Last week in west York in picture 15th October


Cllr Sue Hunter joined residents to clear away vegetation which was blighting the Dijon Avenue amenity area

Cllr Sue Hunter joined residents to clear away vegetation which was blighting the Dijon Avenue amenity area

Andrew Waller reported detritus at the Gale Lane/Askham Lane junction

Andrew Waller reported detritus at the Gale Lane/Askham Lane junction

Sheena Jackson had an obstruction removed form a path in Foxwood

Sheena Jackson had an obstruction removed from a path in Foxwood

While nearby we asked for graffiti to be removed from the gable ends of two houses

While nearby we asked for graffiti to be removed from the gable ends of two houses

On Wednesday the Council staged the first of two exhibitions on their plans for the development of the Lowfields site. Few residents seem to have received a letter which the council claimed it had delivered in the area alerting people to the events. Residents reacted to the plans which can be seen at Acomb Explore Library. Visitors to the Library can fill in a short comments card. Concerns included increased traffic levels in the area and misleading claims about the provision of a "Police Station" on the site. Residents plan to issue their own publicity next week to try to encourage more people to attend Wednesday's meeting meeting

On Wednesday the Council staged the first of two exhibitions on their plans for the development of the Lowfields site. Few residents seem to have received a letter which the Council claimed it had delivered in the area alerting people to the events. The plans can currently be viewed at Acomb Explore Library. Visitors to the Library can also fill in a short comments card. Residents have already expressed concerns included increased traffic levels in the area and misleading claims about the provision of a “Police Station” on the site. Residents plan to issue their own publicity next week to try to encourage more people to attend next Wednesday’s meeting.

fire damaged car back Spurr Court 11th Oct 2016

Concerns about arson attacks continued. The Council moved quickly to remove the burnt out motorbike which had been dumped near Acomb Moor

Energise were on the lookout for a new assistant manager

Energise were on the lookout for a new assistant manager

The week ended with the School of the year Community Pride award going to Westfield Primary. Local school crossing patrol lady Sylvia Barker was also recognised.

The week ended with the “School of the Year” Community Pride award going to Westfield Primary. Local school crossing patrol lady Sylvia Barker was also recognised.

What’s on in York: National Poetry Day 6th October

National Poetry Day logo

A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language’ W.H. Auden

Join us for National Poetry Day 2016 as we flood York Explore with poetry!

National Poetry Day was founded in 1994 by William Sieghart, and has engaged millions of people across the country reading, writing and listening to poetry. The theme for National Poetry Day 2016 is Messages and Explore will be linking our celebration to Big City Read 2016


What’s on in York – Afternoon Tea with Helen Cadbury: To Catch a Rabbit

Homestead Park Pop-up Reading Cafe :
Thu 15 Sep : 2.30pm – 3.30pm :

Helen CadburyAfternoon tea with a difference is on offer in the marquee at Homestead Park Reading Cafe with freshly brewed tea, fabulous cakes and top quality conversation.

At this exclusive event author Helen Cadbury will talk about her award-winning book To catch a rabbit and her inspirations for writing it followed by a discussion and the opportunity to have your book signed.

£10 to include afternoon tea and a copy of the book.

There are a maximum of 15 tickets and can be booked at any library in York.

t : 07917599895 e : t :@HomesteadPark