Dog fouling, lack of parking, rubbish and litter top concerns
Most York Council tenants continue to be satisfied with the quality of their home and the repairs and maintenance service.
Estates increasingly neglected
However many remain dissatisfied with the opportunities available to influence management decisions.
And only 44% were satisfied with the final outcome of complaints that they had made.
However, the most significant result to be revealed, by the Councils annual survey of tenant’s views, comes on satisfaction levels with conditions on local estates.
The satisfaction level is down by 5%.
This comes as little surprise with many estates beginning to look neglected.
Weed growth, potholed bitmac, damaged verges and neglected communal areas all add up to an increasingly depressing environment.
The report on the survey results was taken to another behind closed doors meeting last week.
The report candidly admits,
“Customers have delivered a clear message that their estate services require attention. As well as a decrease in those very satisfied or fairly satisfied, there has a 5% increase in those very dissatisfied or fairly dissatisfied (10% 2012: 15% 2013)”.
The Labour Councillor with responsibility for Housing (Simpson Laing) failed to order any action which might stop the decline.
Tenant satisfaction results click to enlarge