Improving the private rented sector

On 17 October, a York Council committee will be updated on laws introduced last year which aim to better regulate the private rented sector in York.

dealing-with-bad-renters-and-landlords-390The new laws include two aimed at ensuring letting and property agents deal fairly with any complaints by landlords or tenants, and that all fees are clearly displayed in agents’ offices and on their websites.

Last year the council wrote to all the agents operating in the city advising them of the new laws and asking them to confirm in writing that they were complying with them. Nine who did not initially respond were visited by officers after which, it was established that all known agents were compliant.

In June this year, a random sample survey of six agents (10 per cent) was undertaken to ensure that the agents were still complying with the law. Two found to be non compliant, and penalty notices were issued in both cases. Officers are currently visiting the other city agents’ premises and a verbal update will be given at the meeting.

The third piece of legislation covers privately rented accommodation and requires landlords to have smoke alarms and, where necessary, carbon monoxide alarms in all accommodation that is rented privately.

The council worked with North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue to publicise the law to landlords and tenants and more than 260 free smoke alarms were provided for landlords to support compliance. Three tenant complaints have been investigated since the introduction.

The Executive Member will also be asked to consider the implementation of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 to confirm that the fines will remain at the maximum level of £5,000.

To find out more about the laws visit the council’s website or ring the Housing Standards and Adaptation team on 01904 552300 or email