmas the council has not been able to provide this, and residents are concerned that there is  risk to pedestrians (young and old) on what is a very busy road.

We the undersigned request that a pedestrian crossing is established at the crossing point on Askham Lane to Westfield School. This is to assist with the safe crossing by residents, especially school children, on this busy road.


Public services in York getting worse this year – official

Little attention has been given to a report to tomorrows Cabinet meeting which shows a marked decline in the quality of some public services in York

Graffiti taking longer to remove

Graffiti taking longer to remove

It is taking the Council between 2 and 3 days to clean graffiti now – almost double the time taken two years ago

The number of York residents on the housing waiting list has increase from 1344 to 1439 over recent months It is still low compared to historical levels (because many applicants were struck off the list last year by the Council)

Only 62% of tenants are satisfied now with the Council as a landlord. To a degree this reflects the lack of investment in the Council estates across the City (a LibDem regeneration plan was voted down last week by the Labour/Green coalition)

Customer satisfaction with the quality of streets and public places has slipped below 50% as has satisfaction with green spaces.

Only 48% think that the Council is tackling anti social behaviour well.

Fewer residents (12%) are now “volunteering”

The number of people aged over 65 admitted to residential and nursing care homes had risen to 767 (per 100k population) by the end of last year. Numbers are increasing again this year.

By December 27 residents were victims of delayed discharges from hospital. Of these 15 were down to York Council care failings.

Waste going to landfill increasing

Waste going to landfill increasing

The Council is failing its waste management targets. Consequently taxpayers will foot an increased £3.7million landfill tax bill.

Stage carriage bus use in the City is stable.  The Council refuses to publish monthly figures indicating the number of buses running on time (was 84% last year according to DoT figures)

Latest “behind closed doors” decisions by York Council

Behind closed doors logoHolgate Road cycle lane

Parking is to be removed and cycle lanes installed on the uphills section of Holgate Road between Poppleton Road and Watson Street.

Some currently unrestricted carriageway will become Respark spaces.

Click here for diagram showing the proposals

Osbaldwick Lane – extension of 20 mph zone with traffic calming

Click here for map of (revised at annex B) plans

Millthorpe Secondary School – School Keep Clear

Making an Order will allow enforcement of the existing School Keep Clear zig-zag markings, to prevent dangerous parking by the entrance at school times and therefore improve safety for pupils.

Click here for a copy of the plan

Archbishop Holgate’s School – Proposed School Keep Clear and No Waiting At Any Time Traffic Regulation Orders

Click here for copy of plan (annex B)

Pinch Point Scheme, A19 South Transport Corridor – Phase 1 (Designer Outlet/Fulford area)

Click  here for proposed revised layout


York Music Centre expands

A new weekend session for children and young people has been added by York Music Centre to its programme at Millthorpe School.

York Music Centre, run by York Arts Education and part of City of York Council, will offer a variety of choirs, ensembles, orchestras and tuition sessions each Saturday morning.

The session has moved from Canon Lee School and allows York Music Centre to consolidate provision with its Wednesday evening session at Millthorpe School from the end of February.

From Saturday 28 February, from 9.15am, York Music Centre will offer group music-making opportunities to children and young people aged 3 to 18 of all abilities.
These include top level ensembles such as Concert Band, Big Band and the Symphony Orchestra, entry level groups like Overture (for 3-5 year olds), WOW Band (for any instrumental beginners), Young Voices which helps develop singing and listening skills and World of Rhythm, run by Billy Hickling from the internationally acclaimed STOMP!
An adult choir is also available for parents and friends who don’t want to miss out on the fun.

York Family Information service celebrate turning 15!

City of York Council’s award winning York Family Information Service (FIS) is celebrating 15 years of supporting families in York this year.

The milestone comes at a time when the Labour led Council is considering major cuts to children’s services including the popular children s centers. The scale of the reductions will be decided at a meeting next week.

Liberal Democrat Councillors will be opposing the cuts.

York FIS is a free and impartial information service for mums, dads and carers of children and young people aged 0-19 (or up to 25 for disabled children), providing help with family life.This ranges from childcare to toddler groups to youth clubs to support for a child with a disability.
The YorOK website provides advice about childcare, children’s centres, parenting, disabilities and additional needs and much more. It’s also possible to search the  directory which has information about groups or services that may be helpful to families in York.
If you’re a mum, dad or carer, and have a question but don’t know where to go, then call 01904 554444 or email fis@york.gov.uk or for a face-to-face chat visit the council’s West Offices.

For more information about York FIS visit http://www.yor-ok.org.uk/