Today is polling day in Westfield
There are six polling stations
KA Sanderson Court Community House, Bramham Road, Chapelfields, York.
KB Acomb Parish Church Hall, Front Street, Acomb, York.
KC Westfield Primary Community School, Askham Lane, York.
KD Welly Boots Creche, Energise, Cornlands Road. York.
KE Hob Moor Community Primary School, Green Lane, York.
KF Foxwood Community Centre, Cranfield Place, York.
You do not need your polling card to vote. Simply attend the polling station and give the presiding officer your name and address.
If you are in doubt about whether you are on the electoral register please give us a ring (York 794111) and we will check for you
There are a total of 13 candidates contesting the three vacant Councillor positions in the ward.
The three Liberal Democrat candidates are
- Sue Hunter
- Sheena Jackson
- Andrew Waller
Any LibDem supporter requiring a lift to the polls should ring York 701727 (Foxwood York 794111) between the hours of 10:00am and 9:00pm. The polls close at 10:00pm
On arrival at the polling station you will be given two separate ballot papers.
There are 7 candidates contesting the parliamentary seat.
- The Liberal Democrat Candidate is Nick Love