Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below is the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


Scope 61 York Road Acomb York YO24 4LN

Formation of new access to first floor flat to include external door in existing shop front

Ref. No: 18/00966/FUL 


61 Gladstone Street Acomb York YO24 4NQ

Change of use from dwelling (use Class C3) to House in Multiple Occupation (use Class C4)

Ref. No: 18/00856/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Try again – More bee friendly plants to give away at 10:00am this morning

Following last weeks wash out, volunteers will again be at the Community Garden on Bellhouse Way this morning to give away the remaining stock of bee friendly plants. 

Start at 10:00am. First come, first served!

The Foxgloves gardening group will also be working in the garden so any offers of help wold be appreciated.

York’s free WiFi network reaches Acomb’s Front Street

York’s Cityconnect WiFi has expanded its network out to the suburbs this week, as Acomb’s Front Street has gone live to join the city-wide network.

Front Street serves as a strategic location for the expanding network as it sits central to the suburb of Acomb which is home to a population of over 22,000.


This, the latest CityConnect expansion, incorporates Front Street into a network covering York’s city centre, Bishopthorpe Road and all 6 of the city’s Park & Ride terminals. This is in addition to the public WiFi available in 14 libraries and 41 council owned buildings.

The CityConnect wireless connection is available 24/7, 365 days of the year, and is completely free to log in to and use. The expansion of CityConnectWiFi comes at no cost to the city’s council and helps to further develop York as a digital city. The network allows those who pass through the public space to access the network from their phone, tablet or any other wireless device and can support high quality streaming services such as BBC iPlayer.

This latest expansion of the CityConnect WiFi, is one of many initiatives which have taken place over the past few years to further York’s digital infrastructure.

July decision day for Front Street investment

Front Street

According to the Councils latest forward programme, proposals to improve the Front Street area will be considered at a meeting taking place on 3rd July.

The report follows on from earlier decisions on how the Councils available investment budget would be allocated.

One of the decisions was to allocate £100,000 to be spent on regenerating the Front Street and Haxby shopping areas.

At the time, the allocation was criticised as being too small to make much difference.

Last year, residents were consulted about how they would like to see the shopping area upgraded.

The most popular improvement was a proposal to provide a “level” surface across the whole of the pedestrian area.

This would potentially include the (privately owned) shops forecourts. We said at the time that this would need the involvement of a dedicated project manager who would have to negotiate agreements with several landlords. Whether improvements of this scale will be included in the July package remains to be seen.

Front Street back lane

The second most supported change, by residents, was improved management of litter and rubbish. There have been ongoing problems with litter and dumpingt in the back lane behind Front Street.

Many residents also wanted to see street furniture refurbished. Some progress has been made on this with cycle racks now added to the painting programme.

As we reported earlier in the week, there are some signs that Front Street is becoming more popular with traders. The number of empty properties has reduced, The Acomb Alive traders group now produces a 6 monthly magazine which has a wide distribution, while the Saturday markets continue to attract shoppers.

What is now needed is a bold and decisive approach to investment in the public realm

What’s on in York: Sensory Play – Make a Noise in Libraries

Bookstart Bear Logo JuneAcomb Explore Library :

Tue 5 Jun :

10.0am – 11.30am :


Come and celebrate National Bookstart Week and make a Noise in libraries 2018 at York Libraries.

In this session we will listen to the National Bookstart Week book “A Busy Day for Birds” by Lucy Cousins and then enjoy some sensory and tactile play.

This is a free event, no need to book just turn up and join in the fun.

What’s on in York: Baby Sensory event at York Explore tomorrow (Tuesday)

Bookstart Bear Logo June

York Explore Library :

Tue 5 Jun :

10.00am – 10.30am :


Come and celebrate National Bookstart Week at York Libraries.

Baby Sensory is an award winning baby development programme specifically designed for babies from birth to 13 months.  The sessions include a wide range of activities, such as music, puppet shows, fibre optic light shows and visual stimulation, which encourage your baby’s development while having lots of fun!

Free booking essential, call any library to book your place.

Latest planning applications for the Westfield Ward

Below is the latest planning applications received by the York Council for the Westfield ward.

Full details can be found by clicking the application reference


117 Chapelfields Road York YO26 5AD

Single storey side and rear extension.

Ref. No: 18/00788/FUL 


Representations can be made in favour of, or in objection to, any application via the Planning on line web site.

The Council now no longer routinely consults neighbours by letter when an application is received

Book your place at York’s latest Nordic Walking course

There’s still time to book your place at City of York Council’s latest Learn to Nordic Walk course.

Nordic Walking is one of the fastest growing activities in the UK and at the end of the course participants will receive a Nordic Walking UK Freedom Card, which will enable them to attend Nordic Walking groups anywhere in the UK, including several in the York area.

The course starts on Friday 22 June and sessions will take place every Friday for four weeks from 10am until 11am, meeting at the Rowntree Park Reading Café and residents are being urged to book in advance so they don’t miss out

The cost of the course is £25, and booking is essential as places are limited. Nordic Walking poles will be provided to all participants.

Residents can book their place by calling 01904 553377 or emailing
